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1、全部否定与部分否定 发表日期:2010年4月28日 年度:09-10 期刊:38 【编辑录入:ell】 广州城市职业学院人文学院 秦洁现代英语中的陈述句可分为肯定句(the affirmative)和否定句(the negative)。否定要注意否定的构成与否定范围。英语否定的构成形式多样,如:动词谓语的否定结构、动词非谓语形式的否定结构、通过副词构成的否定结构、通过词缀或介词等构成的形式肯定而语义否定的结构等。否定范围指否定词所涵盖的范围,主要有全部否定(full negation)和部分否定(local / partial negation)。本期将对全部否定与部分否定作详细介绍。小测:翻

2、译:(1) 不是所有的人都认为这个问题很紧急。(2) 没有人认为这个问题紧急。(3) 这两项任务无法同时完成。(4) 目前这两项任务都无法完成。(5) 你可以告诉孩子怎么做,但他不会总是听从。(6) 你可以告诉孩子怎么做,但是绝不会听。答案:Not all see the problem with the sense of urgency. (一部分人不认为那很紧急)Nobody sees the problem with the sense of urgency.The tasks cannot both be accomplished simultaneously. (其中一个任务完成不了

3、)Neither of the tasks can be accomplished at present.或Neither task can be accomplished at present.You can tell a child what to do, but he wont always obey. (有时听从,有时不听从)You can tell a child what to do, but he will never obey.小测中的、属于部分否定,而、属于全部否定。像nobody, neither, never这样否定句子的全部的为全部否定,而像not all, not b

4、oth, not always这样否定句子的一部分的为部分否定。一、全部否定(full negation)全部否定相对于部分否定而言,是对否定内容完全的否定。常用于全部否定的词(组)有:no, nor, none, never, neither, neither . nor ., nobody, nowhere, nothing,not at all, on no account, not in the least, by no means, in no way,如:There was no significant difference in the amount of enjoyment b

5、rought by social and relaxation activities. 社会活动和娱乐活动带来的乐趣在量上并没有明显的不同。注意:no修饰作表语的名词时否定语气很强烈,有时具有特殊含义。试比较:He is no composer.他绝非作曲家。(他根本不懂作曲)He is not a composer.他不是作曲家。(也许他懂作曲)As for the question of when the train would arrive, none of the clerks at the ticket office bothered to answer. 对于火车何时才能抵达这一问

6、题,售票处的职员个个都懒得回答。none是不定代词,意为“一个也没有,毫无”。In my opinion, on no account can we identify wealth with happiness. I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness. 依我看,无论如何我们也不能把财富和幸福等同起来。我还认为人们永远也不应该只依仗财富去获得幸福。on no account有“绝不、绝不可以”的意思,置于句首时句子要倒装,起强调作用。类似的短语还有:not in the le

7、ast, by no means, in no way等。二、部分否定(local / partial negation)部分否定的含义是“不都是,并不全是”,主要由代表全体意义的代词或副词与否定词not搭配使用来构成。部分否定的结构主要有以下三种:1.“代词+ not ”结构 这类代词有both, all, every, each, everyone, everything, everybody等,此结构在英语中使用最广泛。在美式英语中,把否定词not放在这些词前,以突出其部分否定的意思。如:Although the poor receive government compensation

8、for dialysis, not all patients in need of dialysis receive it. 尽管穷人可以得到政府对透析的补贴,但并不是所有需要透析的病人都能得到补贴。However, from the class observations and interviews, both P.E. teachers did not make any effort to increase girls level of skill. (= ., not both of the PE teachers made any effort to .) 然而,从课堂观察和访问中可以

9、看到,不是两位体育老师都花心思提高女生的技能。Every person cannot become a great artist, and only the gifted and diligent can create brilliant artistic works that touch the softest part of a human heart. (= Not every person can become a great artist .) 不是每个人都能成为伟大的艺术家,只有那些既有天赋又肯下功夫的人才能创造出触动人类心灵最柔软地方的美轮美奂的作品。 2.“not +副词” 结

10、构 表示全体意义的副词与否定词连用也可表示部分否定,如:not everywhere, not altogether, not always, not entirely, not exactly, not generally, not quite, not completely, not necessarily,如:The public and our political masters will eventually understand that popular measures are not necessarily good measures. 公众和我们的政治家们最终会明白,受欢迎的

11、措施未必都是好的。The biographies of scientists are not always good literature, but they have immense educational value. 科学家的传记并不总是优秀的文学作品,但它们有极大的教育价值。注意:在某些情况下的“not +副词” 结构中,如果副词在not前面,则表示有条件的全部否定。如:Unfortunately, ecologists are generally not inclined to think about oil or broader societal issues, even thou

12、gh these issues will greatly affect ecology in this century.不幸的是,一般情况下,生态学家们不愿意考虑石油或更广泛的社会问题,即使这些问题在本世纪将极大地影响生态。3. “not . and .”结构在此结构中,and连接两个状语、定语或表语等时,否定的往往是and后的部分,如:She didnt explain this passage correctly and clearly. 她对这篇文章解释得很正确,但不够清楚。In the improvised speech last night, he did not speak pas

13、sionately and systematically.在昨晚的即兴讲话中,他讲得很有激情,但条理性不够。如果用连词or来取代and,那么句子就成了全部否定,如:She didnt explain this passage correctly or clearly. 她对这篇文章既没有解释得很正确,也没有解释得很清楚。In the improvised speech last night, he did not speak passionately or systematically. 在昨晚的即兴讲话中,他讲得既没有激情,又没有条理。注意:否定词后边用and来连接两个并列的谓语成分时,no

14、t往往否定谓语,表示and所连接的两个动作不能同时发生,如:Dont drink and drive.不要醉酒驾车。You cant put on airs and make everyone like you. 你不能装腔作势来让每个人都喜欢你。练 练 吧一、翻译。1. The old house _ (并不十分理想).2. This film _ (有趣但无教育意义).3. I dont remember every word he said yesterday.4. Everyone is happy, but everyone does not know it.5. 你不必为你的军衔和

15、薪金担心。6. 这种研究一般并不是学术训练不可或缺的一部分。二、单项选择。1. Misfortune does _ wait on vice; _ is success the constant guest of virtue.A) entirely; neither B) not always; nor C) completely; even D) not generally; either2. As an ordinary person, you cant have _ in your life.A) anything B) nothing C) everything D) any things3. _ is this shift of behavior more dramatic than in courtship rituals.A) Nowhere B) EverywhereC) Nothing D) Everything4. I am sorry. But I simply cannot stay up night af


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