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1、人教PEP版四年级下册期末考试英 语 试 卷(时间:60分钟 总分:100分)I.判断下列单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写T,不相同的写F. (6分)( )1.scarf car ( )2. this these ( )3.tiger computer ( )4.put bus( )e hot ( )6.umbrella haveII.选出不同类的一项(10分)( )1.A.home B.school C.run ( )2.A.jacket B.warm C.glove( )3.A.them B.she C.us ( )4.A.thirty B.sixty C.fifth( )5.A.co

2、ld B.cheap C.expensive III.用所给的单词完成句子,将单词序号填在横线上。(10分)A. Where B. weather C . How many D. pretty E. want1.Good morning. This is the report. Its cool in Lhasa.2. is my skirt? Its on your bed.3. cows do you have? One hundred(百).4.Can I help you? Yes. I a pair of sunglasses.5.Look at that dress. Its .I

3、V.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Where _(be) the computer room?2._(this)are carrots.3.The library is on the _(three) floor.4.Is it hot and _(sun) in Shanghai?5.Those are _(my uncle) shoes.V.选择填空。(20分)( ) 1.-Is this _? -Yes,it is.A.you B. yours C. your( ) 2.-_? -Its ten yuan.A. How old is it ? B. How many ?

4、C. How much is it ?( )3.-Mom, I want this dress. -Oh, sorry. Its too_. A. expensive B. nice C. colour( )4.-What colour is it? -Its _A. blue B. cheap C .shirt( )5.- _ ? - Its cold.A. Whats this? B Whats the weather like today ? C. Whats the time? ( ) 6.They are _shoes. A. John B. Johns C. John is( )

5、7. The teachers office is _ the second floor. A. in B. to C. on( ) 8. We can see a lot of _. A. animals. B. potatos C. pig( ) 9. - What are those? -_. A. They are sheep. B. It is a sheep. C. They are sheeps.( ) 10. Its 9:30. Its time _ Chinese class. A. to B. for C. onVI.补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(10分)A:Look, t

6、his farm is so big. Are they goats?B:_ They are sheep.A. Yes,they are.B. What colour are the sheep?C. No,they arent.D. Thank you.E. How many cows are there at the farm?A:_ B:The sheep are white.A. Are they cows?B. _ They are black and white.A: _B:Twelve.A:Your farm is beautiful.B: _VII.连词成句,注意大小写。(1

7、0分)1. this I green shirt like ( .)_2. new where her book English is ( ? ) _3. football to play lets the and go playground (.) _4.students are how in many there class your(?) _5. fathers is where office your (?)_VIII.情景选择。(10分)1.( )你给别人带路时,你可以说:2.( )别人夸你的衣服漂亮时,你可以说:3.( )你想知道你要买的东西的价钱,可以问:4.( )妈妈问你书包里

8、有多少本书时,可以问:5.( )吃午饭的时候到了,你对奶奶说:6.( )你想出去玩,征求妈妈的意见时,可以问:7.( )你想知道纽约的天气,可以问:8.( )别人让你尝些葡萄,会说:9.( )你捡到一支钢笔,想知道是谁的,可以问:10.( )你看到弟弟穿着爸爸的衣服时,你会说:A.Whose is it? B.Thank you.C.Try some grapes,they are good.D.How many books are there in your schoolbag?E.This way,please. F.Can I go outside now?G.Its time for

9、lunch ,Grandma. H.How much are they? I.Youre funny. J.Whats the weather like in New York?IX.阅读理解。(14分) (A)Dear Granny,How are you? Thank you for your new sweater. How beautiful . I like the colour-orange very much.Now I am at my new school.Its a nice school.Trees are green.Flowers are red and yellow

10、.The school buildings are white and blue.We have a music room,an art room,a computer room,a canteen(食堂)and a library. I like the playground very much. Its so big and we can play football there.Oh,its four oclock in the afternoon.Its time for PE class.I have to stop here.Welcome to my school and welc

11、ome to my home!Love,Mike根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10分)( )1.Is Mike at home now?A. Yes,he is. B.No,he isnt. C.I dont know. ( )2.What colour is his new sweater?A. Its brown. B.Its yellow. C.Its orange. ( )3.How does he like the new school?A. Its small. B.Its nice. C.Its not so big. ( )4.What time is it now?A. Its 4:00 B.Its 5:00 C. Its 16:00 ( )5.Who does Mike write to?A. his grandma . B.


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