2023年五年级上英语单元试题Unit In a nature park人教pep无答案.docx

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1、Unit 6In a nature park 第一课时一,选出不同类的单词1()A.yellow B.red C.lake D.green2()A.above B.river C.beside D.behind3()A.forest B.hill C.mountain D.swim4()A.salad B.forest C.sandwich D.tea二,选择填空()1. a river in the park ?A.Are there B.There is C.Is there()2.Is there a lake in front of the mountain ? - .A.No,the

2、re is.B.Yes, there isnt. C.Yes,there is .()3.There a mountain near the river.A.am not B.isnt C.arent第二课时一,选择适当的单词不全对话A:There is a nature park near the house.B:Is there a in the park?A:No, there . B:Are any lakes in the park?A:Yes,there are.And there a river in the park.二,用下列字母组成单词补充句子1,Is there a (o

3、ntinamu) in the park?2,There is a (llhi) near the river.3,There are some (irevrs)near the forest. 第三课时一,完成句子There are some (建筑物), (树林), (房子)anda (桥)in my (村庄)。二,用所给句子适当形式填空1,(Be) there any lakes near the mountain? 2,Is there a tree near the river?-No, (there not).3,There are some (bridge) in my coun

4、try. 第四课一,连词成句1,quiet natureTheparkisso. 2,there buildings inAreanyparkthe? 3,arentpeople There many. 二,选择填空()1.Are there trees in the village?A.some B.a C.any()2.There tall buildings in the city.A.is B.be C.are()3.Are there any bridges your country?A.on B.of C.in()4.-Are there any lakes in the park

5、? -Yes, .A.there arent B.there is C.there are第五课时一,听音,将下列单词排序sound count mouse house about around wow cow( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二,划线部分读音相同打,不同打()1,house mouse cow()2,sound should wow()3,about funny above()4,count flower around 第六课时一,英汉互译1,房子的旁边有一些树。 2,Is there a river in the park? 3,自然公园里有高楼

6、吗?不,没有。 二,阅读短文,判断对错。对的写”T”,错的写”F”There is a nature park near the village.In the park there is a high mountain.There is a river in front of the mountain.And there are many ducks on the river.Beside the river there is a forest.The nature park is so nice.()1,There is a nature park beside the village.()2,There is a mountain in the park.()3,There is a lake in front of the mountain.()4,There are some fish in the river.第 页


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