Unit8 Days of the week[2].docx

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1、Unit8 Days of the week 南窑庄小学 赵霖教学目标:1.帮助学生掌握本单元的核心词汇:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。2.帮助学生学习一般现在时态中动词第三人称单数的用法。3.帮助学生用简单的句子描述一周七天的活动。教学重点:词汇: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。句型:Peter goes to the school library on Monday afternoon.教学难点:用句

2、子描述一周七天的活动。教具准备:多媒体课件教学过程:Pre-task preparations1. Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhao.2. Sing a songT: Lets sing a song together.While-task procedures1. Look and learn.T: How many days are there in a week?(出示一张日历)S1: There are seven days in a week.T: What are they? L

3、ets have a look together.2. Learn the new wordsT: This is the first day of the week. We can call it Monday.(同理学习其他单词)3. Lets chantMonday, Monday, Mon Mon Monday.Tuesday, Tuesday, Tues Tues Tuesday.Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednes Wednes Wednesday.Thursday, Thursday, Thurs Thurs Thursday.Friday, Friday,

4、Fri Fri Friday.Saturday, Saturday, Satur Satur Saturday.Sunday, Sunday, Sun Sun Sunday.4. Order and write出示四月份日历,让学生根据星期顺序排序。5. Read and completeWe go to school from _ to_. We dont go to school on _ or _.点拨:weekend 周末6. Watch and orderT: Who is he?S1: He is Peter.T: What does Peter do from Monday to

5、 Sunday? Lets have a look.看动画,给图片排序。7. Listen and read听录音,跟读课文。8. Read and complete根据课文内容,完成表格。TimeActivityMonday afternoon goes to the school library Tuesday afternoonplays basketball with his friendsWednesday and Thursdayplays chessFriday eveningplays gamesthe weekendgoes to the park讲解:第三人称单数动词的用法。Post-task activities1. Think and write根据教师提示,完成表格,并描述自己一周的活动。S1:On Monday, I play football.板书设计:Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday SundayPeter goes to the school library on Monday afternoon


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