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1、阅读理解训练题(四十五)AOur boat floated on , between walls of forest too thick to allow us a view of the land we were passing through , though we knew from the map that our river must from time to time be passing through chains of hills which crossed the jungle plains . Nowhere did we find a place where we co

2、uld have landed: where the jungle did not actually spread right down into the river , banks of soft mud prevented us going ashore . In any case , what would we have sailed by landing ? The country was full of snakes and other dangerous creatures , and the jungle so thick that one would be able to mo

3、ve forward only slowly , cutting ones way with knives the whole way . So we stayed in the boat , hoping that when we reached the sea , a friendly fisherman would pick us up and take us to civilization .We lived on fish , caught with a home-made net of string (we had no hooks ), and fruits and nuts w

4、e could pick up out of the water . As we had no fire , we had to eat everything , including the fish ,raw . I had never tasted raw fish before , and I must say I did not much enjoy the experience: perhaps sea fish , which do not live in the mud , are less tasteless . After eating my raw fish , I lay

5、 back and dreamed of such things as fried chicken and rice ,and ice-cream . In the never-ending damp heat of the jungle , ice-cream was a particularly frequent dream .As for water , there was a choice ; we could drink the muddy river water , or die of thirst . We drank the water . Men who have just

6、escaped what had appeared to be certain death lose all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water . In fact , none of us suffered from any illness as a result .One day we passed another village , but fortunately nobody saw us . We did not wish to risk being taken prisoners a s

7、econd time : we might not be so lucky to escape in a stolen boat again .56What they could see in the boat was only .Ahigh walls Bvillages from time to time Cvast land Dheavy woods 57They couldnt land because .Athe mud on the shore was too soft Bthe forest was too thick to let them go through Cthey c

8、ould not find the mark on the map Dthey could not find anyone 58The passage implies(暗示)that the forest was .Arich of fruits and fish to be served as food Bnot very thick as they could advance slowly by cutting the branches Cfull of various dangerous beings Dfull of ancient tress 59The best title for

9、 this passage might be .AEscape BExploration of A River CHow to Live on A Boat DA New Experience BAmy Tan , the American-born daughter of Chinese immigrants , received the Commonwealth Club Gold Award in 1989 for her first work of fiction , the best selling Joy Luck Club . The sixteen stories that m

10、ake up the work alternate(交替)the tales of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their Americanized daughters , in an exploration of the generational and cultural tensions (紧张关系)experienced by many first-generation daughters of immigrants . Tans parents , like many immigrants , had high expectations for

11、 their children and often set puzzling standards , expecting Amy and her two brothers to think like Chinese but to speak perfect English , be excellent at school work , and take advantage of every situation that might lead to success . Tan , however , rebelled (反叛)against her parents expectations an

12、d devoted herself to being thoroughly American and dreaming of being a fiction writer .Tan got a bachelors degree in English and linguistics(语言学)and a masters degree in linguistics and established herself as a highly successful business writer . Tan , however , was not satisfied in spite of her mate

13、rial success . Turning to her life long dream , she wrote her first short story , “ Endgame,” and then a second , “Waiting between the trees .” In 1987 Tan visited her half-sisters in China with her mother , a trip that proved to be a turning point in her life and career . Tan felt a sense of comple

14、teness , a tie with the country and its culture that she had never expected . Returning from China , Tan was surprised to learn that on the strength of her short stories she had received an advance from a publisher . Tan closed her business and wrote the remaining stories for the Joy Luck Club . It

15、was a great success , well received by the public and appearing on the New York Times bestseller list . It has been translated into seventeen languages , including Chinese , and was made into a movie in 1993 .60What is the writers main purpose in this passage ?ATo analyze(分析)Amy Tans works BTo support Amy Tans decision to become a fiction writer CTo present Amy Tans personal information DTo criticize Amy Tans rebellion against her parents 61According to the passage , Amy Tans visit to China .Awas disappointing Bhad a great pushing effect on her Cwas not surprising in the least Dwas a trip sh



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