人教版八年级下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter Section A 2a-2c教案(表格式)

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《人教版八年级下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter Section A 2a-2c教案(表格式)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版八年级下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter Section A 2a-2c教案(表格式)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、题目Whats the matter?Section A 2a-2c授课教师工作单位教学目标知识与技能:掌握有关人体部位的单词,并能够利用这些单词表达身体上的病痛,寻求帮助。过程与方法:利用联想记忆法,情景记忆法等方法开展教学,在愉快轻松的环境中使学生们掌握单词。情感、态度与价值观:关心朋友的身体健康,学会关爱照顾他人,也学会向他人进行求助。教学重难点正确理解和掌握英语单词记忆的联想记忆法和情景记忆法。联想记忆法和情景记忆法的应用。教学方法任务型教学法教学设计思路通过希沃白板中的各项功能展开本节听说课的教学,应用到单词教学、听写、课堂活动和思维导图、视频插入等功能,提高课堂效率和学生们的兴趣。

2、教学过程设计意图时间安排一、 情景导入:A:Whats the matter with you ?B:I have a cold.C:Whats the matter with you ?D:I have a stomachache.E:Whats the matter with you ?F:I have a sore back.二、 单词记忆教学:1,引入人体部位单词:arm back ear eye hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth foot throat 2,开展人体部位单词读音教学:arm back ear eye hand he

3、ad leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth foot throat身体某部位疼痛对应单词:stomach stomachachetooth toothachehead headache4,设计情景教学生表达疼痛:have a cold.have a feverhave a headachehave a stomachachehave a sore backhave a sore throat5,语句表达:I have a cold.I have a feverI have a headacheI have a stomachacheI have a sore ba

4、ckI have a sore throat6,听力练习:Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5.三、 角色扮演:1, 询问病情;Whats the matter with you ?Whats the matter with Judy?Whats the matter with Lisa ?2, 提出建议。 You should lie down and rest. You should drink some hot tea with honey. You should see a dentist and getan

5、 X-ray.You should take your temperature.You should put some medicine on it.3, 选两对学生到前面展示表演。Whats the matter with you ?My head feels very hot.Maybe you have a fever.四,习题练习:1.How many _(foot) does a monkey have ?2.Look! The dog _(lie) on the floor under the table.3.You should _(take) a temperature.4.Y

6、ou need _(go) to see a dentist if you have a toothache.We should _(talk) in class.通过短片把学生带入到一个特定的情景当中去,在熟悉的画面中找到自己曾经看到过或者经历过的事件,吸引学生的关注。让学生回顾旧知识,在回忆的同时引入新单词。通过联系自身引发学生对这些单词兴趣,这些单词是我们每个人都有的,每天和我们在一起,让我们用英语来和它们进行交流。教会学生善于总结英语单词中常见的后缀,起到能够猜词的记忆效果。不但学生能读出来,说出来,还能听懂。这个环节设置了搞笑的我比划你猜的小游戏,使大家在开心的游戏的中学会这些短语。

7、通过这个表演环节,不但使学生们乐于参加,还让同学们体验到了学生才是课堂真正的主人,让他们喜欢上说英语,愿意表法自己。使学会在学会了单词和短语后顺利的将之应用到句子中,逐渐的提高英语口语会话能力。目的是不但使学生记住本节课单词,还能通过拓展的知识进行语法应用,在掌握基本单词短语后,还能大力拓展应试能力,提高英语成绩。3分钟5分钟10分钟10分钟6分钟 5分钟6分钟板书设计 Whats the matter? Section A 2a-2carm back ear eye have a cold.hand head leg mouth have a feverneck nose stomach have a headachetooth foot throat have a stomachachehave a sore back


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