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1、Module 4 TravelUnit7 We will go by train第一课时一、内容分析Module4的主要话题是“旅游”。其内容贴近人们日常生活,语言交际性较强,是学生感兴趣的生活话题。Unit7 We will go by train通过对话形式学习与旅行相关的词汇句型,并理解和运用“Do you have any plans for ? Where/How/When/What will you? ” 通过“旅游深圳”为话题学习特殊疑问句的问答。Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing 通过以短文阅读的方式呈现到北京旅游计划(如时间、地点、交通工具和活


3、和学生的实际生活经验联系起来,在课堂上,通过创设情景,设计各种各样有趣的活动,让他们大胆说、积极做、开心唱,让学生们在玩玩、做做、说说、唱唱中更好地掌握本模块的句子及单词,让学生保持学习英语的兴趣和积极性,提高语言交际能力,增强学习自信心,力求达成学以致用的效果。三、教学内容:Unit7 We will go by train和Sing along.1、单词:by, train, leave, exciting, taxi,island,valley,Window of the world,Hong kong2、句型:1) What will you do in Shenzhen? I wil

4、l2) How will you go there? By train.3) When will you come back home? We will 3、Lets talk.4、Sing along.四、教学目标 1、知识与技能目标(1)能“三会” 掌握本课所学词汇和短语。(2)能初步理解运用本课句型进行简单对话。(3)能正确理解并朗读课文对话。(4)能初步跟唱Sing along.2.情感态度目标(1)通过多种形式的学习,调动学生学习积极性,提高学习兴趣。(2)乐于模仿,敢于开口说英语,积极与人交流,主动合作。3、学习策略目标:(1)鼓励学生主动练习所学的内容,敢于大胆用英语思考和回答问

5、题。(2)借助旧单词的发音迁移到新单词发音的学习,降低学习难度,滚动积累词汇。(3)引导学生能对已学知识进行观察,学习如何对已学的知识进行归纳和概括。(4)利用生动有趣的评讲制度吸引学生,激发学习兴趣和动力,使学生积极参与课堂活动。(5)创设情境,通过多种形式的活动吸引学生积极参与课堂活动,提高学生的语言交际和综合运用的能力。4、文化意识目标:通过对本国美景和风光的学习欣赏,激发学生对祖国美好河山的热爱。五、教学重点和难点:重点:本节课单词和句型的学习。难点:How/When/What will you .? 的理解和运用。六、教学过程:一、 热身与复习1、sing alongThe whee

6、ls on the bus go round and round2、(PPT)呈现:sharp eyesshipcarplanebikefootonfoottraintaxi.引出学习新单词traintaxi二、 呈现与操练1、创设情境:PPT呈现Window of the world, Happy Valley ,Do you like this place?Do you have a plan for your holiday?引入Unit7的课题.2、由教师介绍个人旅行计划,呈现新词、短语:I have a plan for the holiday.I will go travellin

7、g for the holiday.I am going to Shenzhen. I will go by taxi. I will leave on October 2nd. I will come back home on October 4th.2、图片介绍Shenzhen,了解Window of the world 和Happy Valley。引出新单词:Valley、exciting 的学习。3、利用图片,学生进行替换操练Where will you go to travel? I am going to Shenzhen.4、快闪交通工具,操练句型:How will you go

8、 there?- By train / taxi/ bus / plane/ bike/ ship/ On foot.5、小组利用图片的词条,进行对话操练,用上Where will you go to travel? How will you go there?同桌进行对话操练。6、初步学习Lets talk:(1)听对话录音判断对错:1)( )Ben is going to Shenzhen with his parents .2)( )They will go there by train .3)( )They will leave on October 1st.4)( ) They wi

9、ll visit Window of the World and Happy Vally .5)( ) They will come back on October 5th.(2)学生跟读和齐读以及分角色读和小组读。三、小结归纳1、小结交通工具单词by+(traintaxi)2、引导学生小结本节课的单词及句型1) What will you do in Shenzhen?I will.2) How will you go there? By train.3) When will you come back home?We will .四、巩固发展1、Lets chant:train ,trai

10、n ,we will go by train .we will go to Shenzhen by , taxi,we will go by taxi .we will go to Window the World by taxi .Its very exciting .2、sharp eyes:PPT 呈现交通工具单词by+(traintaxi)及本课句型1) What will you do in Shenzhen?I will.2) How will you go there? By train.3) When will you come back home?We

11、will .3、根据课文内容填空。Ben and his family are going to Shenzhen. They will visit Window of the world and Happy Valley. They will go by train. They will leave on October 2nd. They will come back home on October 4th.五、 评价反馈1、引导学生进行自我评价,说出自己在本节课的收获。2、表扬获胜的小组,进行鼓励。五、布置作业1、读背U7单词、对话。2、抄写并记忆本课新单词。3、完成活动手册P30-32

12、 EX3-54、完成阳光评价P38 EX3 板书设计: 单词短语:1、地方名词island,valley,Window of the world,Hong Kong2、 交通工具 By+ train, taxi,3、leave, exciting,Unit 7 We will go by train评价表:三队:train, taxibus) 1) What will you do in Shenzhen? I will. 2) How will you go there? By train. 3) When will you come back home? We will . 课堂练习设计:

13、 一 、听课文录音,判断对错。 (用于呈现与操练环节6)1)( )Ben is going to Shenzhen with his parents .2)( )They will go there by train .3)( )They will leave on October 1st.4)( ) They will visit Window of the World and Happy Vally .5)( ) They will come back on October 5th.二、根据课文内容填空。(用于巩固发展环节3)Ben and his family are going to Shenzhen. They will visit Window of the world and Happy Valley. They will go by train. They will leave on October 2nd. They will come back home on October 4th.


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