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1、考博英语阅读理解若干篇篇章与问题1. The main subject of this passage is_. A) transportation and storage B) storage of products C) distribution center D) two main aspects of product distribution 2. Warehousing is important in that _ A) inventories build up before the goods are sold B) the prices will go down C) more

2、goods are produced than can be consumed D) the food has to be put on the market immediately 3. How many types of warehouses for storage are discussed in the passage? A) 3. B) 4. C) 6. D) 7. 4. Where might one find meat and milk? A) Grain elevator. B) Cold-storage warehouse. C) Private warehouse. D)

3、Bonded warehouse. 5. What is NOT true of a distribution center? A) It is a relatively new type of warehouse. B) Product is replaced more quickly and costs are down. C) Some distribution centers are not built in the sane country as the factory D) It builds up extensive inventories to minimize storage

4、. Passage 2 How much pain do animals feel? This is a question which has caused endless controversy. Opponents of big game shooting, for example, arouse our pity by describing tile agonies of a badly-wounded beast that has crawled into a comer to die. In countries where the fox, the hare and the deer

5、 are hunted, animal-lovers paint harrowing pictures of the pursued animal suffering not only the physical distress of the chase but the mental anguish of anticipated death. The usual answer to these criticisms is that animals do not suffer in the same way, or to the same extent, as we de. Man was cr

6、eated with a delicate nervous system and has never lost his acute sensitiveness to pain; animals, on the other hand, had less sensitive systems to begin with and in the course of millions of years, have developed a capacity of ignoring injuries and disorders which human beings would find intolerable

7、. For example, a dog will continue to play with a ball even after a serious injury to his foot; he may be unable to run without limping, but he will go on trying long after a human child would have had to stop because of the pain. We are told, moreover, that even when animals appear to us to be suff

8、ering acutely, this is not so; what seems to us to be agonized contortions caused by pain are in fact no more than muscular contractions over which they have no control. These arguments are unsatisfactory because something about which we know a great deal is being compared with something we can only

9、 conjecture. We know what we feel; we have no means of knowing what animals feet. Some creatures with a less delicate nervous system than ours may be incapable of feeling pain to the same extent as we do: that as far as we are entitled to do, the most humane attitude, surely, is to assume that no an

10、imals are entirely exempt from physical pain and that we ought, therefore, wherever possible, to avoid causing suffering even to the least of them. 6. Animal-lovers assume that animals, being hunted, would suffer from _. A) a great deal of agony both in body and in spirit B) mental distress once the

11、y are wounded C) only body pains without feeling sad D) crawling into the comer to die 7. Supporters of game shooting may argue that animals _. A) cannot control their muscular contractions B) have developed a capacity of feeling no pain C) are not as acutely sensitive as human beings to injuries D)

12、 can endure all kinds of disorders 8. The author feels sure that _. A) animals dont show suffering to us B) dogs are more endurable than human children C) we cannot know what animals feel D) comparing animals with human beings is not appropriate 9. What is the authors opinion about animal hunting? A

13、) We should feel the same as the hunted animals do. B) We should protect and save all the animals. C) We shouldnt cause suffering to them. D) We should take care of them if we can. 10. This passage seems to _. A) argue for something B) explain something C) tell a story D) describe an object Passage

14、3 In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A the-ory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured

15、as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion. A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experi-merits to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists predictions, the theory is sup-ported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejecte



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