(很好)get型被动语态 get的被动用法.doc

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1、get的被动用法(get-passive)作者: 阮一峰日期: 2006年6月26日(“英语学习”系列笔记之二)1.今天,我看书的时候,看到了下面这句很普通的句子,“How Do We Get Started on These Programs?”。我突然感到有一点糊涂,什么叫“Get started” ?这句话同“How do we start on these programs?”又有什么区别呢?我查了词典里关于“get+动词分词”结构的解释,发现这种常见结构其实很复杂,既可以表示主动(We Get Started on These Programs),又可以表示被动(I got invi

2、ted to her party yesterday)。下面就是我整理的笔记。2.首先,“get+过去分词”是一种被动形式。我们都知道,英语中表示被动的方法是“be+过去动词”,但是其实还有第二种方法,那就是“get+过去分词”,这两者的意思基本上是类似的。但是,后者用得比较少,尤其少用于正式的书面文体。请对比下面三句话:a) The bus hit John.b) John was hit by the bus.c) John got hit by the bus.上面这三种说法都是对的。被动的含义除了可以用“be + 过去分词”表示以外,还可以用“got + 过去分词”来表示。请看下面的例

3、句:* It is upsetting when a person gets punished for a crime that he didnt commit. * The picture got damaged (= was damaged) when we were moving. * If they make such criticisms they will get treated with the contempt they deserve. * I dont want to get mixed up with the police again.* After working he

4、re selflessly for several years,Mr. Li got promoted at last. * They got delayed because of the holiday traffic.3.“get+过去分词”和be+过去分词有几个区别。(1)在be+过去分词的结构中,be是助动词(auxiliary),可以用来独立构成否定句和疑问句;get不是助动词,在否定句和疑问句,必须增加助动词。请看下面的例句。* Was Kim attacked by a tiger?* Kim was not attacked by a tiger. * Did Kim get

5、attacked by a tiger?* Kim did not get attacked by a tiger. 以上四句话都是正确,下面两句则是错误的。* Got Kim attacked by a tiger? ()* Kim got not attacked by a tiger. ()(2)“get+过去分词”结构可以用于进行时态,be+过去分词结构就不行。请看下面的例句* You will be getting cursed. * My brother has been getting examined(3)“get+过去分词”结构通常不带“by+动作主体”的部分,但这不是绝对的

6、。请看下面两句话,其中第二句话是错误的。* I got caught in the rain. * I got caught by the rain. ()但是,在下面的例句中可以使用by:* He got caught by the police. * He got hit on the head by the burglar. * Raghu got kicked in the shin by a donkey. * He got punched in the nose by his opponent. (4)“get+过去分词”结构极少用于无生命的物体。请看下面两句话,其中第二句话是错误

7、的。* Gunfire was heard in the auditorium.* Gunfire got heard in the auditorium.() 4.除了表示被动以外,“get + 过去分词”结构还可用于谈论为自己做的事,表示主动的行为而不是被动的行为,即起到了强调主语、加重语气的作用。请对比下面两句话:a) Joe was dressed by someoneb) Joe got dressed.a句表示其他人帮助Joe穿衣服,b句则表示Joe自己穿衣服。除了get dressed(穿衣服)以外,类似的常用短语,还有以下这些:get divorced(离婚)、get enga

8、ged(订婚)、get confused(迷惑不解)、get lost(迷路)、get washed(洗脸) 、get married(结婚)等。5.为什么英语中有两种表示被动的结构?为什么“get+过去分词”结构既可以表示主动的行为,又可以表示被动的行为,它们之间是否有联系?在普通的“be+过去分词”结构中,动作主体(subject)与动作受体(object)之间的关系一般是同等重要的。下面两个例句是完全等价的:* Marconi invented the radio.* The radio was invented by Marconi. 但是,“get+过去分词”结构不是这样。不管加不加

9、动作主体,关注的重点永远是在动作的受体上。这也是,这种结构为什么通常不带“by+动作主体”的原因。(即使带了,句子的重心也依然是在前半部分。)所以,只要使用了“get+过去分词”结构,一定是强调句子的主语的。6.我不清楚get used to是不是这种结构。资料中都没有提到这个短语,所以可能不是。7.学习了这么久,又是这么麻烦的东西,太伤脑筋了。下面是轻松一刻,贴几张漫画。He got hit! I got caught. I got lost. We got married. Mike got dressed for bed. 8.练习(1) I dont know how it happe

10、ned, but I _ in San Francisco.a) was lost b) got lost (2) That evening the Greek embassy was having a party. I _ by a friend who worked there.a) was invited b) got invited(3) I had been out all day sightseeing. When I returned it was late, so I _ quickly and left the hotel. a) was dressed b) got dre

11、ssed(4) Fortunately, I _ a map before I left the hotel. a) was given b) got given(5) As I was leaving the hotel, I almost _ by a taxi. a) got hit b) was hit(6) The embassy was only a few blocks away. So I walked. Somewhere along the way, I _ .a) got disoriented b) was disoriented (7) I took a wrong turn and walked the wrong direction. Finally, I hailed a taxi and _ to the party.a) was driven b) got driven 答案:(按下右键,拖动鼠标察看) (1)b (2)a (3)b (4)a (5)a/b 两者都正确 (6)a (7)aReferences* http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/


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