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1、 中考冲刺之阅读理解-1一、阅读理解题的特点 1.主要考查学生根据所提供的材料综合运用所学的语言知识,从中获取文字信息的能力。它是一种综合性很强的题型,重点考查学生的词汇量、语法运用、阅读速度、理解能力、逻辑思维及推理能力、归纳总结及判断能力、对各国文化背景的了解程度等。 2.它考查范围广,其难度较高,是全面评估学生英语水平的重要测试题型。在平时训练及各种测试中都占重要地位,尤其是近年来各省市中考题均将其分值比重提升,约占30%甚至更多,成为主要的拉分题型。 二、阅读理解题的主要题型 1.细节理解题 2.主旨大意题 3.猜测词义题 4.推理判断题 5.其他题型 掌握阅读理解题目中猜测词义题和推

2、理判断题的做题方法, 并能够运用到做题环节中。 三、具体讲解什么是猜测词义题? 猜测词义是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇的信息、逻辑、背景知识及语言结构等的综合理解去猜测或推断某一生词、难词、关键词的意义。它是一种非常有用的阅读技巧,通过上下文提供的线索或生词本身的结构特点对词义做出正确判断,能提高阅读速度和阅读能力。 猜测词义题最常见的提问方式:1. The word “” in paragraph can best be replaced by 2. The underlined word, “”, most probably means 3. The expression, “”, is cl

3、osest to 4. According to the passage, the phrase, “”, suggests 5. The underlined word, “”, (in Paragraph) means “ _” in Chinese.6. What does the underlined word, “”, mean in Chinese?7. What is the meaning of the underlined word, “”?猜测词义题的解题技巧怎样推断生词的意义?这种答题技巧可分两大类:一类是通过上下文推测词义;另一类是根据词根词缀推测词义。通过上下文就是指

4、根据词所处的具体语言环境,运用有感线索,如同义词、反义词、举例或定义等推测词义,也可运用逻辑推理、生活经验和普通常识等推测词义。(1)根据定义或解释猜测词义 定义常用的谓语动词多为:be, mean, be considered to be, be called, define, represent, refer to等。另外在很多情况下,作者会运用定语从句或标点符号(逗号、冒号、破折号等)为一些生词直接提供定义或解释。例句:1. A prairie is a kind of grassland, many sheep and cows live on it.2. Facial tissues

5、, pieces of thin soft paper that you use to blow your nose, were first put on the market in 1924.3. “Glance” is another way of saying “look”.4. Be punctual when you are going to a party, that is to say, never be late. (2)根据举例猜测词义 为了阐明某一种重要观念或讲清某一抽象概念,作者往往采取举例的方式对这一观点或概念进行具体的说明和解释,从而使读者理解得更具体。那么文中出现的

6、例子自然也就成了读者理解文章生词的线索。表示列举关系的信号词有like, for example, for instance, such as, especially, include, consist of , specially等。 (3)通过比较猜测词义 有时作者运用对比的手法来表现事物之间的差异。在进行对比的过程中,作者必然会用一些互为反义的词语使不同事物的特点更为突出。通过上下文的逻辑关系,从对两种事物或现象进行对比的描述中,读者可以根据其中一个熟悉的词推断出另一个生词的词义。常用来表示对应关系和提供相反信息的信号词有but, yet, however, while, otherwi

7、se, in spite of , despite, even though, although, though, unlike, instead(of), rather than, on the other hand, still, by contrast, on the contrary, in the end, compared to等。(4)通过因果关系猜测词义 通过因果关系猜测词义,首先是找出生词与上下文的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。 有时文章借助关联词because, as, since, for, so, thus, as a result, of course, therefore

8、等表示前因后果。 通过构词法猜测词义通常是根据前缀、后缀或复合词的各部分猜测词义。例句:1. There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them, you only need a good pair of shoes to do it.2. Being a bullfighter in Spain is a dream for him.3. Why do you mistrust him so much? He seems honest enough to me.4. He isnt a boy an

9、y longer, he is in his manhood now.5. Mary: John says Im pretty. Andy says Im ugly. What do you think, Peter?Peter: I think you are pretty ugly.What part of speech is the word? (不同的词性) 猜测词义题的解题技巧小结 1. 通过上下文猜测词义 (1)根据定义或解释猜测词义 (2)根据举例猜测词义 (3)通过比较猜测词义 (4)通过因果关系猜测词义 2. 通过构词法猜测词义 什么是推理判断题? 推理判断题就是针对作者在文

10、章中隐含的内容进行考查的一类题目。推理判断题主要考查同学们概括、归纳、比较和推理等综合能力,要求大家在理解全文的基础上,对文章中未作明确交代的细节、段落的主旨、作者的态度等方面进行概括或判断。推理判断题要求同学们不仅要理解文章的字面内容,而且要根据这些字面意思对文章的深层内涵进行解读,属于阅读理解题中较难把握的题型。推理判断题的主要题型(一)推断人物性格特征 (二)推测文段前后的内容 (三)推断文章出处和来源 (四)推断作者写作意图 (五)推断隐含意义或文章的观点或结论具体分析(一)推断人物性格特征设题形式有:l What do we know about somebody in the te

11、xt?l What kind of man somebody is?l Somebody can be said to be_.注意:l 把握字里行间的意思, 尤其是人物的语言;l 注意表达情感、态度和观点的词语。 Passage 1:A well-known old man was being interviewed and was asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday. Thats right, said the old man. Ninety-nine years old

12、, and I havent an enemy in the world. Theyre all dead.” “Well, sir,” said the interviewer, “I hope very much to have the honor of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday.”The old man looked at the young man closely, and said, “I cant see why you shouldnt. You look fit and healthy to me!”Q: What

13、kind of man would you say the old man was? A. He was ill. B. He was very proud and sure of his health.C. He was unconscious. D. He was very polite to young people.(二)推测文段前后的内容 提问方式 l If you were to continue the passage, what would you write about? l The next paragraph would most probably deal with _

14、. l The next part would most likely discuss _. 注意:做这类题时应把握作者的写作思路(如文章可能按事件发展的经过描写,也可能按因果关系、对比关系来叙述)从而做出比较科学的、合情合理的猜测。 Passage 2: We are in the computer ageWe often see computers at workThey are especially useful in automatic control,data processing(数据处理)and solving complicated problemsAnd they are f

15、inding their way into the homeThe part played by computers is becoming even more important with each passing dayMore and cleverer computers will continue to appearThey will run faster,have more functions and work much more skillfullyThey will take over more tasks from us,helping to change the face of our worldSome people even think that sooner or later computers will replace us However Q: Which of the following statements will best continue the third paragraph?A. Comp


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