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1、 高中生出国留学推荐信范文 高中生出国留学推荐信范文 尊敬的先生/女士:xxx中学是xx成绩最优秀的学校。作为和xxx相处三年的数学教师x,我很乐意将她初中三年的学校生活在这里做个概要简介,以便贵校的评估。 在相处的这三年间,她留给我的感觉是个认真、聪颖、活泼、善于思考、非常有上进心的孩子。每次留给她的作业,她都能积极仔细的完毕好,碰见不会的题目也能向教师和同窗谋求协助。因此,这三年中她的数学成绩始终在不断的进步。就整体而言,她还是很突出的高中生出国留学推荐信范文。 从此外某些方面,我理解到她也是一种热爱写作和篮球的男孩子。这两样都需要她有着坚强的毅力和敏捷的反映。记得刚开学的时候,她就是由于

2、出书而缺席了开学典礼。尚有在一次运动会的比赛中,她为了班级的荣誉奋力的奔跑,最后为班里获得了可喜的成绩高中生出国留学推荐信范文。不仅如此,她还十分喜欢音乐,并且也积极的参与各类的比赛,获得了不错的成绩。并且还在打球骨折的状况下,坚持的练习萨克斯并获得了级别证书。 在于同窗的相处方面,一到下课,就有同窗喜欢围坐在她的周边,跟她天南地别的侃。这是由于她具有开朗、风趣、大方、乐观的生活态度每当教师有任务布置下来的时候,她总是第一种抢着去完毕,是教师不可缺的助手高中生出国留学推荐信范文。虽然在期末考将近,课业繁重的时期,她也是第一种到校为同窗们开门,最后一种离开教室关好门窗。只是她有时候会由于太专注于

3、打球而忘掉跟家里知会一声,生活方面的能力有待加强。 xx无论是在学习中的体现还是人文方面的体现,我相信都能给贵校留下深刻的印象。如果您需要进一步的理解这个杰出的学生,请毫不踌躇的与我获得联系。 高中生出国留学英文推荐信范文 dear coleages: s ateacheri patment o ilog,naai nivrt,a leadin unverstyinchia,i amvy plsdo take ths portnity to rcomendoe o my faorie tnts to your phdpgram i sptembe,XX, misszhag smy tents

4、ingeneralbiolgy, herst prfesiolcouse he tkeine ield. she ikst vrymuc. i tech her innoe and interatiemanner, sheis ativ anpassionateabout ansern cla questions. miss zg s bight, enegec enthusiastic girl whloes eking outer ow ea.he never apes from thosepoint owshe is skpti. arfrom that, sh ofenputs for

5、wd hidas upn ueton nd exchanges all of h nnovateides with m afer lss.uon endng of gene bology oure, iskd ystets writan ssay uon tei undrstadin f biogy.i isovedmiss zhags essy was sipressivean peaive;r caeul essay cmermdzes of reernctiolgy ltrurs. i ey mis zhang tetchd out e creatv hninguonstaus qu b

6、iological reseac an banhinth ielof olg. al of this speakto he cretiv and logcl and scitifi thinking aablit. iam gladly to say h mis zhang asa ca udertaningaout genelbiology, thtcompreensins been rflected fully i heesay.terefoe missznga ll pot fr her essy inhr clas,and her tuntstokmoel esayfor grante

7、. elieve miss zag idustriousnes, passion an dedcationwilmaeher anideal cadidate ou are seking fr urprogram,so i ghl romnd hrwithotnyheittonto u. and i will grelyapreciat t if ocld cet he io yur prgm. icereos, rof. 【一封原则的出国留学推荐信范文】i a peased toite this letter my omr uetms nn i,ho gaduaed frm this llg

8、 wit a deee i june i wa adtd to th eparmen lawof this college in197 thrh hly cotit entrance examinationwhich iscoductd annualyn opn othe whlenatio. vin sh asetive group is li mae herelfstnguished. aspofeso and deanothcolleg, ihave ccesst h reordof aademi wk aor cod t, in her fourthyear study, i intr

9、uct er in aglo-merican lawsontress. soi haveknowner uiewel miss lis perrance, likethat i anoter courses sheken,wa eelent wi supeior grade of 86 for the fist emes, d 8 fo the eco emeser.nou nert adnoher univrsty hre, 0is cnsider “a”, h hihestevl. a ar as i kno,iss li wihs ntinue herstudy in la for n

10、ncederee. i su she hashaduffcienprereuie knowedge for thesbjec ancertainlyhs te abiity to undrtak te st. recmmnd mssl iout reservaionnd sha aprecate yourfavoab consideraioofherppliin. 出国留学专家推荐信范文 dearproeso: i unertand that xxsaplying oadmisio to yourogradute maste progrm, andas reqesed that rte thi

11、leer o comeato forhr. ihave knon xx a a resourcefu d oa-oieteddivdal eve since shettendd my inrumeta alss coue(scre:84)in hr fourhaciceester.she oten aisedthoghpooking questios dur tcrse lectues.thus,t is ral tat i le disusingwith his og girl andenjy bcoing more famlr t er nde iraton i ersit ami ses

12、ter, she took my course of letohemial ayss(sco:89)he r to noher, th oe indsheis tleted atemitry wit her otstandi taletand slid backgrund i emisr, sh as did quite welinmstofher other cues duingherunderaduatstudy. i eel tronlha xxs uusa aletsand abiliesil tanhr in good steadf a qulty cheistry edctio, nd our univrsy will ve the bt oppotunis or he wile xx uversty,xxx had xcelent erformance in all sbjts of her studies and demonsratd ga poetia,but h ismore ha knowledgabe boworm;e is an utstandin leaer. sh isno onlyth


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