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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 2023年在职硕士英语考试全真模拟易错、难点汇编第五期(含答案)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共35题)1.【单选题】With the acquisition of smaller companies by larger ones, the 1960s saw a wave of new conglomerates. A. surgeB.handfulC. suspensionD. dissolution 分解正确答案:A2.【单选题】With lasers scientists can probe many physical processes,

2、 such as combustion, once beyond our ken.视野 A. understandingB. responsibilityC.interpretationD. notice正确答案:A3.【单选题】Urban renewal programs strive to upgrade areas that are becoming slums. A.reproachB. improveC.fortifyD.uproot正确答案:B4.【单选题】The wheels of the first road vehicles were fashioned from crude

3、 stone disks. A.hand-carvedB.roughly madeC. flatD. heavy正确答案:B5.【单选题】The flower bud of a water lily 百合 opens at sunset since .its opening is triggered(commence) .by the decreased light.A. alleviated 减轻B. enduredC.set offD.covered up正确答案:C6.【单选题】Some cosmetics manufacturers attempt to capture the ros

4、es unmistakable fragrance香味 in soaps and perfumes. A.designB.textureC. scentD. freshness正确答案:C7.【单选题】Although the Carbon 14 method of dating old objects is not foolproof , it is the best method available at present A.wholly operationalB.entirely serviceableC.fully reliableD.completely safe正确答案:C8.【单

5、选题】Bluegreen algae grow abundantly in salt marshes. A. primarilyB.slowlyC.on plants(cultivate)D. in great numbers正确答案:D9.【单选题】The Salk vaccine is a major factor in the fight to eradicate polio.A.completely destroyB. carefully disguiseC. sustainD. contain正确答案:A10.【单选题】People who do not sleep enough t

6、end to become irritable . A.easily annoyedB. illC. wearyD.stiff and sore正确答案:A11.【单选题】One of the greatest breakthroughs for professional women came in 1973 when the field of banking opened up for them. A. most serious disappointmentsB.most significant advancesC. most abrupt declinesD. most crucial s

7、ituations正确答案:B12.【单选题】Ella Grasso, elected governor of Connecticut in 1974, supported the enactment (given, granted) of a freedom-of-information law. A. passingB.advocatesC. draftingD. circulation正确答案:A13.【单选题】How many people are aware that a dancer with the New York City Ballet typically wears out

8、 a minimum of two hundred pairs of toe shoes per year?A.onlyB. exactlyC. at leastD.fewer than正确答案:C14.【单选题】The controls of most modern airplanes can be operated either manually or automatically. A.by the bookB.by a mapC. by logicD. by hand正确答案:D15.【单选题】Eyespots, the most rudimentary eyes, are found

9、in protozoan原生动物 flagellates 鞭毛虫 , flatworms 扁形虫 , and segmented worms片段 蠕虫 . A.hostile-lookingB.perceptiveC. primitiveD.strangely formed正确答案:C16.【单选题】Some animals pant and sweat to speed evaporation of body moisture and thus cool themselves.A.wiggle 摆动 slowlyB. breathe quicklyC. restD.perspire正确答案:

10、D17.【单选题】The Native American interpreter Sacajawea was a valuable member of the Lewis and dark expedition in 1805. A.very friendlyB. very usefulC. very thoughtful.D.very wealthy正确答案:B18.【单选题】The economy of Dallas, Texas, is strong and diversified . A.inflatedB. stableC. variedD.well-regulated正确答案:C1

11、9.【单选题】When carbon is added to iron in the proper proportions , the result is steel. A. containerB. sequenceC. laboratoriesD.amounts正确答案:D20.【单选题】Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization. A. emphatically statedB. belligerently(ag

12、gressively) arguedC. accentuated(emphasize)D. entreated 恳求 (implore, plea, invoke )正确答案:A21.【单选题】In literature, caricatures讽刺画 usually contain verbal exaggeration through which the writer achieves comic and often satiric 讽刺effects. A. banter 取笑 (tease)B. humorC. interactionD. overstatement正确答案:D22.【

13、单选题】Insect pests are among the leading causes of crop failure. A.expectedB. chiefC. naturalD. least正确答案:B23.【单选题】All living organisms, regardless of their unique identity, have certain biological, chemical, and physical characteristics in common.A.as a result ofB.consideringC.cognizant of(conscious

14、of, aware of)D. whatever正确答案:D24.【单选题】Food must be moist in order to have a taste. A.appetizing(delicious)B. nutritiousC. dampD. chewed正确答案:C25.【单选题】An oversight 遗漏 (miss, overslaugh) in proofreading often results in printed errors.A.An inconsistencyB. A discriminationC. A blotchD.An inattention正确答案:D26.【单选题】The megaphone(microphone) makes the voice sound louder because it points sound waves in one direction and keeps them from spreading ou



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