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1、北师大版教材模块单元考点句句通 泉州台商投资区惠南中学 杨耿波Unit1 Lesson 11. 我每天花半个小时学英语。(It 形式主语)1. It takes me half an hour to study English every day.2. 看电视占用我许多业余时间。2. Watching TV takes up too much of my free time. (take up)3. 当你上床睡觉时,请关掉电视。3.Please switch off the TV when you go to bed.(switch off)4. 有关系吗?4.Does it matter?(

2、matter)5. 乏味的演讲使他感到乏味。5.He got bored with the boring speech. ( bored/boring )6. 学生们向校长抱怨食物。6.Students complain to the headmaster about the food.(complain)7. 我也是这么认为的。7.I think/suppose so.(suppose)8. 闹钟一响,我就爬起来。(as soon as / immediately)8.I jump out of the bed as soon as the alarm clock goes off.I ge

3、t up immediately I wake up.9. 他总是第一个到达教室。(不定式作后置定语)9.He is always the first person to get to the office.10. 浪费太多时间看电视的人被称为“沙发马铃薯”。 (too much)10.A person who watches too much Tv is called Couch Potato.Unit1 Lesson 2-311. 我发现等待考试结果很有压力。(find + 宾语+ 宾补)11.I find waiting for exam results very stressful.1

4、2. 学英语很难。(it 作形式主语)12.Its difficult to learn English.13. 我喜欢听歌。(prefer doing)13.I prefer listening to music. 我喜欢呆在家里而不喜欢出去。(prefer doing to doing)14.I prefer staying at home to going out.我无法忍受站在教室前面讲话。(cant stand doing)15.I cant stand talking in front of the class. 14. 你觉得我们学校怎么样?(How do you find/li

5、ke?)16.How do you find our school? 15. john经常(遭受)头疼。 (suffer from)17.John suffers from headache.16. 我们将于2016年7月毕业于惠南中学(graduate from)18.We will graduate from Huinan Middle school in July,2016.17. 他有一个大家庭要抚养。(support)19.He has a big family to support.18. 他想上大学的想法得到父母亲的支持。(support n.)20.His idea to go

6、 to college has won support from his parents.Unit1 Lesson 4 & CW21那就是我想要说的话。(Thats what)21. Thats what I want to say.22. 努力学习,否则的话,你会落后的。 (otherwise)22. Study hard, otherwise you cant catch up with others.23. Tom太晚起床了,以至于他错过第一班车。(so that)23. Tom got up so late that he missed the first bus.24. 瞧,要下雨了

7、。(be going to )24. Look, its going to rain.25. 国庆节快到了。(be+doing)25. National Day is coming.26. 车来了。( here)26. Here comes the bus.27. 我要出门的时候,铃声响了。(be about to.when.)27. I am about to leave when the bell rings.28. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去爬山。(if条件句)28. If it doesnt rain, we will go climbing tomorrow.29这个故事使我们感兴趣。

8、(interest)29. The story interested us.30. 北京奥运会于2008年8月8日8点举行。30.The opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games was being held at 8 a.m. on August 8, 2008.Unit2 Lesson 131. 在危险面前,要保持冷静。(calm)31. Keep calm when you are in danger.32. 因为下大雨,我上学迟到。(because of )32. I was late for school because of the hea

9、vy rain.33. 我有许多作业要做。(have to do)33. I have a lot of homework to do.34. 请把书放在原处。(where)34. Put the book where it was.35. 飞机下午5点起飞。(take off)35. The plane takes of at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon.36. 哥伦布是世界上最伟大的探险家之一(explore) 36. Columbus was one of the great explorers in the world.37. 当我到达时,他正在清洗他的房子。(w

10、hen)37. He was cleaning the room when I arrived.38. 每年,数百万的人涌入大城市。(million)38. Every year, millions of people pour into the big city.39. 我联系不上他。(be able to )39. I wasnt able to get in touch with him.40. 最近,他经常上学迟到。据说,他打(最新的)电脑游戏打到深夜。昨晚,父母亲警告说,他迟早有一天会被惩罚的。后来,他就按时上学了。40. Lately, he is often late for s

11、chool. It is said that he played the latest computer games late into the night. Last night, his parents warned him that he would be punished sooner or later. Later on, he goes to school on time.Unit2 Lesson 2&341. 新中国成立于1949年10月1日。(found)41. New China was founded on October 1st,194942. 依我看来,我完全同意你所说

12、的话。(opinion)42. In my opinion, I absolutely agree with what you said.43. 我们正为美好的明天而奋斗。(struggle)43. We are struggling for the better future.44. “七七事变”爆发于1937年。(event)44.The July 7th event took place in 1937.45. 这不关你的事。(business)45.Its none of your business.46. 他的粗心导致那场交通事故。(accident)46.The traffic a

13、ccident happened because of his carelessness.47. 他对这个故事感兴趣。(interest)47.He shows interest in the story.48. 在老师的帮助下,他取得很大的进步。(make progress)48.With the help of teacher, he made great progress.49. 老师对我们的学习很严格。(be strict with/in)49.The teacher is strict with us in our study. 50幸运的是,我们的工作进展良好;而且,我们相处融洽。

14、(get on/along with)50. Luckily, we get on well with our work. Whats more, we get on well with each other.Unit2 Lesson 4& CW51. 抱歉,我没有听清你说的话。(didnt catch)51. Pardon, I didnt catch you.52. 你应该独立完成作业。(on ones own)52. You should do your homework on your own.53. 我想要有一台自己的电脑。(of ones own)53. I want a comp

15、uter of my own.54. 就英语而言,我一窍不通。(when it comes to)54. When it comes to English, I know nothing.55. 我们逐渐意识到英语的重要性。(come to +v.)55. we come to realize the importance of English.56. 父亲把烟戒了。(give up)56. Father has given up smoking.57. 他正忙于写一本小说。(be busy with/doing)57.He is busy with a novel/be busy doing58. 你的学习进展如何?(get along with)58. How are you getting along with your study.59. 这是我第一次去上海。(This/It is the first time)59. This is the first time that I hav



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