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1、附件:非洲国家针灸技术培训班项目简介表 项目全称 非洲国家针灸技术培训班 成立时间 承办单位名称山西省卫生厅国际交流中心 举办时间2009年7月1日-9月30日工作语言英语邀请对象非洲英语国家从事医疗卫生工作的医师、技师等 计划人数20-30人(每国1-2人)学员要求年龄要求50岁以下身体健康状况要求身体健康、无传染性疾病染性疾病工作语言要求英语其 它举办地点 山西省太原市举办地天气状况 夏秋季节(18-35摄氏度)参观考察城市北京市考察地天气状况28-32摄氏度备注承办单位联系方式项目联系人李燕萍、赵丽君办公电话0351-3094180 / 3189327手 机13934140666 (李燕

2、萍)、13934235466(赵丽君)传 真0351-3189327E-mailsx-承办单位简介山西省卫生厅国际交流中心医疗培训中心,隶属山西省卫生厅,是在卫生部国际合作司及国际交流中心的业务指导下,从事国际交流与项目合作的机构. 受国家商务部委托,自1998年始,我中心已陆续承担了近二十期各项人力资源培训任务,先后为亚非等发展中国家培养了约600多名医疗卫生工作者,受到培训学员的一致赞扬和和其派遣国的广泛认可。项目内容介绍针灸基础理论,腧穴分类、定位及其常用穴位,刺法、灸法、拨罐,按摩及对于常见病的治疗方法。在理论教学的同时,辅以示教、临床实习、参观、考察、专题讲座、讨论等,以强化培训效果

3、。Project DescriptionName Training Course on Chinese Acu.& Mox. towards African CountriesOrganizer Medical Training Center of Shanxi Provincial Health DepartmentTimeJuly 1Sept 30, 2009LanguageEnglishInvited CountriesEnglish speaking African countriesNumber of Participants20-30 (1-2 per country)Requir

4、ements for the ParticipantsAgeUnder the age of 50 HealthIn good health conditions without infectious disease.LanguageEnglishothersHost CityTaiyuan, ShanxiLocal Temperature 18 - 35Cities to visitBeijingLocal Temperature28 - 32NotesContact of the OrganizerContact Person(s)Ms. Li Yanping Ms. Zhao Lijun

5、Telephone03513094180 / 3189327Mobile13934140666 / 13934235466Fax0351-3189327E-mailsx-About the Organizer The International Exchange Center/ Medical Training Center of Shanxi Provincial Health Department is an institution engaged in international exchange and project/program development & cooperation

6、 under the leadership of Shanxi Provincial Health Department and the professional guidance of the International Exchange Center of Ministry of Health. Entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce of China, we have held around 20 batches of international training courses / seminars since 1998, and trained m

7、ore than 600 health workers from Asia and Africa. The training has received the unanimous praise and recognition of the trainees and their governments. Training Course Contentl Basic theory of acupuncture and moxibustion;l Classification and location of acupoints; l Commonly-used points in clinical practice;l The techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion;l Chinese massage and basic techniques;l Acupuncture and massage therapy for common diseases;In addition, the demonstration class, clinical practice, seminar, discussion and relevant visits will be arranged to enhance the training effects.



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