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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! REVIEW审核:Function部门 Signature签名 Date日期SHE/IS/TECH 安卫信息技术部S&OH Supervisor安卫部CP Operation Manager聚合生产Yarn Operation长丝生产Utility Operation通用工程部Maintenance Operation维护部HR/MM/FM/Sourcing人事物流总务采购Marketing市场部GREP政府联络部Finance财务部AUTHORIZATION 批 准: DGM - Operation副总经理生产1. Purpose 目 的The

2、 purpose of this procedure is to treat the injured effectively, alleviate their suffering and prevent fatalities and disabilities. During an emergency or non-emergency medical event, help people make a proper response to an injured or ill person.此 程 序 旨 在 迅 速 有 效 的 处 理 伤 员, 减 轻 痛 苦, 防 止 死 亡 及 残 废 事

3、件 的 发 生。当 有紧 急或非紧急医护情况下,指导我们对伤者或病者作出正确的反应。2. Scope适用范 围This procedure applies to all on site people.本 程 序 适用于苏州杜邦公司现场所有人员。3. First Aid Definition 急 救 定 义First aid means giving the first help or treatment before trained people, doctor or ambulances arrival.任 何 人 员 受 伤 后 在 有 经 验 的 人 员, 医 生, 救 护 车 到 来

4、之 前 对 伤 员 进 行 的 首 次 帮 助 或 治 疗 称 为 急 救。4. First Aid Procedure急救程序 4.1. Medical emergency situations: an unforeseen injury or illness that requires emergency medical intervention from outside the immediate work area, including severe bleeding, suspected cardiac problems, seizures, fractures, head trau

5、ma and spinal injuries. When in doubt as to the seriousness of the problem consider it an emergency. The following is the action list for emergency first aid:紧急情况下的救护: 是指一意外的伤害或病痛,需要除直接工作区域外的紧急医护的帮助,它可以包括大出血、骨折、头部外伤、心脏病或刺伤等。当不能确定情况是否严重,即视为紧急情况。以下为急救行动的通则和要点:v Get help. Call the emergency number (See

6、 attachment I ; First Aid Organization Contact) or use PA system.求助。打紧急求助电话(见附录一急救组织表联系电话)或使用PA系统。v Stay calm and give the following information: your name and location; the type of injury or illness; a call-back number or other way for communication. Do not hang up until the person taking our call

7、has all the information they need.保持冷静,告诉对方你的姓名、位置、受伤或病痛的种类 和联络电话或 联络方式。通电话时,要等接电话的人了解了所需信息之后才挂电话。v Make the patient comfortable and render first aid to your level of training only if the area is safe for you to enter.安慰病人,在周围环境安全的条件下,给予病人你所训练过的救护。v Stay with the patient until help arrives.陪在病人身边,直到

8、有救援。4.1.1. Emergency Medical Situations紧急情况下的医护4.1.1.1. First use telephone or PA system to call plant doctor, and inform the located area first aid members or related supervisor.首先打电话或使用PA广播系统呼叫厂医,并通知所在区域的急救 队员和相关主 管。 After examination and treatment, the plant doctor will decide if it is ne

9、cessary to send patient to hospital or call 120 for first aid. The plant doctor/first aid member will company the patient to go to the hospital at least. 由厂医检查和处理后,决定是否要送医院和拨打“120急救电话。如 需送 医院 救护,至少由厂医/急救队员陪同前往。4.1.2. First Aid During the night 夜间的急救4.1.2.1. First, use telephone or PA system to call

10、located area first aid members and related supervisors.首先打电话或使用PA广播系统呼叫所在区域的急救队员和相关 主管。 First aid members will render first aid to their level of first aid training. Discuss with related supervisor and decide if it is necessary to send the injured to hospital or call outside first aid help.

11、The first aid member will company the patient to go to the hospital at least. 急救队员根据自己所受的急救培训的水平进行救护。和相关主 管商定是否需 送医 院和拨打急救电话。如 需送医院救护,至少 由急救队员陪同前往。4.2. A non-emergency first aid/medical situation is an unforeseen injury or illness that requires the employees to report to plant medical center. If a d

12、octor or nurse is not available, the employee should report to his/her immediate supervisor, also can ask for helps from located area first aid members at same time. 非紧急情况下的救护:是指可由员工本人向厂医务室报告的意外伤害或病痛。 如现场当时没有医生或护士,应立即向主管报告,同时可向所在区域急救队员寻 求帮助。4.3. Medical Treatment of Contract Employees 承包商雇员的医疗 In em

13、ergency medical situations, the treatment is based on item4.1. 如为紧急情况下的急救事件,按4.1条款处理。 Injury or illness in non-emergency medical situations involving contractors will be the responsibility of their employer.如为非紧急情况下的伤害或病痛,将由他们的雇主负责。4.4. Employees must report all occupational injury or illness to the

14、ir supervisor during 24 hours.员工必须在24小时内向其主管汇报所有职业伤害和疾病。4.5. Every employees should receive first aid training . And first aid refreshment training for all employees will be conducted once a year. The trainer should be the doctors from medical center. 每位员工都应接受急救培训,且每年进行一次全体员工的急救再培训。培训者至少是本公司 医务室的医生.

15、5. First Aid Organization and Management 急救组织和管理5.1. First Aid Organization 急救组织 DSPC First aid team members are from each operation dept., the leader of the first aid team is the director of plant medical center. During the emergency situation, the leader of the first aid team will lead the first aid team to make emergency response and render the first aid, also assist supervision to deal with the site, make judgement on the wound a


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