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1、学时课教学设计表学 科英语单 元Module 4备课者课 型学时课课 题Unit 2 Its a black dog.执教者及时间学习要点1.基本句型及答语以及表示颜色的词汇。2.学会描述事物的颜色。学习目标1、能听、说、读和运用本单元的重点句型:Its a .2、学生能听懂、会读、理解词汇dog, cat, cap.3、学生能初步运用颜色的词汇。4、能唱歌曲A Rainbow探究问题能基本能运用Its a black dog.这类语句介绍不同颜色的物品。应用作业作业练习:给小动物涂上颜色实践应用能通过参加说明事物颜色等特性的活动,形成对周围色彩的关注。文化阅读了解西方孩子和中国孩子一样,也喜

2、欢各种动物,尤其是家养宠物。学习重难点重点:句型Its a 难点:在日常英语中运用句型介绍身边不同颜色的物品教学过程学生活动教师活动二次备课首学阶段Preview the new unit .1. Find out the new and difficult words.2. Find out the new and difficult sentences.3. Words collection.(颜色、宠物)Listen and repeat the text.Set up the Pre-class homework before learning.互学阶段1.Talk about the

3、 new and difficult words in this unit.2.Talk about the new and difficult sentences in this unit.Ask the students to talk about the new and difficult words and sentences in this unit ,help them and check their work.群学阶段lead-in1. Read the colors. 2. Point to the things and say: Its red. And so on.1. S

4、how them the pictures of the colors.2. Let them point and say the colors.共学阶段Present 1. Listen and say: Point to the desk. Its a green desk.2. Listen and understand, try to point to the things.3. According to the teachers actions, try to say the correct sentences. “Its a .”4. One student does action

5、s according to the teachers directions.5、Practice with their classmates and perform.(活动二)P24Part4 歌曲1. Read the lyrics after the video.2. Sing the song: A rainbow.3. Check the winner group with teacher.1. T point to the desk and say: Point to the desk, its a green desk.Use the same way to practice “

6、a yellow chair”etc.2. T gives the directions. “Point to the green desk.”etc.3. T does the actions, point to the things.4. Speak to S1: Point to the green desk. Point to the yellow chair etc.5. Give the task and check.1. Play the video.2. Ask Ss to sing along.3. Check the winner group板书设计Unit2 Its a black dog.Its a black dog. Now its a blue dog.Its a red cat. Now its a green cat.Its a yellow cap. Now its a red cap.教学后记


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