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1、中考英语试题 (12)66491一、选择题(2010?甘肃省兰州市,29,1)-Where would you like to go on your summer holiday, Mike? -Id like to go _.A. nowhere interesting B. interesting anywhere C. somewhere interesting D. interesting somewhere 【答案】C(2010?四川省眉山市,24,1)- What do you think of the lecture of Li Yangs Crazy English? - I

2、think its _ , but someone thinks its much too _. A. wonderful enough; boredB. enough wonderful; boringC. wonderful enough; boringD. enough wonderful; bored【答案】C(2010?四川省巴中市,34,1)Dont blame your friends.Actually they dont know the truth,either. A.In all B.In fact C.In general【答案】B(2010?四川省卷,24,1)( )2

3、4. - Would you like some coffee? - No, thanks. I _ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach. A. almost B. already C. hardly D. still【答案】C(2010?四川省卷,29,1)( )29. Several years ago, _ people knew Sean. But now he is famous in Jinan.A. few B. any C. many D. most【答案】A(2010?四川省卷,21,1)( )21.- Do you know

4、 everyone from Class One?- Er, I know some of _.A. they B. their C. theirs D. them【答案】D(2010?江苏省苏州市,1,1)Wow! Youwe got so many skirts But_ of them are in fashion nowAall Bboth Cneither Dnone【答案】D(2010?江苏省扬州市,9,1)A new book on how to lose weight is _soon. -Really?I cant wait to read it.A.giving outB.

5、coming outC.working outD.selling out【答案】B(2010?湖北省荆州市,19,1) Are you going to Tibet for vacation? Yes. I want you to _ me with some information about it. Aoffer BgiveCshow Dprovide【答案】D(2010?湖北省黄冈市,39,1)Do you know Tsering Danzhou,a Tibetan ten-year-old boy in Yushu? -Yes.He _the people his great hel

6、p as a translator after the earthquake.A.providedB.supportedC.offeredD.afforded【答案】C(2010?江苏省扬州市,1,1)Look !Whats that moving high up in _sky? -It must be_plane.A.a;theB.the;/C.the;aD./;a【答案】C(2010?吉林省通化市,36,1)How was _dinner at Mikes house? -It was great.Mikes mum is _wonderful cook.A.a,theB.the,aC.

7、the,theD.a,an【答案】B(2010四川省成都市30.1)What shall we have for supper? -I bought _big fish at_only market near my office.A.a;aB.a;theC.the ;不填【答案】B二、词汇题(2010?江苏省扬州市,四,5)根据句子意思 ,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)46.Shirley has been use to _her get pet dog after dinner.(带散步)47.The moo

8、nlight is shining on the little girl _the window.(穿过)48.Madame Curie _the x-ray machine.(发明)49.Please sit _.There are plenty of seats here.(任何地方)50.This is one of the most expensive_on the market. (字典)【答案】46.walk 47.through 48.invented 49.anywhere 50.dictionaries三、完型填空 (2010四川省成都市 六、完形填空。A计 5分)A man

9、 is driving home on a cold rainy night.At a bus top,he sees three people waiting for a bus.The first person is _51_best friend.This friend saved(救)his life years ago.The second one is his aunt.Shes very _52_and needs to go to hospital at once.The third one is the mans girl friend.He loves her very m

10、uch.The man wants to help _53_of them,but his car is very small and he can _54_only one in the car.Now be has his biggest-55_-whos the one that he can take?51.A.herB.hisC.their52.A.sickB.healthyC.strict53.A.oneB.twoC.all54.A.bringB.takeC.hold55.A.problemB.ideaC.plan【答案】BACBA四、阅读理解Bill and Fred studi

11、ed at a university and they were friends. They didnt have much money, so when it was time for their holidays, Fred said, “Lets take our holidays in a trailer1, Bill. Its cheaper than a hotel. I can borrow my fathers trailer.”Fred was very happy. So they got into the trailer and began their holidays.

12、 They wanted to get up early the next day to go fishing, but they didnt have an alarm1 clock. “Thats all right, Bill, Fred said. “Ill put these pieces of bread on the roof3 of the trailer tonight and theyll wake us up in the morning. Bill was very surprised, but he didnt say anything. Fred was right

13、. As soon as it began to get light, small birds came down to eat the bread, and their noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quickly. Notes:1trailer/treIl/ n. 活动房屋式的拖车 2alarm/la:m/ n. 警报 alarm clock 闹钟 3roof/ru:f/ n. 顶;房顶1.Bill and Fred were both university s.2.The two young men

14、 decided to go t during their summer holidays.3.The two young men tried to ssome money,so they borrowed a trailer.4.The two young men wanted to get up, but they were ato wake up too late the next morning.5.Fred had a good i.6.Bill didnt know whis friend put some bread on the top of the trailer.7.The next morning, the birds found the bread and flew to eit.8.In fact, the bwoke the two young men up.9.The



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