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1、(北京 )BThepopuati of he Eart isrwingaste. It i imporat t we ookater te Ert ned it.ThErtgives s a lot of higs. We o ive h Erth ot,bu smeofh higsaenot ood. nntue, he soeng es,otheranimals nd lnts e fd fromt. Eery animal pntgvs fodforohe animasor pln. weve,nmal a get foodfrmny of the thin hatwe givethe

2、E. Aimas ad plants cant eat tal,plac dglas.Te thg wl stay in te groufor ny, n, y ars.Somerubbih er dgeufor plans andanmal.n soelae, mnyimaslivtogetr. On ama makes formny moe aimalsIf ut ru ad cmicaln e war, elnkon(浮游生物) can die there intany plnto, many anils hae nothi o a.So whaca wdo? leave anyrbis

3、h i te ctryd!Dontak somuh bish!51. The ah ves s _.A. foo .rubbish . hmials D. lution . Whe somhng dies nnatr, _A.war ndgs aepluedB.plastinodbeom fodC. othe animal a pln get foodD etal nd glas ta in eround53. We m_ tlook atet arthA. t metal te groun . use moe wod e fos intwater D ake lesrbbish(兰州 )B.

4、Becaus earthue appe wthou wrning,tsortant totake stsno oprepr. Bcauseyou dnt kow wee uwll b whe rthquake hpns, prpresmeupier ourom, workplace, ad car. .Watr.A pesn dsat least / gallon of aterdailjus forinkig. toralealon ower pe peon r dad bepr fora2-ourpriod tis uggte hatoubuttledte.Kee botled wate

5、i its oigia ontainradonotoenit until y eed tse it.As, ceckth “use y”date.2. Fo.ts always prcl ia t keep a uplyofnon-rhble(不易腐烂的) fo on hand. Haveaough suppof cane fod, owdered l, rid frut, n-slted nutand caned juices oa leas72 hos. Flhlghs(手电筒) and pareatere.Kee a flshght esdeyourbed,t our le f work

6、, ndin your car. Do not u machesocanlsfteaneathua untiyu are ue that os lakPrpa a batery-owed adio ad parebatteriesMot eepne ilbe utof orer, so radiowill e ou bssor f fraion.4. Clothes.If yo liv in a col le,you must tik aout wmth Youmigtnot e heat afta eathque Thikbut y clothing n edingsupplies.56.

7、Why ould peole ppre temslves foranearhquae? A. eaus earthqks can beon beore they app. B. Bcaue eathquaks akeplace itouwarig. C. Bauseethqaks usaly take plaenhe ehborhood Bcausitole daiy woro ae t earthquakes57. uhprepawtr, cdsciiois IGH? A A pesn shod prepare .5 galn ofwaerfr one day. BYou btter use

8、yurow container to kee ate.C.Youd eeren thottledwate whenub i . Yosoldt n the ottledwar untlyouned it. Youshou rpa alof te floieept_. A owdered il fresh vgbles C drie uits . nn juices5. Acodingt thartic wknowthat_ A. wnee to prepa som suples onl a o telephne th mos imprtntprpred thng C.flshigtsut ot

9、 maches arefrs sedfe eatquaks . cots ar d rotet yoed0. I yo liveina cold lce, yshul prepar_. A. ome warmclthesad beddig sups B omowa .smebati D. some aslghts(桂林)Dreamsexressons of thhts, ngs aevetsthatpasrogh our midwhile wearslein vyboyems. Bu n smepeoleremebe hir drm. Or dremsftnicde all thesenses

10、smel,oud, ss, ases d tins w touc.We renolour. Somtimswe ram te same ream e anoe gain. hese reeatdrmar ofen unpan Te my evn benightaresb reamsthatfihtn usEarly i the twtet cenury, amu scnits evelop her sonl idaabotdre. Ausian psychiatistSigmund Frd publhedabok cled “TheInrprtat(诠释) f Dream” in 190. reud elivepeopleotedre boutthingstheywb ct haveTheedreams ofen hvesometing o do with and aession(侵犯). wss psyciarst Crl Juwokeclosly with ed frseral ears,t ieveddmsould hlp eole gr a nderstathemsevs beev drem proieolon(解答)to prolm we fce whnwae ke.e didnt eiv dres he



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