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1、(27)lay短语lay aside 把.放在一边,抛弃,贮藏 lay down 放下,使躺下,放弃,牺牲lay off (暂时)解雇,放弃,停止 lay out 花费,投资,不置,打昏(28)leave短语 give leave 准假 leave about乱放,乱丢 leave alone 听任,任其自然 leave.as it is.听其自然 leave behind 留下,忘记携带 leave out 省去,遗漏,不把.计算在内 leave off 停止,脱去,戒除 leave office 离职,下台 leave over 留下,剩下,延期 leave room for 为.让出地方

2、leave sth, to / with sb. 把.交给/留给某人. leave sb, sth. 把.交给/留给某人 on leave 休假,请假(29)look短语look at 看着,注视,检查,着眼于 look about 四下环顾;查看 look ahead 向前看,展望未来look(admire)at oneself in the mirror 照镜子 look after 照顾,照料,照看look around / about 四处看看,四下环顾 look back 回首,回忆,回顾过去look back on/upon 回顾,回忆 look forward to sth /d

3、oing sth 盼望,期盼某事物/做某事look for 寻找,期望 look in 来访,参观,看望 look into 往里面看,浏览,调查,研究 look (right) into sbs eyes 直视着 look on/upon 旁观,面向,观望 look on / upon .as.把.看作look out 向外看;注意,当心,提防,警惕 look ones age 和年龄相称look out for 警惕,留心,找出来,寻找 look over 翻阅,(仔细)检查,从上面看过去look through 看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习 look to 面向,注意look up

4、仰视,往上看,(在字典或参考书中)查阅,查寻,涨价 look up to sb 敬仰,仰望,尊敬(look down on / upon sb 瞧不起,鄙视,轻视)look / be worried 看上去/感到担心(30)make短语make into 制成,做成(后面跟产品,制成品) be made in 在生产/制造 be made of 由组成/构成,用某种原材料制成(物理变化)(能看出)made from 由组成/构成,用某种原材料制成(化学变化)(看不出)be made up of = consist of 由组成,由构成 make out 理解,看清楚 make up 化妆,打扮

5、,和解,配制,编造,虚构,构成,组成 make up for 弥补,补充,补偿made up ones mind 下决心 make advantages/use of 使用,利用 make after 追求,追赶make a beeline for走直路,走进路,朝.径直走去 make a choice 做出选择 make a commitment 承诺,保证 make a comment / comments (on / upon) (对)发表评论 make a fool of sb = fool sb 愚弄某人make a point of doing sth 认为做某事重要或有必要 ma

6、ke a promise 承诺 make a will 立下遗嘱make (a) suggestion (on ) 提出(关于)的建议 make a telephone call 打电话 make / take a trip / journey to 去某地旅行 make conversation 交谈 make eyes at.抛眉眼,以目示意make for 去向,向前进;有利于 make towards 向.前进 make fun of 取笑,嘲笑,和开玩笑 make it(事业上)获得成功 make into 把制成,使转变为 make jokes about sb 拿某人开玩笑,以某

7、人为笑柄 make mistake about 犯了错误 make much of 重视;理解;赏识 make ones way to 往走去make ones mind on sth. 决定某事 make ones own 当作自己的看待 make out 填写;开支票;理解;辨认 make progress (in ) (在方面)取得进步 make sth to (ones own) measure (按自己的尺寸)定做 make sense 有意义,有道理,讲得通 make sense of 弄懂的意思 make sure 确保,确认,查明 make the adjustment to

8、适应 make the / ones bed 整理床铺 make way for 为让路,让路于make up弥补,修理,赔偿,起草,编造,化装,配制,占.比例,讲和 make up to 接近,巴结;向求爱 on the make 急求成功;增加,损人利己追求名利(31)meet短语meet the case 适合,令人满意 meet the need/demand/requirement of满足.需要 meet with 偶然碰见,遭受 meet.by chance/accident偶然碰见 make both ends meet 使收支相抵(32)open短语 be open to 对

9、.开放,易于接受,经不起(诱惑) open A for B 为B展开/打开A open to 朝.开,朝向,通向 open up开发,开创,开辟,开垦,吐露真情,打开,展现 with open eyes 睁着眼睛,留神地,吃惊地 with open arms 张开双臂,热诚(欢迎)(33)owe短语 owe . to.把.归功于,把.归因于 owe much to 多亏了,在很大程度上归功于 owe it to.that.归功于,幸亏 owe sb. sth. (=owe sth. to sb.)欠某人.(34)pass短语pass away 去世,(时间)过去 pass by 通过,从旁边经

10、过,(时间)过去 pass into 变成,化为pass down 传下来,流传,使世代相传 ,一代一代传下去 pass on (to sb.) 转交给(某人),传给(某人)pass on/upon 传递,通过 pass on from one generation to the next 一代代流传下来 pass out 失去知觉,昏厥 pass out of ones mind 被人忘掉 pass over 忽视,置之不理pass through 穿过,越过 pass sth. from one to another 把某事物从一人传到另一人手上 (35)pay短语pay back 偿还(

11、借款),报答,报复pay for 付款,付费,付代价 pay off 还清(欠款)(36) pick短语pick and choose 仔细挑选,挑挑拣拣 pick off 摘下,逐个地射死 pick on 挑选,挑剔,惹恼pick ones way/steps 小心地走路,择路而行 pick ones words精选用词 pick out 挑选,认出 pick up 开车接(某人),接收,获得,搭载,恢复,爬起,捡起,学会,认识,购买(便宜商品) pick up with.结识,与.交朋友 (37)pull短语pull/make/wear a long face 拉长脸,不高兴 pull a

12、bout 把.拖来拖去,虐待 pull away 拖出,离开pull apart 拉开,扯断,严加批评 pull down 拉下,拉倒,推翻,拆毁,使(价格)下降,使体质减弱,赚取 pull in (车船)抵达, 节省(费用), 缩减(开支) pull off 脱(衣,冒),完成,获得成功 pull on 穿,戴,继续拉 pull out 驶出,拔出,离开 pull ones leg 取笑,开玩笑,逗乐 pull sth. to pieces 把.拆散,撤碎pull through 克服困难,使脱离危险(渡过难关;恢复健康) pull up 拔起,阻止,使停下 pull up with/to

13、追上,赶上 pull (the) wires/strings 在幕后操纵,走后门(38)push短语at one push 一口气 bring to the push 使陷绝境 push against 推,推撞 push aside/away 推开,排除 push forward/along 把.腿向前,继续进行 push back 退回,推回 push down 向下推 push in 推进,向岸靠拢 push off 起程,离开 push on 奋力向前,推进 push ones way挤过去,奋力向前 push out 推出,长出 push over 推倒 push through 促成,完成,穿过,挤过 push up 向上推(39)put短语put an end to 结束,终止,废除 put aside 把放在一边;搁置;排除,储藏 put away 将某物收拾起来,存钱,储存,存起来 put back 把放回原处;拨回 put down 扑灭,平息,镇压,记下,记下;削减;降落 put faith in 相信,信任 put forward 提出,建议,推荐,拨快,提倡 put in 驶



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