GMAT 语法惯用语等.doc

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《GMAT 语法惯用语等.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GMAT 语法惯用语等.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、介词搭配dateAt accesstoforestimatedat价格 数量to be 时间 to do target At(目的物)To 方向confidencein sth.about sth thataid In doingaimTo do, aimed at / for doing sth.decideTo do, on sth. 决定Decide that 断定 认定creditwith doing/sth.Give credit to sb. for sth.Take credit forruleon sth. 对做出裁决That.表述裁决内容oweTo sb (to 是介词)mo

2、del A after BaccuseOf doingdistinguishA from B(主语是物) Between A and B(主语是人)mistakeA for BA as B / A to BSubstitute A for BlikenLiken A to Bmerge A with Bseek supportFrom sb.of sb. The invitation At .of suspiciousOf sth.The likelihood Of sth.thatbe in dangerOf , .and .be lik

3、ely To do It is likely thatthe needfor do/ for do that The right Of sb. to doThe use Of sth. to dothe saleOf sth. to somewhereTo somewhere of sth.the effect/impact/influenceOf A on Bthe resistance Of A to B the replacementOf A by/with BA replcement for sth.the importanceOf .that the pos

4、sibilityOf doingto do for doing thatthe proposal Of doingto do The intent Of doingThe trick Of doingresponsibilitytakefor sth./ doing (无a, the)have a responsibility to dobe responsible fortake turnsdoing competeWith / to againstinteractWithbetweenproofFor thatAn obstacleTo sth.The preference For doi

5、ngdivideoverfunctionAs sth.歧义区分:原词歧义Be at a disadvantage Be disadvantaged (歧义,必错)Effect 效果 结果In effect 实际上Significantly 严重地、明显地Significant 重要的 significance 重要性Force 迫使A force 一种力量Lead to 导致 产生结果Sb.lead sb. to do sth. 促使做.认定搭配跟sth. sth.跟 sth. 跟sth. to be 跟 sth .that 跟 thatbelievebelieve sth. st

6、h believe sth. as sth.believe sth. to be believe sth. that believe thatconsiderconsider sth. sth(adj.)consider sth. as sthconsider sth. to beconsider sth. that consider thatmakemake sth. sth(adj.)think of think of sth. sththink of sth. as sth.think of sth. to bethink of sth.doingdefinedefine sth. as

7、 sth.knowknow as sth.known to be as doingRegardregard. as sth.viewview. as sth.view to be / likeseesee as sth. see thatCite Cite A as B动词搭配:跟 to do 跟 doing 跟that 跟 sth 及其他forbidforbid sb to dofrom doing./doingforbid thatforbid sth.prohibit prohibit .to dofrom doing /doing prohibit thatprohibit sth.p

8、 dopropose doingpropose thatpropose sth.persuadepersuade to do persuade thatpermit permit sb to do sb doing/doingpermit that perrequirerequire to do/of dorequire doingrequire that/ of sb. thatrequire sth. thatMandate mandate to domandate doingmandate thatmandate sb. thatallowallow. to

9、 doallow doingallow thatallow sb. doorder thatassumeassume doingassume thatElect .to do do do do/ to dodemand sth.demand thatsth. from/for sth.aidto do to /in doing aid sthbe helpul in doing be dofor /in doing be groundsto do fo

10、r doing .thathave grounds for doingbe in dangerto do of doing.thatassistto doin doing/ with find / keep / have / make sth. donefind / deem / make it adj. to do keep it from doing get / take /presume/ lose / be in control of. Keep under control keep control/ keep in control of 修饰关系:While doing ., doi

11、ng. unless although(until / whether / once / if / when / no matter what too .to. so as.to逻辑主语是主句主语同义重复:(即句子中有了一个词,选项再出现另一个词,那就是错的选项,如前面有annually, 后面就不能有 a year.)3attemptTrySoarRise/ up toannualA year / per yearRegain , re.again Seem like / likelyMay be /maybeinteractionBetweenIs and willcontinueOppo

12、sition (to) againstAchievea gainPossibility mightBothAlikeAmount toSumDecline declensiondownmanifestationShowcanPotentiallyOrbitaroundBy the name of Be known asneverAgain / regainlike AB alsoPay (v.)Payment Per capitaA personprobablyestimatemustensurewhilesimultaneouslyaftersubsequently特殊单复数单数复数Statistics 学科类(统计学) Statistics 资料(统计资料)AnalysisAnalysesCrisisCrisesBacteriumBacteriaCriterionCriteriaMediumMediaNucleusNucleiStimulusStimuliLavaLavaeFormulaFormulaeIndexindices定语搭配:先行词搭配phenomonin which an agein which way in whichperiodwhenat a


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