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1、八年级英语学科上Unit 8 学案(第 1 课时)课题:Unit8 Welcome to the unit班级_姓名_课前部分一、翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词。1灾难 _ 2.用拖把擦干净_3.完全的_ 4.冲走 _5.地震_6.成千上万的 _ 7.雷,雷声 _ 8.事故 _9.长途汽车_ 10.闪电 _ 11猛撞,碰撞 _12 水灾,洪水_13 村庄,乡村_14 风暴_ 15 着火_ 二预习课文并翻译下列重点词组并在书本上划出来1 自然灾害 _ 2. 醒来_ 3. 把水拖干净_4.输掉决赛 _ 5.撞到树 _ 6.冲垮村庄_7 从树上掉下来_ 8 着火_课堂自助Liste

2、n and answer1.Whats the weather like?2 Whats wrong with Hobos house Read and answer1What was Hobo doing when it started to rain? 2 Why doesnt he want to go home alone? Read and completeOne day, Hobo went to Eddies home, because his own home was all_. He was _ when it started to _. When he _ _, there

3、 was water _. He asked Eddie to _home with him because he wanted Eddie to _ all the water _.PartB Listen and answer1.What happened to Viviens school? 2. Was anyone hurt?unit8巩固练习一 根据所给中文及名意完成单词。1- Im afraid of the _(雷声). What about you? - Me ,too.2The flood _(冲掉)many houses away last year.3Do you en

4、joy the _(大自然的)sights in your hometown.4There was an _(意外的事故)just now, some people died.5There was _(一次地震)in Japan last year.6I _(sleep) when it started to rain.7The school team_(输了) the game last week.8.He _(猛撞) his car into the wall last night. 9. Many people lost their _(life) in the accident.10.

5、 The earthquake in TaiWan killed _(thousand) of people.二 翻译1. 2010年的特大洪水冲垮了许多房屋和大树。 The big flood in 2010_ _ _ buildings and trees.2. 在四川大地震中,成千上万人遇难。 The Si Chuan earthquake _ _ _ _3. 昨天一个年轻人从树上摔下来,竟然安然无恙。 Yesterday a young man_ _ _ , but he doesnt _badly.4. 上个星期五两个小学生在教室里玩火,将整幢大楼烧了起来。 Two pupils p

6、layed with fire in their classroom last Friday and soon it _ _.5. 在昨晚,一辆大客车撞倒了树上。 A coach _ _ _ last night. 八年级英语学科上Unit 8 学稿(第 2 课时)课题:Unit8 Reading班级_姓名_课前自助部分一 在课文中划出生词1轻微的 2n. 摇动,震动 3adj. 响亮的;大声的4n. 害怕,恐惧 5n. 炸弹 6v. 摇动,震动 7 n. 方向 8 n. 砖,砖块 9崩塌,坍塌 10adj. 寂静的 11 adj. 紧张不安的 12n. 心脏 13vi. & vt. (使)规

7、律作响,作节奏运动 14adj. 困住的 15n. 头脑 16 vi. & vt. (使)平静;(使)镇定 17conj. 由于,既然 18adv. 仍然 19adj. 活着的 20n. 黑暗 21. 呼喊,喊叫声 22最后,终于 23n. 日光 24adj. 安全的 25adj. 睡着的 26conj. 在以后 二、在文中找出并写出下列词语1 起初_ 2 惊恐地_3 在地下_ 4向四处跑_5玻璃的碎片和砖块_6开始倒塌_7冷静下来_ 8根本看不见_9. 处于困境中_ 10. 一阵恐惧_11.找到出去的路_ 12. 听到人们兴奋的欢呼声_13. 移走,拿开_14. 最后_三、根据课文内容填空T

8、immy is a teenager . He lives in T_. He was s_ in the earthquake in 1999 . He first felt a slight s_ , then he heard a lound noise like t_. The noise came , like b_under the ground . After that , pieces of glass and b_ fell down. Finally , the noise and s_ ended , he was t_and could not get out .He

9、tried to shout for h_ . At last people m_away the bricks and stones and s_ him .巩固练习根据中文提示或句意写出单词。1 The two old friends s_hands hard when they met in the street.2. Most buildings in this area are made of b_ and stones.3 The girl was full of f_ when the earthquake started.4. I tried to c_down, but I

10、was still frightened. 5. Kate began to s_ when she saw a worm in her book6. It sounds_bombs in the sky.7“I cant stay here” the boy said to _(he).8 Frightened by the loud noise, the children looked at each other _ _(害怕地).9 We _ _ _ _ (正在尽全力) to protect wild animals.10. Five workers _ _ (被困) in the mine for 10 hours last month二 翻译1地震开始的时候,她正在拖地。When the earthquake _, she _ _ _ _2人们在跑向四面八方,一块块的玻璃和砖块直往下掉。People were _ _ _ _ while pieces of glass and bricks _ _ _ _ 3我正在努力找出路时,这时突然听到我的上方有声音I _ _ _ find my way out, when I suddenly _ some noise _ _ _ 4 我听



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