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1、初中英语公开课教学设计一 教 学 基 本 信 息课题Unit 8 Topic 1 What a nice coat!Section B任课教师罗宏昌学科英语学段初中年级八年级日期2011.5. 29 教材书名:英语(Project English)八年级下册出版社:湖南教育出版社二教 学 分 析内容分析 本节课通过四位主人公为班级时装秀积极购买漂亮和帅气的服饰展开,谈论购买服装的型号、颜色、尺寸、材质等,要求学生比较并掌握so that , so that 和such that 句型。学情分析学生在上一节课中已学习过一些服装的名称,今节继续学习一些服装的名称,以及服装的型号、颜色、尺寸、质地、

2、材料等。上节已学习了sothat句型,学生已有初步的认识,今节继续深入学习,并拓展学习so that和such that 三目 标 设 置教学目标语言知识1. 通过图片学习和掌握size, natural, be made of等词汇,理解windbreaker, material woolen, leather等词汇; 2. 比较并掌握so that , so that 和such that 句型;3. 谈论购买服装的话题,如 :Id like these cotton pants and this T-shirt.Id like to buy a silk hat and a woolen

3、 dress.What size would you like?语言技能1. 能听懂接近正常语速、涉及服装的语段,回答教师提出的问题;2. 能针对所听的内容,识别语段的主题,获取主要的信息;3. 能引出服装的话题并能进行简单的交谈;4. 能在口语中活动中使用正确的语音和语调。学习策略1. 积极参与课内外英语学习活动;2. 能在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。文化意识使学生对中国服装文化能有更深刻的了解。情感态度1. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务;2. 乐于接触并了解国内外的服装文化。教学难点比较并掌握so that , so that 和such that

4、句型。教具多媒体教学平台,PPT,黑板板书设计板书设计Unit 8 Topic 1 What a nice coat!Section Bnatural Id like these cotton pants and this T-shirt.windbreaker Id like to buy a silk hat and a woolen dress.size -What size would you like? -Size M. be made of Its made of natural materials. leather I want to buy a windbreaker so t

5、hat I will look more handsome.material so that so that such that woolen For example:四教学过程步骤教学活动预设学生活动预设教学目的教学时间Review1. Show some clothes in picture and ask students to named them2. Have a competition. Let students make sentences, using the structure of “sothat” in groups. Review the words about clo

6、thes. Give an example.1. Students look at the pictures and named the clothes.2. Using the structure of “sothat” to make sentences in groups.1.通过快速看图复习已学的衣服名称。激起学生的注意力活跃课堂气氛。2.通过小组合作,让学生造句,互相帮助,提高学生运用句型的能力。5Presentation1Show pictures, ask and answer between the teacher and students to lead to 1a. Hel

7、p the students to learn and master the new words.2. Play the video tape twice, let students complete the table. Check the answers.3. Let students listen to the tape and follow it. 4. Ask students read 1a aloud, and find out the language points. Add more explains, help students to understand.1.Try to

8、 answer the questions, learn and master the new words.2. Watch the video tape and complete the table3. Read 1a in roles aloud.4. Find out and underline the language points and master them.1、通过图片学习少服饰,少数民族地名称和材料,加深学生印象。2、通过视频,加深学生对对话的理解,使学生易于接受。3、先让学生找出语言点,提高学生的动手能力,再由老师解释,加深学生的理解。8Consolidation1. Le

9、t the students finish 1b according to 1a.2. Let the students look at the pictures in 1c and fill in the blanks. The teacher leads them to compare and master the usages of “so that ”, “ so that ” and “such that ”1. Ss finish 1b according to 1a with their partners.2. Ss look at the pictures in 1c and

10、fill in the blanks in groups.3. Compare and master the usages of “so that ”, “ so that ” and “such that ”1. 完成1b的练习,加深对1a的理解。2. 小组讨论完成1c的练习,让学生比较句型的不同用法,老师加以点拔,使学生更易掌握句句型。17Practice1. Encourage students to talk about their favorite clothes with the structures of “so that ”, “ so that ” and “such tha

11、t ”. Then ask several students to share their opinions.2. Ask the students to read the sentences in 2 first and get information and the main points and then listen to the tape and mark True (T) or False (F) , finish 2.3. Do some exercises.1. Talk about their favorite clothes with the structures of “

12、so that ”, “ so that ” and “such that ” in groups.2. Read the sentences in 2 first and get information and the main points and then listen to the tape and mark True (T) or False (F) , finish 2.3. Do the exercises.1. 通过运用句型来谈论学生喜欢的服饰,让学生活学活用,提高学生运用语言的能力。2让学生先看有关材料,再进行听力训练,提高效率。3. 通过做练习巩固新学知识。13Summar

13、y& Homework1. Summarize the new words, phrases and sentences in this section.2. Summarize the usages of “so that ”, “ so that ” and “such that ”Homework 1. Ask the Ss to finish the exercises in the workbook. 2. Prepare for Section C.1. Master the new words, phrases, sentences and the structures. 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.1. 巩固复习。2. 从情感上弘扬中国传统服装文化服务。2教学反思 本节课运用多媒体课件来上课,通过图片和视频激发起学生的学习兴趣,加上话题贴近生活,学生很感兴趣,学生乐于参与,课堂气氛很好。在讲解句型时,通过大量的例子和练习,大部分学生都能很好地掌握。但由于考虑时间控制上的问题,觉得老师讲的还是比较多,有些问题可以让学生来解决。



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