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1、导游英语常用词汇1 group visa 集体签证2 departure lounge 出境旅客休息室3 board the plane 上机4 take oof 起飞5 exit visa 出境签证6 luggage rack 行李架7 platform ticket 站台票8 express extra ticket 特快票9 mother-and-child room 母婴候车室10 identity card 身份证1 foreign escorted tour 国外派导游的旅游团2 final itinerary 最终旅行路线3 full appointment 全项委托4 best

2、-selling China-tours 最畅销的中国旅游路线5 entertainments and diversions 娱乐或变换节目 6 on-shore visit 上岸参观7 estimated time of arrival 预计抵达时间8 travel arrangements 旅行安排9 mini destination area 中途小目的地10 sightseeing tour 观光旅行1 type of accommodation desired 要求住宿的类型 2 cash in advance 预付现金3 cash payment on departure 离店现付

3、4 automated bill 自动开账单5 ambulatory room 残疾人专用房6 hold mail 留交邮件7 registration form of temporary residence临时住宿登记表 8 change slip 客人住房变动单9 assistant manager 经理助理10 basement car park 地下停车场1 customs luggage declaration form 海关行李申报单2 unaccompanied baggage 非随身载运行李3 luggage chek-in counter 行李过磅处4 parking are

4、a 停车场5 transfer passenger 转机旅客6 airport inquiries 机场问讯处7 tour leader 旅游团领队8 time difference 时差9 non-smoking room 禁烟室10 reception program 接待计划1 朝圣的游客 pilgrim2 登上探险旅行 mountaineering and adventure tour3 发源地 cradleland4 悬崖峭壁 sheer cliffs and steep mountains5 道教圣地 the Taoist Holy Place6 温泉 hot spring7 自然

5、景观 natural wonders8 常青树 evergreen trees9 日出 sunries10 海拔 above sea level11免费行李限额 free baggage allowance12超重费 excess baggage charge13登机口 boarding gate14海关官员 customs officer15返程票 return ticket1 水族馆 aquarium2 传统文化 traditional culture3 自然美景 natural beauty4 商业区 commercial district5 工业园 industrial zone6 高

6、新技术开发区 Hi-tech Development Zone7 高速公路 expressway8 立交桥 flyover9 地铁 underground10 儿童乐园 childrens playground1 精选路线 selected itinerary2 附加旅游项目 add-ons3 自由活时time for personal arrangements4 特别服务要special service requirement5 组团人数 group size6 民俗旅游 folk custom tour7 行业考察旅游 trade observation tour8 路线图 itinera

7、ry map9 旅游者过夜数 guest night10 延长逗留 extension of stay1自然保护区 natural reserve2 水上公园 water park3 风景点 scenic spots4 民俗风情 folk custom5 人造奇迹 man-made wonders6 国际杂技节 International Acrobatic Festival7 名胜古迹 places of historic interests8 黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower9 鱼米之乡 the land of rice and fish10 建筑技术 construction

8、 technology11办手续 go through the formalities12合单结账 one bill for all13储存贵重物品 store the valubles14外币兑换 foreign currency exchange 1 国内航线 domestic flight2 海关手续 customs formalities3 手提行李 hand luggage4 航班号 flight number5 免税商店 duty-free shop6 旅客联 passenger coupon7 行李认领牌 baggage claim card8 入境签证 entry visa9

9、软卧 soft berth10 旅客通道 passenger routeodd customer 散客 hard sleeper 硬卧 hard seat 硬座upper(lower)berth 上(下)铺 hard berth 硬卧 soft berth 软卧硬卧客车sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧票Berth Ticket 硬卧车third class sleeping carriage ; YWThe Great Wall长城ancient civiization古代文明the wonders in the word世界奇迹th

10、e Pamir Pateau帕米尔高原the roof of the word世界屋脊defensive project防御工程the northern nomadic tribes北方游牧民部落scenic spot景点Spring and Autumn Warring States Period春秋战国时期the Warring States Period战国时期the strategic point战略要地harassment骚扰the Huns匈奴the op Nur ake罗布泊湖Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆维吾尔自治区fourishing p

11、eriod盛世the remnant forces残余势力tribe ofNu Zhen女真族the conciiation poicy or good-neighbor poicy 睦邻友好政策the commanding point制高点wovesdung狼粪convenient transportation to a directions 四通八达the parpets女儿墙,矮墙Eight Views of Vanjing 燕京八景The Crossing Road Pagoda 过街塔Goden-Winged-Bird金翅鸟the Four Heaveny Kings四大天王the

12、Buddha of Ten Directions 十方佛arms and ammunition武器弹药(军火)doube sides battements 双边垛branch was 支墙battements垛口protrusion突起物,突起的部分theBarrier Wa 障墙sheer ciffs悬崖峭壁Heaveny adder 天梯Heaveny Bridge 天桥Watching the Capita Tower 望京楼ooking-Toward BeUing Rock 望京石centraize feuda country中央集权制的封建国家standardized the cur

13、rency统一货币burn books and bury the iterati in pits焚书坑儒Yae University耶鲁大学(美国)the rairoad engineering facuty of the civiengineering department 土木工程系(铁路工程专业)major in civi and raiway engineering铁路专修科B.S.degree理学学士学位China Raiway Company 中国铁路公司faacy 谬论perseverance坚忍不拔,不屈不挠cimb叩his and down daes翻山越岭the first-han



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