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1、202X202学年第一学期高一英语期中测试卷新课标必修1 设计人:杜群 孟宪俭 注意事项: 、本试题分第I卷和第II卷两部分。第I卷为选择题,共75分;第II卷为非选择题,共45分。满分120分,考试时间为0分钟。 2、答第I卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。3、第I卷每题选出答案后,都必须用2铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(AB)涂黑,如需改动,必须先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其它答案。考试结束,答题卡和卷一并上交。第I卷(选择题,共75分)一、单项选择题(共15题;每小题1分,共15分)._ yo gaeus!A. Whta od dvic B.How good advcC.

2、 hata pice of goo advice C.How goo iece advice. h nmber of tepeopleinvitd_fty,ut number f thm_ abcent for differeteasons.A. are , i B.is , are C. is , is D. ar, r .Therer twent pasenger nth us,_ a ba. icludinB nclded . cntainig .conand4 “Yucant cathm!” ane sted,_ awayA.rBunniC.to run D.an.It ws ite

3、tret_ I met Mr yesterday Att Bh .whr D.hat6.Donlos het_youfai.Aunil B vnf C.uless D. a touh7ill o _I n_you. Aal that ,to help .wt,helping C.all what ,to hepD.all,helped8. can spnd _mon on he car which s _expensiv for m.A.oo muc ,much to B.fartoo,tomch .uch oo,too uch D.o many.uch too.Altoghhe is abo

4、rd rom hishometown,e is h_hs il.A.concrning aout.cocrnd abot .coernn wth0Th mny we made lst er_50miin.ded up B.ad oadde uto 11.The teachr sked m_.hrewa I fro B.where Iwasfrom C.whatcouty I come fD hh country dd come fr2.Is thi fctory_my fathr woked lat ear. B. that D.heonehe priser wold be_ totree y

5、easi_prso . A.sentenced ,he B snec ,the C sentee , / D senteced,a14.- How arey getting on wit our wor -_.A Ta ou B.ood, thnk you . Quite well,thnk ou D. Whyyoaso5.Idon likethewa_ou seak to mWhic the folloinganswri wog .iwhich D/二、 完型填空(共2小题;每小题1分,满分0分) Chidrnaloud t world are amilr wit farytal sch a

6、s“TheLit Merad”(美人鱼), “Te Princessand the Pea” an “ThEmperor ew Cthes”Th colouf _1_om h stries mduslagh and cry troughout our _2_.heste a the crao f Dnish writer Ha hritian ndeson. H wasborn ino _ family Odense, Denak, on Ari 2,1805.His _ if wasnot easy. Hisfahr a a somake nd hs mother waherwoma. e

7、_5_ ery ieucation.As acildwa ver _6_ an was lhedt freingfemine(女性化的) adl.n186hisfater ed aAndn was_7_ tgout t wrk, rt in a tailors hoa _8_ at a tobaco fatory. _9_ he ageof 4 Andeson moved t Coenagntotart acreeras a ingerad arHe struggled for theears _10_ h had to leave the theatre whn his vi _11_i 2

8、._12_, Andrnwet a rammarschl. Havin d ell, hewa adittd to Copenhagen Unveriy in 1828e bean to puishhis fitales 1835Te _13_ in smal vlme (量)util his death._4_Aderson lved a_5_ lfe,hered to akepopl _1_ inaisstori. He wote beauehedidnt wa hilre haea _ childoodse dd. The orks _1_ ndrson worl fme, but he

9、 remaied a _1_ mn e neearie andhisrien we the peplewho ad fr is wr.Andrson _20_ on Augut ,187. His om in Odens now amueum an thousands of pe vs it ery yar. A. prts B. pitre C. heroes D. harars. A. day B. tim C dooD years3. oor B. uial C ig happy4. .erly B chioos C.aterD. chol5. A. aceptedB. fond C.

10、recved D. gind6. .emioalB. set . populr D.auty (调皮的)7 A.awed B orced . ili Dued8. A.ten Blatl . eon D.inly.A. By From . At D. ine10 A ine ater . unil D stl1. A.lotB.chaged broke D. orsened12 A. EensoB.Afteward C. Frmthen o Othwise13. A. turnedou . l out . ame out D. wet out1A. inc B.ecase C. AlthougD As5 A. ar inteestingC. hppy D. successf16. A.cy B


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