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1、The dscuso on ShahankRdemtonIthink this moveis ery aifl.I ike itvery chYo must tin s oo.Yumutal have o to a.ut acodig t what wehavappointed, I the Char, so pleae lme shw myopnin fist.The storbegis withthtia f ayug bakr,AndyDure, ctiizd by crumstantil vidnce,resultngin coviction fr the urde ofi fend

2、her lve Aftr ui onvictio,ndy fndshmsefseri a lifesntene Shawshank pison,wh n oe f parole. H exi nthis prisn only ippeane,eepngimind fre fom he rb wallaun him. His abilty tod ti results nhaing ofrspec from hsf inmtes, bt mosof all from Ellis Rding Es,cmmnly rferedto a Red, isganfl se s enrepeneuil pi

3、rt withi herabwasohasha by dealing in conrand nd cmmoiies rre t the coneof prisn. Andys demoraudenlenef hopecauses Red to akea deepe lo athimelf, nthe wrld arund hm. Andprovs to Rdad the ther imat that n th onvntional walls ofShawhaprso conenion wlinno me i his iestyles f as Imcncrn, this movi shows

4、 us thehins:freedm, fedshi, an pe. If e tk ovi as anovel, then s a greatel without dobt t refects the rea ocil fe, an createseverl typcal rcters with lasi oesand a fw kns f difications hs mveorganizes the min scenari f te stoy a simpleway andat the sam tie using sompetylies It expreses th suect in a

5、 ey artstic way.here weheeords, th fit is feed Hwever,wa iressed me is nerly eryonent prongot austomed to thponlife.hat ore, old m evensuiiaftr e wa set free.I ve very deep einofriendshp. he secondword acrued tome i riedship.Friedsi s a ncesryn our lie. In hismovie,efriendshipbewen d an dod me t gae

6、me iea:gettng al frendship is oe import thn moneyand ower.Friendship is eay motan, ndn my oio, it isvery har t gt eal frndh.Whe we dotv ralfrie,we ill e eryloy. I mayhav this feling during thee dysThatis al icribl har.Also tr are oe setces ithmoviethat reall impessed.Thestene I like most is “ope i a

7、 d thin, mybe thst ofhgs, ando goo thing ever dies.” ecuse I thin, it ecourg ple apprei he beau o lfe, t eep hei hop inhear reer “Itwas as i som beauifulbirs ad faed intoourdrabitl age mde teeals isolv way, a frfest omments, evey last man Shawhankfelt fr.” Fro this ntece, Istat o nowthat, inft, somt

8、ing annot be noted at al.That is li tfredom of our hart.We need it, justlie yu have evr forgotten it.therone is: “Feacan hod you pisoer Hoecn styufree.A stong an can savehimsef. A gra man can sv anoer.”I li hs sentence ecus t teachs meo let me fl curag nd hopes. Iturge e to he hedeteminaino succe.Iend, want t se a sentence to smmarethis movie: Fearcan hold ou prisoner. opean se yofree.



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