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1、四下 Unit 8 How are you?教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组cold, fever, come to school.2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型This is speaking. May I speak to ?并能初步运用该句型打电话。3. 能听懂、会说、会读句型How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im sorry to hear that. See you tomorrow. See you.并运用该句型进行问候。4. 能正确理解Story time故事,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并尝试分角色表演。5. 通过学习,引导学生学会关心同

2、学、关心他人。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组cold, fever, come to school.2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型This is speaking. May I speak to ?并能初步运用该句型打电话。3. 能听懂、会说、会读句型How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im sorry to hear that. See you tomorrow. See you.并运用该句型进行问候。4. 能正确理解Story time故事,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并尝试分角色表演。教学难点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型This is speak

3、ing. May I speak to ?并能初步运用该句型打电话。教具准备:课件、人物图片、板书教学过程:课前准备: 播放歌曲Hello, hello, how are you?【设计意图:通过欢快、朗朗上口的歌曲一方面活跃了课堂气氛,消除学生们上课的紧张感,另外也为接下来要学习的内容埋下伏笔。】Step 1. Warming-up1. Free talk and read the poemsT: Are you happy? Lets read the poems.Step 2. New lesson1. T在read the poems基础上问How are you?S: Im fine

4、, thank you.问两组学生,引出How are you? Im fine, thank you.揭题 Unit 8 How are you? 2. Look and talk整体呈现文章,(出示课文插图)T:Were all fine today. Lets talk about the picture.We can talk about :Who ,Where,What .How .3. Watch and answer (播放课文第一部分动画) T: Yang Ling is ill,Can she come to school today? Whats the matter wi

5、th her? cold、 fever,cough 、headache cold A. 冷的 B.感冒 教学I have a cold and a fever. 指导朗读。【设计意图:通过旧知Whats the matter?以及动画的呈现,让学生自主理解cold、fever在文本中的意思。】4. Read and circle T:听到Yang Ling生病了,Miss Li说了什么?阅读课本50页,请用 圈出相应的句子。教学: Im sorry to hear that. Take care.5. Think and say T:Yang Ling has a cold and a fev

6、er. Do you have any good suggestions? 引导学生给出适当的建议。 T: In a word, please cake care.引出Take care. 教学6.Listen , choose and underline T: Yang Ling has a cold and a fever. How does Miss Li know? T: Good job. So this time please listen carefully. How does Yang Ling make a telephone call to Miss Li?听录音,用横线划

7、出用英语打电话的句子。 引出Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. 教学speak eat speak speaking 操练 同法引出May I speak to Miss Li? 操练(学生扮演Yang Ling给Miss Li打电话) T: So we can make a telephone call like this. Can you call Miss Ji? Have a try. 师生操练 T: Now try to call your friends. 学生操练 【设计意图:电话用语是本课的难点,在这一部分通过比较细致的逐一呈现,师生、生生操练

8、,让同学们更扎实有效地掌握知识。】【设计意图:启发学生的扩散性思维,同时也让学生了解一些生活常识。】7.Reading time跟录音读课文第一部分。8. Think and write9. Predicting time(学习第二部分) T:Miss Li is a nice teacher. She is worried about Yang Ling. So she makes a telephone to Yang Ling later. What do you want to know from the call? You can say in Chinese.S:.T: I wan

9、t to know How is Yang Ling now? Can she come to school tomorrow? (教tomorrow today+ morning+ r+ snow) How does Miss Li react?学生答题,理解课文意思。【设计意图:教学过程要以学生为主。努力启发学生,变“教”为“导”,引导学生自主发现问题、回答问题,理解课文。】10. 跟录音读课文第二部分。Step 3. Consolidation1. Reading time齐读课文。2. Acting time分角色表演。3.Playa game :True and false.4.帮助吉老师邀请爸爸去哪儿里的小朋友来海安,通过打电话,问他们是否一切OK,能过来一起玩。5. English saying:Roses given, fragrance in hand. Try to be kind and helpful.Step 4. Homework1. 学习完Story time,针对课文内容,你可以提什么样的问题。2. Listen, read and act Story time.3. Make a telephone call to your friends.


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