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1、英语省略与倒装一:倒装语序的重点英语的基本语序“主语+谓语”,这叫陈述句语序。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序叫做倒装语序。当谓语全部放在主语之前时,叫做全部倒装;当谓语的一部分(如助动词或情态动词)放在主语前面时,叫做部分倒装。以下几点是倒装的重点:(1) 句首为下列副词的句子Here,There,Now,Out,In,Up,Down,Away,Off,Then, 不加助动词直接倒装.例如:Here is a ticket for you.这里有你一张票。Down came the bird.那只鸟飞了下来。Up went the plane.那架飞机冲入云霄。注意 :但是如果

2、主语是代词就不倒装。例如:Here you are. There he comes.(2)在下列副词为首的句型中,形成部分倒装。Only+副词、介词短语、状语从句或Often,Many a time。Only then did I realize the importance of English.Only in Beijing have I seen such a beautiful scenery.Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to come back to work.Often did we ask her not to b

3、e late for schoolMany a time has he helped us.他曾多次帮助过我们。(3) 用于前面所说的情况也适用于另一人(或物)的肯定句或否定句中: 肯定重复倒装用:so例如: They have all got up,and so has Jack他们都起来了,所以杰克也起来了。 否定重复倒装用:nor,neither,no more。例如:If you dont agree to our plan,neither will they.如果你们不同意我们的计划 ,他们也不同意。Tom cant speak French.Nor(Neither)can Jack

4、.汤姆不会讲法语,杰克也不会讲。(4) 在下列以否定意义的副词、短语为首的句子或句型中,形成部分倒装:never, seldom ,at no time(决不),(注意:in no time 不倒装) by no means(决不),nowhere ,in no case(决不), little, under(in)no circumstances ,not only ,neither ,nor ,no sooner.than.,never before, not until, hardly(scarcely ,barely).when.,not only.but also.例如:Never

5、before have I seen such a wonderful park.我从未看见过这样美丽的公园。No sooner had I gone out than it rained.我刚出去,就下雨了。(5) 用于让步状语从句中(由某些连词连接的):no matter how (who.),however,as。例如:No matter how busy he is,he has to attend the meeting.无论多忙,他都得去参加会议。 However cold it is,he always goes swimming.无论多冷他总去游泳。Brave as they

6、are,they are afraid of fight.他们虽然很勇敢,但害怕斗争。(6)so that 句型中, so放在句首,要用倒装:So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.So shallow was the river that there were no fish in the lake.(7)省略if 的虚拟条件句Had I been informed earlier ,I could have come .Should anyone call ,tell him to wa

7、it for me here.(8)as /though引导的让步状语从句中,把表语、宾语、状语提到句首,有的称为倒状,其实主谓并没有倒状Young as he is ,he is very brave.Child as he is ,he knows a lot.Try as he might ,he failed again.Much as I like the book ,I wont buy it.(8)There be+主语+其它There is a book on the desk(9)分词放句首时起强调作用,句子全部倒装。Gone are the days when we dep

8、ended on foreign oil.(10)句子的倒装 Not onlybut also, Hardly/Scarcelywhen, No sooner than(注意此处的时态问题: Hardly/Scarcelywhen, No sooner than中,Hardly/Scarcely加过去完成时,when后用过去时.No sooner后用过去完成时,than后用过去时)1: Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender.2: Hardly had she gone out when a

9、 student came to visit her.3: No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her.4:No sooner_ than it began to rain heavily.A. the game began B.has the game begunC. did the game begin D.had the game begun(11) 直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首时,主句中的主谓也常直接倒装。(完全倒装)e.g. Very well, said the French student. Bring

10、 me two eggs and a cup of tea, please. said he.(12) A. 在疑问句中 各种疑问句一般地说都是倒装语序。例如:1 :Will they come to see us this weekend ?2 :Are you talking about the film you saw last Monday ?3 :Can you speak another foreign language except English?4 :Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or i

11、n Xinhua bookstore?5 :She is not a student, isnt she ? 她不是个学生,对吗?(13). 在感叹句中某些感叹句也用倒装语序。例如: Isnt it a beautiful garden ! 多么美丽的花园啊!What a beautiful garden it is ! 多么美丽的花园啊!(在这种句式中,主语在谓语之前,属于自然语序。对于主语和谓语而言,语序没有倒装。)Have you ever seen such a naughty kid like him !你见过那个孩子像他这么调皮!(14) 由于修辞或是平衡句子的原因也可以用倒装句;

12、也可以不用。这不是一条必须的规定。A :Next to this one is another grand hotel which is beautifully decorated .这家饭店隔壁还有一家装修华丽的大饭店。B : On either side of the great avenue stood many block buildings.这条大街的两侧都耸立着许多综合楼。(这类句子也可以不用倒装句。)C :Im leaving for Beijing tomorrow, said Tom to his mother (OR: Tom said to his mother) .汤姆

13、对他妈妈说:我明天动身去北京。D :Many block buildings stood on either side of the great avenue.许多综合楼耸立在这条大街的两侧。E :Another grand hotel, which is beautifully decorated, is next to this one .这家饭店隔壁还有一家大饭店,那家饭店装修十分华丽。F: North of the city lies a big lake.G :Around his neck was a big brown snake.第二部分 :省略为了避免重复,使语言简练紧凑,在

14、不损害结构或引起误解的原则下,往往省去一个或多个句子成分或词语。1.简单句中的省略。(1)所有格之后的名词如为住宅、商店、工矿、教堂等可以省略。例如:She is going to her uncles (house).她去舅舅家。Today I met her at the tailors (shop).今天我在裁缝店碰见她。(2)there + be结构中的引导词there以及谓语be,或同时省略,或省略there。例如:(There are)No gains without pains.不劳无获。(Is there)Anything wrong?怎么啦?(3)独立主格结构中的分词如为be

15、ing或having been时,则多省去不用,意义不受影响。例如:The meeting(being)over,we all left the room.会议结束后我们都离开了房间。Books (having been)carried,we went to our school.拿着书本我们就去上学了。(4)两个或两个以上的动词不定式并列在一起时,第一个不定式带to,后面的不定式可省去to。例如:Her job is to take care of the children and (to) wash clothes.她的工作是照看孩子和洗衣服。(5)主(宾)语补足语中的to be往往省略。例如:1 :We found the problem(to be) serious.我们发现问题严重。2 :He was thought (to be) the cleverest boy in the group.大家认为在小组中他最聪明。(6)特别注意对话中省略,这是近年常考的形式._Will you join us ? _I would love to. _Are you tired ?_ Not very(



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