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1、安顺市第一高级中学高一英语导学案必修三 Book III Module 3 The Violence of Nature No.1【topic】The Violence of Nature 【lesson style】word study【aim】To learn the pronunciation and spelling of the new words in Module 3. To master the usage of the important words in this module.Word-buildingLearning ProcessTry to enlarge your

2、 vocabulary. experience (vt.) _experienced_ (adj.) violent (adj.) _violence_(n.) _experience_ (n.) erupt (vt.) _eruption_ (n.)possibility (n.) _possible_ (adj.) terrifying (adj.) _terrify_ (v.)fortunately (adv.) _fortunate_ (adj.) warning (n.) _warn_ (v.) _fortune_ (n.) active (adj.) _activity_ (n.)

3、Learn and Summarize 1. experience vt & n.Explain the following sentences in English. Many old people will experience problems as the result of retirement. Tom is an experienced pilot. From personal experience, she knew and understood the problems of alcohol addiction. Youve got a lot of experience o

4、f lecturing. Failing an exam was a new experience for me.Summary: vt. _经历_ adj. _有经验的_n. _经历(cn)_ _经验(un)_ 2.cause vt. Smoking can cause lung cancer. What caused you to change your mind? The cost of the project was huge, but it was not the main cause of its failure. Theywanttofindoutthecauseandeffec

5、toftheincident.Summarize the usage of cause and try to make more sentences by yourself.Comparison: This is the reason _for_ his being late.3. occur vi. Explain the following sentences in English. When did this accident occur?. Earthquakes occur frequently in this area. It had never occurred to him t

6、hat he might be falling in love with her. A brilliant idea occurred to me.More sentences to come.4. strike vt. ( struck; struck / stricken )Try to understand the different meanings of strike according to different sentences.A heavy snow struck most parts of southern China before the Spring Festival

7、in 2008. He struck a match and lighted a cigar. The majority of Hollywoods playwrights are striking for higher pay. The clock has just struck 12. A good idea struck the scientist. It struck me that something unusual might happen. How to express “I had a good idea” in different ways? A good idea stru

8、ck me.Im struck by a good idea. Explain the sentences in Chinese.5. bury vt The skiers were buried under the snow. Tom buried his face in the pillow. He buried himself in the detective story again. Buried in reading, I didnt notice him come in.Ruin: 多指毁灭美好的东西,表示破坏严重,不能修复。Damage:指部分毁坏,还可修复。6.ruin & d

9、amage -whats the difference between these two words? Her marriage was in ruins. This illness has ruined my life. The storm caused/did great damage to the crops.Word focusTry to name out some violence of nature you know. Violence of nature Book III Module 3 The Violence of Nature No.2 【TOPIC】THE VIOL

10、ENCE OF NATURE 【LESSON STYLE】READING AND SPEAKING【AIM】 1. TO GET FAMILIAR WITH THE WORDS RELATED TO VIOLENCE OF NATURE. 2. TO LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT TORNADO AND HURRICANE. Learning ProcessRevisionComplete the following sentences.1. As a war reporter, Jenny got through a lot of adventurous _experience

11、s_(经历), which contributed to her rich _experience_ (经验)in her job.2. Usually, carelessness is _the cause of _(造成的原因)fire.3. _Buried_(埋头于) in writing a play about his early life, he has no time to go on a holiday.4._He never thought of_(他从没有想到)he might be falling in love with her.5. _It is impossible

12、_ for me to catch the early bus.(我不可能赶上早班车了)6. The accident _caused heavy losses_(造成重大损失)to the car.7. _Fortunately_(幸运的是), his stepmother treats him well.8. Weve got _a lot of furniture_ (许多家具) in the room.Discussion before classPart I As we all know, there is more and more natural violence happeni

13、ng all over the world at present. In your mind, what causes it? And what can we do to deal with this kind of phenomenon?Part II Read about the Gulf Stream (P22) and check the meaning of the words. Class activity Part I Read the passage and find out the topic sentence of each part. Part II Read and fill A TornadoA HurricaneDefinitiona rotating column of aira strong tropical stormSpeedmore than 400Km per hour120 Km per hour or moreWhereFrom Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the northin the southern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.DamageThey ca


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