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1、so引导的倒装句2009-05-28 08:17:52|分类:英语教学|举报|字号订阅句型:“So+do+主语”与“So+主语+do”是中学生在平时学习中最容易混淆,最难以掌握,做题时总是有同学在这方面出错。现归纳总结如下,以期帮助同学们攻克难关,灵活的掌握运用他们。 1. So+do+主语 此句型为倒装结构,其主语与上文句子中的主语是不同的。so代表上句中陈述的肯定内容。do可以是连系动词、情态动词或助动词,且必须与上句中的谓语动词保持时态的一致,意思为“也是如此”。如: I like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。 So do I. (=I like playing

2、 basketball, too.) 我也喜欢。(第一句中的I与第二句中的I不是同一人) I am tired. 我很累。 So am I. (=I am tired, too.) 我也很累。 He can speak English very well. 他英语讲得很好。 So can she. (=She can speak English very well, too.) 她英语也讲得很好。 注意:(1)此句型不管上句是何谓语都可以用:“So it is / was with+宾格”这一句型替换。如上面几句可以替换为: 1)I like playing basketball. So it

3、 is with me. 2)I am tired. So it is with me. 3)He can speak English very well. So it is with her. (2)此句型只用于肯定句。否定句要用“neither/nor+do+主语”或“So it is with+宾格”结构。如: He cantt speak Russian. 他不会讲俄语。 Neither / nor can I. 或者 So it is with me. (=I cant speak Russian, either.) 我也不会讲俄语。 (3)但是,当前句中主语支配两个以上不同种类的谓

4、语动词或前句中是两个分句,而主语不同时,不能用“So+do+主语”结构,而只能用“So+it+is/was+with+宾格”结构。如: Tom was a good student and worked very hard.汤姆是一位好学生,他工作非常努力。 So it was with Jack. 杰克也是如此。 Tom likes swimming, but doesnt like fishing.汤姆喜欢游泳而不喜欢钓鱼。 So it is with Jim. 吉姆也是如此。 Marx was born in Germany and German was his native langu

5、age._. A.So did Engels B.So it was with Engels C.So was Engels D.Neither was Engels (答案:B) 2.So+主语+do 这是一种简单的答语,是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。其中so的意义相当于indeed, certainly。表示:“的确如此”,“确实这样”。如: He works hard.他工作努力。 So he does, and so does his brother. 他确实是这样,他兄弟也是如此。 You went to see the film yesterday? 你昨天去看电影了。 So I d

6、id.是的,我看了。 He is a good student.他是个好同学。 So he is. 确实是这样。 从上面例句可以看出:此结构与前文为同一主语,是对上文事实加以肯定。 3.练习 Please choose the best answer: 1.I dont think I can walk any further. _. Lets stop here for a rest. A.Neither am I B.Neither can I C.I dont think so D.I think so 2.Mary is fond of singing, but she never s

7、hows any interest in painting. _. A.So it is with Jane B.So is it with Jane C.So does Jane D.So is Jane 3.I have never been there. _he. A.Neither have B.Nor has C.So have D.So has 4.He has been to Beijing. _I. A.So can B.Neither can C.Nor can D.So have 5.Mike was born in New York and spent his childhood there. _. A.So was Bob B.So did Bob C.So it was with Bob D.So Bob was Keys:1B 2A 3B 4D 5C



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