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1、第七单元总结单词部分:1、 Not at all 一点不(表示不介意)2、Turn down 把。音量调低 关小。3、Turn up 把。音量开大4、Turn on 打开。(指开关累)5、Turn off 关上。6、Right away = at once 马上;立刻7、Task 工作(可数名次)表示通常意义的工作 与work意义相同,work是不可数名次Job一般指某项具体的工作或者职业是可数名次I have done lots of taske these day . 这些天 我做了许多工作You give me too much work to do every day 你每天给我太多的

2、工作做This is your job , you must finish it riht away .这是你的工作,你必须完成它My job is to teach English = My job is teaching English。我的工作是教英语。8、Make posters 制作海报She is making posters for our sports meeting. 她正在为我们的运动会制作海报。9、Waitress 是女服务生 waiter 是男服务生10、Solution = answer or way 11、Wait in line 排队等候 cut in line

3、插队 jion the line 加入到队列中12、Be in line with 与。一致(与。相符)You must be in line with us 你必须与我们一致13、Annoy 使意动词,使。恼怒(生气)Sorry, I annoyed them yesterday, 对不起 我昨天使他们生气了14、Annoying 形容词, 气愤的, 烦恼的,心烦的, 讨厌的He is an annoying man 他是个讨厌的人(注意 annoying前不定冠词用an)These are very annoying things,这些是非常烦心的事情。15、Annoyed 形容词,只用于

4、(1) get annoyed 生气,They got annoyed last Sunday . 他们上个星期天生气了(2) be annoyed 心烦,讨厌,生气Be annoyed with sth I am very annoyed with what she does 我非常讨厌她所做的事Be annoyed at sb Are you annoyed at him ? 你讨厌他吗?16、Polite 形容词She is very polite or She is a polite girl 17、Politely 副词,修饰动词We should talk with others

5、poltely , 我们应当礼貌地和别人谈话you must politely ask others。 你必须要有礼貌地请求别人。18、Impolite 无礼貌的,粗鲁的,无礼的,He is an impolite man 他是个粗鲁的人(注意前面的不定冠词用an)19、Hevave 动词 He always behaves very politely 他总是举止非常有礼貌20、Behavior 是behave的名词,行为或者举止His behavior is very polite .他的举止非常有礼貌。21、At first 22、Allow 动词。 允许。They didnt allow

6、 us to take away that box他们没有允许我们拿走那个盒子。23、Be allowed 被允许。 Are you allowed to leave ? 你被允许离开了吗?24、Keep.down 控制。 抑制。25、Keep doing (表示连续干。)昨天他咳嗽了一个整晚上(这里咳嗽就是需要用keep doing来表示他连续咳嗽) He kept coughing whole last night .Keep sth(sb) + 介词短语(或者副词) 表示某物或者某人处于某种状态Why did you keep me outside last night ? 昨天晚上你为

7、什么让我呆在外面?You mustnt keep us in the sun (rain) 你不能让我们呆在阳光下(雨中)26、Voice表示 声音 She has a very nice voice 她拥有一个美妙的声音27、noise 表示 噪音 多数为不可数名词,There is too much snoise at the factry .工厂里有太多的噪音 I heard a strange noise last night .昨天晚上我听到了一个奇怪的声音。28、Break broke broken 打破,打断You couldnt break others talking 你不能

8、打断别人的讲话。29、Break the rule of. 破坏。的规则(规定)30、Smoke 动词 You mustnt smoke here ! 你不能再这里吸烟Smoking 名词 吸烟 31、Put out 扑灭(注意其宾语若是代词要放在out的前面) Dont put then out ! 32、Pick up 拾起,捡起,采摘(注意其宾语若是代词要放在up的前面)Dont pick up those flowers ! 不要采摘那些花!Pick it up ,please !请捡起它来!33、Drop litter 扔垃圾34、Criticize 动词 批评 指责Why did

9、you criticize me yesterday ? 昨天你为什么指责我 ?(这里是主动语态,你指责的对象是我)I was criticized by you yesterday ,so I got very annoyed .我昨天受得到你的指责,于是我非常生气(这里是被动语态,我是被指责的对象)35、Public in public places 在公共场所, in public 在公众面前36、Take care 当心。 小心。 Take care the steps! 小心台阶!(复习take care of.照顾。)37、Care 名词, careful 形容词 carefull

10、y 副词Careful be careful to do You must be careful 你必须小心! You should be careful to do your homework 你应当仔细做你的家庭作业。He is a very careful man 他是个非常仔细的人Carefully 只修饰动词 we moved very carefully by step and step 我们非常小心地一步一步移动38、move your bike 一开你的自行车,Move 移动,搬迁 When did you move here ? I moved here from Pekin

11、g last year39 do the dishes = wash the dishes 洗盘子40、wear 穿着,put on 穿上 put on another one 穿上另一件 wear another pair 穿着另一双41、in a minute 一会儿42、be at a meeting 在开会43、help sb with , 在。帮助谁。Would you mind helping me with my English ? 你帮助我英语好吗?44、 terrible 形容词 恐怖的,可怕的。 The movic I saw last week was too terri

12、blr 上个星期我看的电影太恐怖了45、 The pen you bought for me doesnt work for now 你给我买的钢笔现在坏了 There is something wrong with my pen you bought for me .46、 clothing store 服装店47、 order 订购 I oedered a gift for you half an hour ago ,but it hasnt arrived yet .语法部分:1、Would you mind doing.? 干。好吗?(这里的干就是mind 后面的动名词)可定回答 of

13、 couse, sure ,Would you mind closing the window ? It is very cold outside .你关上窗户好吗? 外面很冷。Certainly 当然了 Ill do it right away . 我马上做。否定回答: Sorry 并说明原因Would you mind helping me clean my room ? 你帮助我大嫂我的房间好吗?Sorry, Im listening to English . 不好意思,我正在听英语。2、 would you mind not dong.? 请不要干。好吗?Would you mind

14、not smoking here ? 请你不要在这里吸烟好吗?3、 Would you mind ones doing.? 你介意(谁)干。吗?这里的谁要用形容词性物主代词Would you mind his smoking here ? 你介意他在这里吸烟吗?Of couse 当然了 He had better not 他最好别。Would you mind my leaving for a minute ? t 你介意我离开会吗? Of couse not当然不。Youll please .你请吧.4、 Could you please do .? =Would you mind doing .?Could you please wait for me for a minute ?=Would you mind waiting fo me for a minute ?5、 Could you please not do.?=Would you mind not doing .?Will you please not talk in my class ? =Would you mind not talking in my class ?


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