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1、 场口镇小英语设计表 第 三 单元第 1 节 四_年级英语(下)课教学设计 备课人 徐柳旦 教学设计个性化补充教学内容A Lets talk (第1课时)教学目标After the lesson, Ss will be able to:1.Understand the meaning of the dialogue and read the dialogue correctly.2.Answer he questions “Can I ”3.Use the question “Can I ”in right situation.4.Express the feeling correctly b

2、y using the sentences “Be careful. Its very hot.”教学重难点1.Understand the meaning of the dialogue and read the dialogue correctly.2.Answer the questions “Can I ”correctly.3.Use the question “Can I ”in right situation.教、学具准备Word cards, ppt教学过程设计一、热身(Warm-up)1. Lets do. (Unit 2 p15): its time for 2. Free

3、 talk: What time is it? What can you do? T: Look at the clock. What time is it? Ss: Its T: What can you do? Ss: Its time for/to T: Can I ? Ss: Yes, you can./ No, you cant. T teaches the sentences: Yes, you can./No, you cant.二、新课呈现(Presentation)1. T shows some pictures and Ss practice the sentences “

4、Yes, you can./No, you cant.”三、趣味操练 (Practice)Scene 1: 7:30 a.m. Can I watch TV? Scene 2: 4:00 p.m. Can I have dinner? Scene 3: 9:00 p.m. Can I go to school? Ss practice these scenes in pairs. S1: What time is it? S2: Its S1: Can I ? S2: Yes, you can./No, you cant. Its time for/to 2. T shows another

5、picture. Its snowy outside. T: Can I play football? Ss: No, you cant. T: What can I do? Ss: You can T writes down the phrases on the board, then divide them into two groups: activities inside and activities outside. T: So you see, its cold outside. So wed better do something inside. T teaches the tw

6、o words: outside & inside. T: What can we do inside/ outside when its snowy? Ss discuss in groups and communicate with each other.3. T: Its cold outside. So what can we eat? Ss: We can eat (Then T shows pictures of “hot soup, cold ice cream, ice water, hot coffee.) T: Can I have some ? Ss: Yes, you

7、can./No, you cant. Then T teaches the words “hot & cold” and then Ss practice the scene and when Ss have the hot soup, T says the sentence “Be careful.” to the Ss. T teaches the sentence: Be careful.四课堂评价 (Assessment) 1. Ss do the workbook.2. Assignment: a. 读熟课文P24,并背诵。 b. 选取一个场景,创编一个对话。课后反思湖源中小英语设计

8、表 第 三 单元第 2 节 四_年级英语(下)备课教学设计 备课人 楼燕飞 教学设计个性化补充教学内容A Lets learn (第2课时)教学目标After the lesson, Ss will be able to:1.Recognize and read out the words: cold, warm, cool, hot and understand the meaning of them.2.Read and understand the meaning of the chant correctly.3.Give a simple weather report of diffe

9、rent cities.4.Make a new chant according “Lets chant”.5.Understand the meaning of the story.教学重难点1.Recognize and read out the words: cold, warm, cool, hot and understand the meaning of them.2.Read and understand the meaning of the chant correctly.3.Give a simple weather report of different cities.教、

10、学具准备1单词卡片。2教材相配套的教学课件。教学过程设计一、热身(Warm-up)1. Review the “Lets talk” in p24. T shows the scene of “Lets talk” and Ss retell the text.2. Revision: Lets play Ss look at the three pictures and make a dialogue with “Can I ?”二、呈现新课(Presentation)and 趣味操练 (Practice)1. T shows a map of China and presentS four

11、 cities: Harbin, Beijing, Lhasa, Hong Kong. T: Look, its a map of China. Which city are they? Ss: Harbin, Beijing, Lhasa, Hong Kong.2. T shows the temperature of the two cities. (Harbin, hot) T: Look at the temperature of the cities. Which city is hot? Which city is cold? Ss: Hong Kong is hot. Harbi

12、n is cold. T: Yes. So we can say like this: Its cold in Harbin today. Its hot in Hong Kong today. Ss read the sentences after the T. T: So how about Beijing and Lhasa. Ss guess: Is it in Beijing? T shows the temperature of Beijing and teaches the word: warm. Ss: Its warm in Beijing. T: How about Lha

13、sa? Ss guess: Is it in Lhasa? T shows the temperature of Lhasa and teaches the word: cool. Ss practice the sentences in groups: Its in today.3. T shows the weather reporter near the map of China. T: Look at this woman, who is she? Lets listen to the video and find out: what does she say? T plays the

14、 video and Ss listen, then try to repeat the sentence. T teaches the sentence: This is the weather report. Ss read after the T.4. T shows some other cities temperature and Ss try to act like the weather reporter by using these sentences: Good morning. This is the weather report. Its in today.四、展性活动(

15、Add-activities)Lets chant.1. T shows the picture of the “Lets chant” and ask: T: Whats the weather like here? Ss: Its cold. T: Its cold outside. T shows the sentences and Ss read them: Brrr, its cold. Its cold outside. T: What should we do? T shows the pictures of a hat and shoes. Then T teaches the phrase “put on”. Ss practice: Brrr,


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