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1、戴云写作讲义写作训练方法1 M$ J/ H2 x4 Q) p; v. c: ?15篇 不限时写作 结构完整 300字以上9 Y2 |8 X v 8 _. K610篇 1小时 350字以上 结构完整 8 n7 L0 x6 _4 n3 tx要求:检查语法、拼写错误 跑题、表达不清问题3 q* ) D/ vt* a: B3 U1120篇 半小时 400字以上. r3 P) m! x4 o9 N4 u要求:检查语法、拼写错误 跑题、表达不清问题 润饰文章& j+ F! k Y# B% 理由不能太具体 否则不容易展开 要擅于利用“万金由”) Z( wB4 P# L1 R+ V各个理由的关系,必须是并列关

2、系,排列顺序由段落长短来决定。/ w B1 q g9 s- X/ b y开头1 背景论题各方观点的理由作者论点和理由, Wo/ w/ & u& . o8 q背景论题反方观点(反方理由)过渡作者观点作者理由- J# E5 j8 M$ K% $ L开头段写理由的好处3 # c b K6 : L K怎样写背景:8 Z. : ?9 V0 l, G* C提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象(紧扣论题)作为背景8 i Q# W5 ( # Q8 y1 8 X从远到近,由大到小,谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为背景. d2 g2 Y. s+ x: V官方、权威数据,调查研究结果! a: K- E, ?% D7 D开头2

3、事例论题各方观点(和理由)作者理由和论点) i! y4 w% A2 e8 V6 j 媒体(电视、电台、报纸、杂志和网络)的报道( l0 I5 * ?) M 朋友、邻居、同事的故事3 3 D3 J5 M6 r+ j, i9 ; F& h4 p1 H+ g# U7 O ) | m开头3 问题论题各方观点(和理由)作者论点和理由3 X- vA! X# o2 X$ l$ g! I& H J把背景用问题方式提出 连续提问(煽情式提问)% P* ! O# W3 S6 ?% f8 d4 Y W+ A) P |! ; 7 开头4 “引语”论题各方观点(和理由)作者论点和理由/ E0 h0 Y5 7 a) f-

4、 Y, e主题句: t# L; ) 5 ! p: L$ - X1 q必须是陈述句 必须表面观点 不要直接写事实 由观点到事实1 T e7 F l. T4 O; x4 n- J态度必须坚决 每段都要有主题句 通常位于段首或段末$ Y7 s- l7 q2 f % v/ G8 3 s F+ e结尾8 h3 Xz; 4 a; A& A# h. D0 g3 G/ 总结全文(论点各方观点)重述论点和理由提出建议/解决问题/深化意义1 s4 H5 ) r+ ) r3 p* R0 Z把对方的优点移植到己方,把己方的观点消灭掉,提出实施方案和注意事项% Z: ; F) m: J) G深化意义展望未来对国家社会的

5、好处( q, w. E5 7 i5 X/ j0 q黄金规则一 The longer, the better) J% c7 N: X) e, o! y- z 每一个论点都要有理由0 D/ S& ; |& N+ M2 |9 e 每一个理由都要有例子1 V: r4 : 5 p, z& d 每一个例子都要有细节n1 w& X! S3 w黄金规则二-“万金由”黄金规则三 重述语意的技巧* G( C5 Y. R. f8 S! 使用同义词进行替换# $ h6 o3 x3 E4 A: c8 d8 d使用同根词进行替换% J, h8 _. E+ M5 ?! $ oOppose-opposition6 g; x(

6、 C2 C2 t$ S R- Build-building9 n( w8 q# K/ # n& j% B& w/ B. ZAnnounce-announcement% S% x& L; CI# EExplain-explanation0 e6 % L) p$ l0 R/ T* g8 I, r9 I使用短语进行替换3 c$ 0 . g# n7 U(Support) argue for/vote for/be in favor of+ Q6 l+ j/ ZU (Oppose) argue against/vote against/object to/be opposed to2 : G7 F3 L

7、 / z- U, _使用全新的表达法进行替换7 p: ?8 e. J! , p, J3 g, oA company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near the community.5 e% q Q0 a# u h# g7 e-a large factory is supposed to built near the community according to the announcement issued by a company.6 7 o6 H- TDiscuss the advantages and di

8、sadvantages of this new influence on your community., J2 0 Q V4 i! _-There is a growing awareness of both the positive and negative influences that the construction plan brings to our community.8 ?( |& V* J. F9 |/ y黄金规则四黄金句型 priceless sentence patterns Q$ o- ?/ n) N超酷超炫超难句型大比拼4 2 r3 F |8 P注意:主题句 尽可能

9、21格式 细节提升0 |) a$ E7 y8 S2 i$ m( s, # P, R每个段落开头: b2 w! i i& h$ C4 F8 X17 W% - e, ! j强调句(12)1 r; ! r! A# t/ v% Y2) q ; W/ D, Z4 i& l; x2 d0 r/ ZThe more,the more (12)% f, v% D5 l; J! z8 kThe more frequently we communicate with family members, the more harmonious the relationship in the family between

10、 us is.(只要涉及交流都可以用) D6 G; q4 P ?8 f3. 倒装句(23)! b K( x9 U8 I+ bSothat.以至于6 I8 R) J8 |- + d! zt% * PSo big is the classroom that it may hold ten thousand people./ U4 V1 A* R. w% Y B# c3 YSo fast does he run that the train couldnt catch up with him., f7 n0 f6 f5 P, xR- v1 z1 m Asas(morethan) 比较结构8 H6 L

11、7 G4 z8 y rI run as fast as he did-I run as fast as did he. U: F M7 1 y+ k s表示地点、位置、范围、处所的状语或表语提前至句首2 i2 : 3 Q4 L# r, p( BMy sister is among those students.-Among those students is my sister.a3 g* Ba1 Z: ) G分词或形容词短语提前至句首, % N. J) s# * u主语(定语)be形容词/过去分词/不及物动词现在分词介词名词) k# V+ d$ w. w6 R! b5 c主语(定语)be及物

12、动词现在分词n./ w& m& E; C* N9 t* 5 NE.g. Contrary to/coincident with the opinion of many people is my heartfelt (忠心的) objection to/agreement with the idea that students should study together with classmates.% V1 g* TL7 YThose people/parents who hold the opinion that money is the only symbol of success ar

13、e satisfied with/contented with/interested in/worried about/opposed to their children finding a high-paying and long-working job.-Satisfied with/contented with/interested in/worried about/opposed to their children finding a high-paying and long-working job are those people/parents who hold the opini

14、on that money is the only symbol of success; k, c2 e4 C. J* o$ 1 ( o Arguing for those students living outside the campus are those people who hold the opinion that independence is the most critical characteristic of a university student$ q7 5 f; d3 e6 z+ q形容词though/as+主语谓语主句 s# Q4 u% p, D6 J# t$ K&

15、 KRich though he is, he is unhappy. d4 l: SH5 # K. Q5 Though the advantages (that owning a business enjoys/leads to/results in) are considerable/wonderful/numerous, they can not compete with the benefits (that working for others brings about/causes), when/if responsibility is taken into consideration/deliberation/account.X 1 y& d . z6 gThough the advantages that livi


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