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1、1、时态的应用1. My cousin Lucy _ for five years in the foreign-owned company, and now she is the general manager of it. (serve) 我的堂妹Lucy曾在这家外资公司当了五年秘书,现在她是这家公司的总经理。2. What a terrible mistake!Yes, I _ doing it early in another way, but without success. (suggest)多么严重的错误! 是啊,我早就建议他用另一种方法去做,他就是不听。3. Is Jordan

2、 playing basketball on behalf of his school?Well, _, but he has given it up and switched to playing volleyball. (be)Jordan在代表他的学校打篮球吗? 噢,他曾经是,但他已经放弃打篮球而改打排球了。4. The horses _ the finish line. Theyre neck and neck all the way. Oh, the Italian horse Mamma Mia wins the race. (come) 这些马正冲向终点线。它们一直都是肩并肩。噢

3、,这匹意大利马Mamma Mia 赢得了比赛。5. Decades ago we didnt know this, but recent _ that people who dont sleep well soon get ill. (show)几十年前我们不知道这一点,但最近的科学研究表明那些睡眠不好的人很快就会生病。6. Although these engineers _ the project for nearly three years, I dont know how long it will last. (work) 尽管这些工程师们已经从事这个项目将近三年了,但我不知道这个项目

4、还会持续多久。7. With the rapid advance in modern medicine, we _ used in the treatment of AIDS. (see) 随着现代医学的迅速发展,我们会看到更多的药物用于治疗艾滋病。8. I had intended to help you but I was not able to spare any time. I _ last night and Ill finish it tonight. (write) 我原打算帮你的,但我抽不出时间。昨晚我在写一篇论文,并且我将于今晚把它写完。9. If it were not f

5、or the fact that _, I would ask her to lend me a hand. (have) 要不是因为她没有时间这个事实,我就叫她帮我了。10. By the time they conclude the investigation, the truth of the matter _. (light) 到调查结束的时候,事实的真相将水落石出。11. By the time the firefighters arrived at the cinema, the nearby citizens _ the big fire. (put) 当消防战士们赶到电影院时,

6、附近的居民已经把大火扑灭了。12. Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt made a decision yet. (consider)露西一直在考虑回学校学习,但她还没有做出决定。13. The villagers suffered a lot of loss in the flood and they _. (live)这些村民们在洪灾中遭受了惨重的损失,他们没有房子居住了。14. Did you notice what _ when she first gave us a lecture? (wear)你注意到她第一次给我们讲课时穿着什么吗

7、?15. What _is why the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared 6.5 million years ago? (remain) 为什么恐龙在650万年前突然消失仍然是个谜。16. With the development of science and technology, nobody can imagine _ in one hundred years, or even fifty years. (like)随着科技的发展,没有人能想象在一百年之后抑或是五十年之后的生活是什么样子。17. E-commerce or other business o

8、ver the Internet _, as people find online shopping convenient and quick. (popular)随着人们发现网上购物的方便和快捷,电子贸易或其他网上业务正变得越来越普遍。18. Karl _ in France for several years, but he is now working in a big hospital in Shanghai. (work) Karl 在法国当了好几年医生,但他现在正在上海的一家大医院工作。19. By the time you get home tomorrow afternoon

9、we _ from top to bottom. (clean) 明天下午你到家的时候,我们会将教室打扫彻底。20. As I was still very young, my mother, a primary teacher, told me _. (go)当我很小的时候,我当小学教师的母亲就告诉我月球绕着地球转。2、特殊句型中的时态1. With the population increasing and arable land decreasing, it is high time that our government _ _ to solve the housing problem

10、. (take) 随着人口的增长和可耕地的减少,现在是我们政府该采取措施来解决住房问题的时候了。2. What a great surprise! That was the first time that Mr. Browns spotted deer _ young with entirely white fur! (produce) 真是天大的怪事!那是第一次,Brown先生的梅花鹿生出了纯白色的幼崽。3. I _ the words than I began to kick myself, for I knew they would displease him. (utter) 话刚一出

11、口,我就开始恼我自己,因为我知道这话会使他不高兴。4. Some space experts think that _ before any landing on Mars can be attempted. (long) 一些太空专家认为试图在火星上着陆是一件遥远的事。5. It _ since she graduated from college. (be) 她大学毕业已经十年了。6. Hardly _ when the rain poured down. (arrive) 我一到校大雨就倾盆而下。7. My mother _ when someone patted her on the

12、shoulder. (enter)我妈妈正要进屋这时有人拍她的肩膀。8. I will pay a visit to my former teacher as soon as _. (finish)我一完成我正在做的事就去看我以前的老师。9. It is high time that we _ the quarrel between us. (put)是该结束我们之间争吵的时候了。10. Daniel, work even harder or you _ the driving test next time. (fail)Daniel, 更努力些,否则你通不过下次的驾驶测试。3、语态1. In

13、 some western countries, children under seven _ even during the daytime. (allow) 在一些西方国家,即使在白天,七岁以下的儿童也不允许被独自留在家里。2. The stewardess asked all the passengers on board to _ as the plane was making a landing. (seat) 当飞机正要着陆时,女乘务员要求飞机上所有的乘客坐好。3. Years ago, we sailed about ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _, and we met no storms. (call) 多年前,我们航行约一万英里,越过这片叫做太平洋的开阔海洋,我们没有遭遇暴风雨。4. Paul, just have a little patience. I assure you


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