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1、Unit 10 Great inventions教案宽城区第三实验小学洪松一、 教学目标(Teaching aims)Knowledge and skills知识与技能1.掌握本单元重点单词:camera、watch、invention、travel等2.熟练掌握本单元句型:. think(s).is a great invention. Because. Process and methods过程与方法通过Listen and Say课文学习,帮助学生操练本单元的核心句型并在句子中掌握本单元核心词汇。Emotional attitudes and values情感态度与价值观培养学生爱探索的

2、精神,并激发学生对英语学习的热情。二、 教学重难点(Teaching key points and difficult points)Key points: 词汇:camera、watch、invention、travel 句型:. think(s).is a great invention. Because. Difficult points: 灵活运用重点句型,并活用于其他场景,能够进行情景交际。三、 教学过程(Teaching procedures)Step 1 Pre-task Preparation1.师生问好T:Class begins.S1:Stand up.T:Good mor

3、ning, boys and girls.S:Good morning, miss Hong.2.Warming upT:Lets play a game. Have you ever seen the program“Super Brain”?S:Yes. T:Now lets see who is the super brain, There are some words on the blackboard. You should memorize them in 20 minutes.Are you ready?S:Yes.T:Ok,Go.(idea,nail,vegetable,eas

4、y,newspaper,teacher,island,often and night)T:What words do you see?T:Lets read these words together. Now lets see the first letter of these words. They are “i,n,v,e,n,t,i,o,n”.This is a new word for us.It means “发明物,创造物”.Read after me, invention.S: Invention.Step 2 While-task Procedures1. 课堂导入T:(Sho

5、w a picture )Today we are going to learn some great inventions. The topic is unit 10 Great inventions.S:Great inventions.T:What is this in my hand?S:Watch.T:What can we do with watch?S:We can know the time.T:Ok, when my hand is up and up, you should in a loud voice. When my hand is down and down, yo

6、u should in a low voice.(大小声练习)用同样的方法展示其他发明:train,plane,camera,car,phone,fan.2. 课文讲授T:Ms Guo and her students are talking about some great inventions. Lets see together.(观看视频)T:One more. Lets read it together.(齐读)T:Ok, I will give you two minutes to read it by yourself.3. DevelopmentT: Please take o

7、ut your paper.Lets do this practice. (小组讨论,做练习,并汇报)T: Lets read it together.T:I have some riddles. Lets guess together.First one, I can draw pictures and write on it. What is it?S:Paper.(猜其他谜语)Step 4 Post-task activitiesT:At last, lets act out “Listen and say” wiht your group members.小组合作完成对话,并展示。Step 5 Summary and homework1.Recite the words we learned today.2.Recite “Listen and say” on Students Book page 68.


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