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1、牛津小学英语5B Unit6 A PE lesson第一课时教学设计江苏省南通市海安县海安镇仁桥小学-许燕 邮编226600【课题】牛津小学英语5B Unit6 A PE lesson第一课时【教材简解】本课的教学内容是Unit6 A部分短文,通过一节体育课,重点引出祈使句型:Put on Touch with Jump up and down. Do some exercise等。本课的目的是让学生在真实的情境中,理解指令用语的含义并做出相应的动作,感知语言,运用语言。【目标预设】(一)知识目标:1 ,听得懂会说会读会写单词left, right, touch, a hand, a leg,

2、 a foot,及句型Puton, Touchwith 2 ,听得懂会说会读日常交际用语 Stand in a line. Lets do some exercise.Now, listen carefully. Jump up and down. Do this . times. Now, stand up everybody! (二)能力目标:1, 能根据指令做出相应的动作,并能根据实际发布指令。 2 ,能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。(三)情感目标:1, 激发学生英语的学生兴趣,能积极参与到课堂中来,达到师生互动的和谐。在各种活动中体验英语学习的乐趣。2, 激发学生参

3、与体育运动的兴趣。【重点、难点】1,让学生掌握Put on Touch with 等祈使句,理解指令用语的含义并能做出相应的动作。2,正确区分left ,right.3,能正确地理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。【设计理念】整个教学从新课程的理念出发,面向全体学生,重组教材,以旧引新,强化重点,突破难点。通过多媒体教学创设学生乐学,易说的课堂情境。在教师的主导下,引导学生主动获取知识,培养学生用英语思维的能力,激发学生用英语表达的欲望。学以致用,提高课堂教学效率。【设计思路】根据新课程标准,我确立了以下设计思路:1激趣导入,营造良好的学习氛围。由歌曲If you are happy导入,贴近

4、本课教学内容,拉近师生距离,并能激发学生的兴趣,营造活泼的课堂氛围。2创设真实语境,帮助学生快速掌握新知。利用五官类单词hand,foot,feet,arm,leg等展开一系列活动。让学生在真实的语境中边读边做,操练句型:PutonTouch with Put your feet together.Turn left.Turn right.Jump up and down等。3趣味操练,活学活用。利用形式多样、充满趣味的活动,如改编歌曲,跳兔子舞等吸引了学生的注意力,帮助学生强化记忆并激发了学生主动参与的积极性。4,回归课本,拓展升华。通过看卡通片回答问题,听录音跟读课文,分三个部分表演课文的

5、形式巩固操练课文。并把本节课的主题从一节体育课延伸到一个新的高度:Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.【教学过程】Step 1. Warm up and leading-in1,Sing a song: “If you are happy.” Do some actions.2,Free talkT: What day is it today?S: Its T: What lessons do you have on ? S: We have T: What subject do you like? S: I like .T: B

6、oys and girls,I like PE.Its very interesting.Do you like PE?S: Give the answers.T: Lets have a PE lesson. OK? S: OK.T: 揭示课题【设计意图】:热身环节歌曲“If you are happy”节奏欢快,并配有拍手,点头,拍肩,跺脚等动作,既活跃了课堂气氛,又复习了五官类单词。free talk与学生进行日常交流:向学生询问今天星期几,今天有什么课程,从而复习巩固旧知。然后对喜欢的学科进行问答,直接导入本课主题,进而揭示课题。Step 2. Presentation and Pra

7、ctice1. Teach handT: Now Im your PE teacher. Ill give you some orders. Follow me!T: Hands up. / Hands down. / Show me your hands. S: Spell hand. T: I can sing a song with my hands. Can you? Now listen carefully. 出示以下歌词 Put your hands on your head. Put your hands on your eyes. Put your hands on your

8、ears. Put your hands on your mouth. Put your hands on your nose. Put your hands on your feet. T: Can you sing this song? S: Yes. T: Lets sing and do with our hands. T & S: Put your hands on your head. Put your hands on your eyes. Put your hands on your ears. Put your hands on your mouth. Put your ha

9、nds on your nose. Put your hands on your feet. Practice: a. T发令 Put your hands on your . S回应 OK. / Yes. / All right. b. T发令 Put your on your .(把练习拓展到随身的物品) S回应 OK. / Yes. / All right. c. Ss互相发令.【设计意图】:由日常课堂用语Hands up. Hands down.过渡到新单词hand的新授。用学生熟知的Little Star曲调,配上歌词与动作。不仅复习已学的五官类单词,还能让学生感知新授句型Puton

10、师生互相发令:由听指令应答,过渡到相互发指令,进一步巩固新授句型Puton2. T: Look, I can touch my nose with my hands.Lets touch with our hands, OK?显示新授单词touch:读读(读音标),找找(找相同发音的单词),拼拼S: OK. T: Touch your head with your hands.S: Touch my head with my hands. Touch your eyes with your hands.S: Touch my eyes with my hands. Touch your ear

11、s with your hands.S: Touch my ears with my hands. Touch your mouth with your hands.S: Touch my mouth with my hands. Touch your nose with your hands.S: Touch my nose with my hands.Touch your feet with your hands. S: Touch my feet with my hands.【设计意图】:巩固新授单词hand,从Put on 句型自然过渡到另一个新授句型Touch with 本单元中To

12、uchwith的句型比较繁琐,学生不易理解,所以在第一课时,只安排学习固定句型Touch your with your hands.全部用手触碰身体的每个部分。这样学生比较容易理解。在翻译时也比较简单。最后一个指令Touch your feet with your hands.为后面新单词foot/ feet的学习做好铺垫。 3. Teach footand feet T: We go to school on foot. S: Spell foot T: We have two feet. S: Spell feet T: One foot, two feet, put your feet

13、together. T: Put your feet together.(教师自发指令,并动作示范) S: Practice in two. 出示练习句子和图片师生/生师/生生互相发指令Put your feet together. 【设计意图】:从旧知foot过渡到feet,引出句子Put your feet together.4. Teach left, right. T: This is my left foot. S: Spell left.(PPT出示新单词left .师带读left, left ,/e/ /e/ left. 请学生找相同发音的单词) S: (扩展) left han

14、d, left eye, left ear, left foot T: Look, this is my right foot. S: Spell right.(PPT出示新单词right .师带读right, right, /ai/ /ai/ right.请学生找相同发音的单词)S: (扩展) right hand, right eye, right ear, right foot T: Lets dance together.( 兔子舞) Follow me, please. (老师边唱边跳,动作示范) Rhyme: left, left, right,right, left, right, go, go, go【设计意图】:通过学跳兔子舞,感知左右,从而加深对方位词的理解与表达。5. Teach arm T: I can dance with my feet Look, I can dance with my arms, too. This is left arm. This


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