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1、伟大的演讲10Resignation AddressRichard M. Nixon辞职演说理查.尼克松August 8, 19741974年8月8日(音)伟大的演讲10 - Resignation AddressTo leave office before my term is completed is opposed to every instinct in my body. But as President I must put the interests of American first.虽然我极不情愿在到任之前便离任,但作为总统应把人民的利益置于首位。BackgroundNixon

2、s resignation came as a result of the Watergate scandal. At 11:35 a.m. on August 9, 1974, Nixons letter of resignation as 37th President of the United States was tendered to Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. At 12:03, the oath of office was administered to Gerald R. Ford. Following the oath, th

3、e new President spoke briefly from the East Room of the White House. Nixon depart in disgrace as the first President ever to resign.背景1972年水门事件导致尼克松辞职。1974年8月9日上午11:35,第37任美国总统尼克松的辞职信被交给了国务卿基辛格。12:03,福特接管了总统办公室,宣誓之后,新总统在白宫东厢房发表简短讲话。尼克松成为美国历史上第一位辞职的总统。I would have preferred to carry through to the fi

4、nish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so. But the interests of the nation must always come before any personal considerations. From the discussions I have had with Congressional and other leaders I have concluded that I would consider neces

5、sary to back the very difficult decisions and carry out the duties of this office in the way the interests of the nation will require. I have never been a quitter.我的意图也在此,不管多大的个人痛苦,我也宁愿结束它,我家人也这样黯然催促我。国家利益高于个人利益,通过我与国会及其他领导的商讨,我不得不做出这个艰难的决定,而人民也有这样的要求,但我从来就不是一个半途而废的人。 To leave office before my term

6、is completed is opposed to every instinct in my body. But as President I must put the interests of American first.虽然我极不情愿在任期结束之前便离任,但作为总统应把人民的利益置于首位。America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress, particularly as this time with problems we face at home and abroad.美国需要一个全心全意的总统和国会,特别是现在

7、我们处于国内外各种困难的时期。To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home.

8、继续个人辩护将占去总统和国会几乎所有的时间,而这时我们应该做的却是,致力于世界和平和建立无通货膨胀的国家繁荣。Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office.因此,我决定于明天中午正式辞去总统一职,副总统福特将同时在这里宣誓就职。(结束) Democratic Convention Acceptance SpeechJimmy Carter在民主党集会

9、上的讲话吉姆.卡特July 15, 19761976年7月15日(音)伟大的演讲10 - Democratic Convention Acceptance SpeechI guarantee you that it will be the year when we give the government of this country back to the people of this country.我向你们保证:这将会是我们把国家的政府重新还给人民的一年。BackgroundOn December 15, 1974, Jimmy Carter, the outgoing governor

10、 of Georgia, announced that he would run for the U.S. presidency at the end of his gubernatorial term.背景1974年12月15日,吉姆卡特,即将离职的乔治亚州州长,宣布他将在州长的任期期满后,参加美国总统的竞选。My name is Jimmy Carter. Im running for President.我的名字叫吉姆(卡特。我是来竞选总统的。Its been a long time since I said those words the first time. And now Ive

11、 come here after seeing our great country to accept your nomination. 我第一次说这些话已经是很久以前了。现在,在见证了我们祖国的伟大后,我来到这里接受你们对我的提名。1976 will not be a year of politics as usual; It can be a year of inspiration and hope and it will be a year of concern; of quite and sober reassessment of our nations character and p

12、urpose, a year when voters have already confounded the experts and I guarantee you that it will be the year when we give the government of this country back to the people of this country.1976年将不会是在政治上平庸的一年;它会是充满鼓舞和希望的一年;它将是关注和全面清醒地评价我们国家的特色和前途的一年;它会是选举人把所谓的专家搞得晕头转向的一年。我向你们保证:这将会是我们把国家的政府重新还给人民的一年。(结

13、束) Inaugural AddressRonald Reagan就职演说罗纳德.里根(音)伟大的演讲10 - Inaugural AddressIn this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.在目前这场危机中,政府不是我们解决问题的方法,因为政府本身就是问题之所在。BackgroundAfter World War II, Reagan gave up his film career and turned to a new career as sp

14、okesman for General Electric. He soon changed his political views, leaving the Democratic Party and becoming a conservative Republican. In 1966, he was elected governor of California and Reagan won the presidential nomination in 1980 and defeated President Jimmy Carter in the election.背景第二次世界大战以后, 里

15、根放弃了他的演艺生涯转而从事一项新的事业,作为通用电气的发言人。 不久, 他改变了他的政治观点,离开了民主党而成为了共和党保守派的一员。 1966年, 他被选为加利福尼亚的州长,1980年里根在选举中击败了前总统卡特赢得了总统的选举。These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions. We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history. It d

16、istorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift, and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.美国正面临着一场大范围的经济危机。我们正经受的是美国历史上时间最长、情况最恶劣的通货膨胀。它严重影响了我们的经济决策;动摇了我们勤俭节约的传统;彻底击垮了正在奋斗的年轻人和有固定收入的中年人。而且它已经严重到使我们上百万人民的生活受到被粉碎的威胁。Idle ind



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