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1、美国口语惯用语如果你想提高你的英语口语表达能力,使你的语言更加地道得体,符合英美人习惯,光学习那些课本语言是不行的,是无法进行有效的交流的。事实上,非本族语的人讲英语,往往会使用很多的大词,而本族的人则会用很多的习惯用语。据说,如果有哪个美国人使用太多的大词来讲话,人们会拿他开玩笑的! 所谓惯用语,是指那些短语(phases)、非正式的习惯用语(informal phrases)、谚语(proverbs)和俚语(slang)。这些语言频繁出现在美国人的日常会话、书刊、电影、广播、歌曲中。作为一个英语学习者,了解这些美国人常用的短语、俗语、谚语、俚语并在适当的时候加以运用,无疑会使你的英语更符合

2、美国人的讲话习惯,听起来更地道。下面请看美国口语惯用语。1He travels back and forth他到处旅行。2So how have you been getting along?你一直过得怎么样?3He hit it off with his coworkers他和他的同事相处得很好。4Dont be penny wise and pound foolish不要因小失大。5I broke the bank after I bought the apartment我买完房子后就身无分文了。6Dont beat around the bushTell me the truth别拐弯抹

3、角了,快把真相告诉我。7Did you witness the murder?你目击到这场谋杀了吗?8I had to rob Peter to pay Paul我只好借新债还旧债。(拆了东墙补西墙)9Can I get some directions? 我能问一下路吗?10He speaks like a book他说话文绉绉的。11My father is hitting the bottle again我父亲又在狂饮了。12Whats going on here? 这里发生什么事了?13My wife got hooked on gambling我太太沉迷于赌博。14He Was try

4、ing to butter her up when he said she was beautiful他说她漂亮实际上是在巴结她。15May I take tomorrow/this Friday off, please? 我明天这周五可以请假吗?16Id like to apply for a credit card我想申请信用卡。17My wife is doing herface我太太正在化妆。18Your idea is just pie in the sky你的想法是不太可能实现的。19I think your ex-wife is trying to get back at you

5、. 我觉得你的前妻在试图报复你。20I feel like a fish out of water among those high-society people和那些上流社会的人在一起,我感到很不自在。21I think he did it on purpose我想他是故意的。22Youve gone too far你太过分了。23Stop trying to find fault with everybody! 不要总是去挑每个人的毛病。24The boy used four-letter words in his composition这个男孩在作文中使用了脏话。25Marks girf

6、riend is a total fox马克的女朋友很性感。26Im sick of being lied to我讨厌别人对我撒谎。27I refuse to kiss up to anyone我拒绝对任何人卑躬屈膝。28Caroline ran away with her boss卡罗琳和她的老板私奔了。29The secret of losing weight through exerciseis to keep at it运动减肥的秘诀就在于持之以恒。30Congress killed the hill国会否决了这个议案。31You told a white lie when you s

7、aid she was cute当你说她可爱时,你撒了一个无恶意的谎言。32Would you stop kidding around? 别开玩笑了可以吗?33Your story just doesnt hold water你说的不合情理。34She has a sweet tooth她爱吃甜食。35Shelikesto show of她喜欢炫耀。36That movie will make your hair stand on end那部电影会让你毛骨悚然。37I think my secretary is worth her salt我想我的秘书是称职的。38Lets sit down

8、and draw up an agreement让我们坐下来起草一份协议吧。39Lets get together after work工作之后我们聚一聚。40Dont take her remarks to heart别把她那些话放在心上。41She has got a big mouth她话多,嘴不严。42I have been monlighting for twoyears我干兼职已经两年了。43There is no use crying over spilt milk不要作无益的后悔。44How did Beijing strike you? 你对北京的印象如何?45My boss

9、 likes to blow his own horn我的老板喜欢自吹自擂。46Lets take a cofee break让我们喝点咖啡休息一下。47Im off work now我下班了。48I didnt mean to throw cold water on your plans我并不是有意给你的计划泼冷水。49I need to stop at the ATM and get some cash我需要在自动提款机停一下,取点现金。50I think that someone is trying to frame you我想有人正在试图陷害你。51What do you tak e

10、me for? A fool? 你以为我是什么? 一个傻瓜吗?52The more worry,the worse itIl get你越着急,情况就越糟糕。53Alison is dating a white guy艾利森正在和一个白人男子约会。54Dont be a wet blanket别做一个扫兴的人。55Inl a little under the weather these days我最近身体有些不太舒服。56He doesnt want to make waves at the office他不想在办公室里兴风作浪。57My rival drives me up the wall我

11、的对手把我逼上绝境了。58Youve got to keep up with the times你得跟得上时代。59I want a job that makes use of my talent我想找一份能够施展我才华的工作。60Some people seem to be natural-born troublemakers有些人似乎是天生的麻烦制造者。61Just skip itI dont want to talk about it anymore. 别再提了,我不想再谈论它了。62Ive heard nothing but good things about you关于你我只听到过好

12、事。63I just want to remain low-key at the party我只想在晚会上保持低调。64Dont give me any lip serviceI want to see some action! 别跟我说好听的,我要见你的行动。65Marys husband is a good-for-nothing bum玛丽的丈夫是一个无用的东西。66I think Ill call in sick today我想我今天要请病假。67Please have seconds请再吃一点吧。68I havent met MrRight yet我还没有遇见合适的男人呢。69Sor

13、ry to keep you waiting对不起让你久等了。7OA little bird told me反正有人告诉我。71Are you out of your mind? 你脑子进水了?72Calm down冷静点。73Can you give me a lift? 你能让我搭车吗?74Peter looks upsetWhats eating him?彼 得好像不高兴,是什么惹着他了?75Do you have group/student rates? 团体学生有优惠价吗?76Do you mind if I join you? 我加入你介意吗?77Do you think I wa

14、s born yesterday? 你以为我是三岁小孩呢?78When does that law go into effect? 那法律什么时候生效?79Some women never act very ladylike有些女人的举止从来不像女人。80He gets on my nerves他让我反感。81He is my bosom buddy他是我的知己。82How do I print it out? 我怎样把它打印出来?83I have a hunch that something is to pay我感到事情不妙。84I found out he was seeing someo

15、ne else我发觉他与别人幽会。85I just follow the rules我只是按规则办事。86I remember seeing him before我记得以前见过他。87I couldnt fall asleep last night我昨晚睡不着觉。88Id like to file a complaint我想投诉。89Im new at this我是个新手。9OIm not getting along with my colleague我和我的同事合不来。91Its apples and oranges这是截然不同的。92Its on me我请客。93Just between you and me就咱俩知道。94Let me finish让我把话说完。95Long story short长话短说吧。96M


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