2023年跟踪检测强化提升 必修 Unit 24.doc

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《2023年跟踪检测强化提升 必修 Unit 24.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年跟踪检测强化提升 必修 Unit 24.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。跟踪检测强化提升. 语境填词来源:Z.xx.k.Com1. I still feel _(guilt) about things I said to my father when I was a teenager. 2. I was _(delight)to have the beautiful tea set you sent to me. It was very kind of you. 3. He has made an _ (appoint)with his do

2、ctor for his toothache. 4. Patience is _ as you _ wisdom, and wisdom is the child of experience. (acquire)5. They are not fully _(inform) about the changes. 6. Engaged in _, he is a _ of a famous _. (journal)7. She is a _ painter, while her sister has a _ for music. (gift)世纪金榜导学号790601188. As a _, s

3、he has _ hundreds of famous people and all the _ she took were printed in magazines. (photograph)9. We went to the gallery last weekend and all the artists were very _. In other words, we _ the artists for their _ skills. (admire)10. To his _, he took first place in the exam. His parents were _ to k

4、now about it. (delight)11. He has just been _ to the position of Export Manager for the company. He will have an _ with his first foreign customers tonight. (appointment)12. I accomplished the task with the _ of all my _. (assist) 答案:1. guilty 来源:1ZXXK2. delighted3. appointment 4. acquired ;acquire5

5、. informed 6. journalism; journalist;journal来源:17. gifted;gift8. photographer;photographed; photographs9. admirable; admired;admirable10. delight; delighted 11. appointed ;appointment12. assistance; assistants . 选词填空concentrate on, accuse of, ahead of, depend on, have a good nose for1. We were prais

6、ed by the manager for completing the work five days time. 2. If you dont your work, youll lose the job sooner or later. 3. The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other species that the trees flowers and fruits. 4. Your son stories, so he will become a good journalist before long

7、. 5. The man, stealing the expensive car, is being questioned by the policeman. 答案:1. ahead of 2. concentrate on3. depend on 4. has a good nose for5. accused of 来源:Zxxk.Com. 完成句子1. Planning is good as it decides in detail _. 制订计划是好的, 因为它详细决定着我们如何做我们想做的事。来源:1ZXXK2. _, but also he spares at least 20 m

8、inutes every day to read. 他不仅强调阅读的重要性, 而且他每天至少抽出20分钟来阅读。世纪金榜导学号790601193. They demanded that all the aggressor troops _ from their country. (pull out)他们要求所有侵略军都应撤出他们的国家。4. That depends on _. 那取决于你如何处理这个问题。5. The students trust her; as a result, her advice _. 学生信任她; 因此, 她的建议必定会影响他们的决定。答案:1. how we do what we want to do2. Not only does he attach importance to reading3. (should)be pulled out4. how you solve/deal with the problem. 5. is to influence their decisions. 关闭Word文档返回原板块第 页


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