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1、人教新目标英语七年级上册Unit 2 This is my sister一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. These are our_(friend). 2. Who_(be)these girls?3. I _(be)your new friend.4. _(you)books are in the backpack.5. _(that)two boys are David and Bill.6. Are _(this)girls his cousins?Yes, they are.7. These are my _(grandparent). 8. Anna and I _(be not)f

2、riends.9. I have two _(picture)of Sichuan.二、单项选择1. _ these her hats? No, they_.A. Is;isnt B. Am;are C. Are;isnt D. Are;arent2. Is this your ruler? _.A. Yes, it is B. No, they arent C. Sorry D. Yes, they are3. Is that your aunt?Whats _ name?A. his B. her C. she D. hers4. Is that her notebook? No, _ i

3、snt.A. it B. that C. its D. its5. _?The girl under the tree?I dont know.A. Whats that B. What the girl C. Whos that girl D. Whose is she6.This is my good _.A. friends B. friend C. sisters D. brothers 7. Whats this in English? _.A. Its my pen B. Yes, its a pen C. Its a pen D. That is a pen8. Thank yo

4、u _your pen, Helen.A. to B. for C. from D. of9. Dad, this is my pen friend, Alan. _.A. Thank you B. OK C. Nice to meet you D. Good10. My mothers sister is my _.A. grandmother B. sisters C. cousin D. aunt11. This is my mother, and Im her _.A. teacher B. daughter C. parents D. mother12. This is Mr. Bl

5、ack and _ is my English teacher.A. this B. she C. he D. it13. Mum, _ my friends, Dale and Helen.A. this is B. they is C. he and she D. these are14. Whats this?Its a photo _ my family.A. in B. ofC. at D. for15. Are _ Kates _?No, they arent.A. this;book B. that;bookC. these;books D. those;book16. This

6、 is Lei Feng._ is a kind man.A. She B. HerC. He D. His17. Is he your _?No, he isnt.A. sister B. cousinC. daughter D. mother18. Is that your father?_.Its my uncle.A. Yes, that is B. No, that isntC. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt19. Here _ some books for you, Tom.A. be B. amC. is D. are20. Thanks _ the pho

7、to _ your family.A. of;for B. of;inC. for;of D. for;in三.完形填空 Hello! Im Emma Brown. Look at this _1_! The two boys are my _2_, Peter and Bob.Peter is my uncles _3_.He is 8.Bob is his last son and he is _4_.Who(谁)is that girl?She is my good _5_, Ivy.Ivy is 12.She and I are in a _6_, No.5 Middle School

8、.Look! _7_ is that?Its Ivys_8_.Its a nice watch.1. A.mapB. photoC. name list D. ID card2. A.sistersB. parents C. uncles D. cousins3. A.daughterB. son C. brother D. sister4. A.7 B. 9 C. 11D. 135. A.auntB. daughterC. mother D. friend6. A.familyB. schoolC. number D. schoolbag7. A.WhoB. WhatC. How D. What color8. A.watchB. bookC. pencil D. notebook人教新目标英语七年级上册Unit 2 This is my sister答案一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. friends 2. are 3. am 4. Your 5. Those 6. these 7. grandparents8. are not 9. pictures二、单项选择1-5 DABAC 6-10 BCBCD 11-15 BADBC 16-20 CBDDC三.完形填空 1-4 BDBA 5-18 DBBA


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