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1、辅导教案提纲课 题(课型)Unit 1 课后巩固练习教学内容Unit 1Know yourself第1课时分层训练Period 1.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1We should learn to do things in the right _(顺序). 22019荆门改编 _(既不) you nor John knows how to spell the word.3. I dont have much difficulty with English _(语法). 4Many _(有创造力的) people spend a lot of time on preparation.5I don

2、t feel tired because Im _(好奇的) about everything.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1An active, _(energy) young man can always work like a tiger.2I have _(eat) four cakes, but I still want another.3She is very _(organize) and always keeps all her things in good order.42019安顺 He left without _(say) a word.5I find it har

3、d for me _(make) a speech in public. .根据汉语意思完成句子1跟别人分享东西会让你感觉良好。It makes you _ things _2汤姆很谦虚,他从来不炫耀。Tom is very _ and he never _.3这个男孩足够聪明,他能想出各种各样的主意。The boy is _ all kinds of ideas.4他整个下午都待在家里,什么都没做。He stayed at home all the afternoon _5请把你所有的东西按次序摆放好。Please _ all your things_.单项选择 ()1.2019泰州My l

4、ittle sister is a(n)_ girl and she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.Acurious BcreativeCenergetic Dattractive()2.Whos the most modest boy in your class?Daniel. He never _ in public.Agets off Btakes offCshows off Dturns off()3.2019岳阳改编The government of China _ the idea of A Belt and

5、 A Road in 2019.Acame up with Bcheered upCput up Dlooked up()4.2019广元改编Who is your favourite teacher?Mr Red. He often makes us _ by telling jokes in class. Alaugh Bto laughClaughs Dlaughed()5.2019泰州Neither Jim nor Tom _ Australia before, but they know the country very well.Ahas gone to Bhas been toC

6、have gone to Dhave been to.2019镇江根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文One day, when a boy named Ted returned from school in a hurry, his mother complained, “It is six oclock, and your school 1.c_ at fourwhere have you been?”“Oh, Mum,” said Ted, “when we play ball games, we 2.f_ everything else. We dont think of the time

7、. Is supper ready?”The boys mother believed him. Teds 3.a_ led her to think that he had been playing with his classmates. But he hadnt been playing at all.He had been “kept in” by the school librarian, because he had made the 4.l_ in a complete mess. He didnt like to tell his mother about that. He w

8、ished her to think that he had been playing.“What a 5.s_ it is for you to try to deceive(欺骗) your mother!” said something in Teds heart, as he 6.q_ sat down to his supper.“I dont care,” said the boy to 7.h_, “I dont care. I didnt tell a lieI didnt say that I was playing.”“But,” said the voice, “you

9、used words which 8.m_ your mother think that you had been playing, and that was 9.s_ to what you had said so.”“I didnt tell a lie,” said Ted.Did Ted tell a lie, or did he not? What do you think?If we use words which can deceive others, we tell a lie, and Teds lie was a bad one, for it sounded so lik

10、e the 10.t_. A lie that sounds true is the worst kind of lie.详解详析Period 1Comic strip & Welcome to the unit【课前自主预习】单词闯关1order2.neither3.grammar4好奇的5.谦虚的6.energetic; energy7organized/organised; organize/organise8creative; create 短语互译1eat e up with3.neither nor4be patient enough to do sth5get angry eas

11、ily6.和分享7使保持井然有序8.炫耀9语法规则10.整天句型在线1makes them feel good; share things with others2is modest; shows off3patient enough to4without speaking【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 吃光,吃完eat up2 good at (playing); show off句型透视1 do sthA考查非谓语动词。句意:昨晚,我在一本旧书里发现了一张照片。它让我想起了小学生活。make sb do sth意为“使/让某人做某事”。故选A。2 不可数; 后C句意:“我将离开很长时间。”“不

12、要担心。她能_照顾你的宠物。”修饰动词短语look after要用副词,故A和B排除;enough修饰副词时,置于其后。故选C。3 Its easy for young people/the young to accept new things/something new. 【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.order2.Neither3.grammar4creative5.curious.1.energetic2.eaten3.organized4saying句意:他一句话也没说就离开了。句中的without是介词,其后需接动名词。故填saying。5to make.1.feel good

13、to share; with others2modest; shows off3clever enough to come up with4without doing anything5keep; in order课后巩固提升.1.A考查形容词的辨析。句意:我的小妹妹是一个_女孩,她总是问我各种各样的奇怪的问题。下文“各种各样的奇怪的问题”提示用形容词curious,表示“好奇的,有求知欲的”。creative意为“有创造力的”;energetic意为“精力充沛的”;attractive意为“有吸引力的”。故选A。2C3A考查动词短语辨析。句意:中国政府在2019年_一带一路的想法。come up with意为“想出”;cheer up意为“使高兴起来”;put up意为“张贴,举起,搭建”;look up意为“查阅”。故选A。4A考查非谓语动词。句意:“谁是你最喜爱的老师?”“雷德先生,他经常在课上讲笑话使我们发笑。”make sb do sth意为“使(让)某人做某事”。故选A。5B考查主谓一致和have been to与have gone to的区别。句意:吉姆和汤姆以前都没去过澳大利亚,但他们对这个国家很了解。neithernor连接主语时,谓语动词根据“就近原则”确定适当形式,主语Tom提示谓语助动词用has;下文but引导的


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