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1、13单元重点八项一、强调句型4级考查1. 一级考查陈述句:It is/was.that2. 二级考查一般疑问句:Was/Is it.that.?3. 三级考查特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+is/was it that+句子其余部分?4. 四级考查特问句在从句中:.特问词+it is/was that.5. 特殊结构:It is/was not untilthat.6. 检验方法:去掉框架It is/was 和that后剩余成分为完整句子。7. 如果被强调的成分是“人”,可以将 “that”换成“who”,“whom宾格”二、关于assume1. assume sb. to be 假定某人.2. as

2、sume that.假定.3. assuming this to be true假定这是真的.4. assume office 就职5. assume a look of innocence 装作无辜的样子6. assumption 假定;假设;认为;承担7. make an assumption 假设;认为8. on the assumption假定在的情况下;承担的责任三、别无选择只能做某事 have no choice but to do. 有do无to; 有to无do四、关于convince1. convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事2. convince sb. t

3、hat. 使某人确信3. be convinced of sth 某人确信某事4. be convinced that 某人确信.五、关于astonish1. astonish sb. 使某人惊讶2. be astonished at.对.感到惊讶3. astonish sb. with sth. 以.使某人惊讶4. It is astonishing that.使人惊讶的是.5. in/with astonishment 惊奇地;惊讶地6. to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是.7. astonishment 惊讶8. astonished 感到惊讶的9. astonis

4、hing 令人惊讶的六、关于consider1. considerate 考虑周到的;体贴的2. consideration 考虑;顾及,体贴;要考虑的事情3. considerable 相当大的;相当多的4. take.into consideration/account 把考虑在内5. under consideration 在考虑中6. in consideration of 考虑到;顾及到7. on no consideration/account 绝不8. out of consideration 处于对.的考虑9. consider doing sth 考虑做某事10. be co

5、nsidered to do 被认为要做某事11. be considered to have done 被认为已经做了某事七、关于set1. be set in. 以为背景2. set about doing sth 着手做某事3. set out to do sth 着手做某事4. set aside 把放在一边;驳回;宣告无效5. set down 放下;搁下;记下6. set off 出发;启程八、turn down 的含义1. 折回,翻下2. 调小;关小3. 使.面向下;翻扣4拒绝;驳回注:turn 的短语1. turn down 拒绝;声音关小2. turn up 露面;调大3.

6、turn on 打开4. turn off 关闭5. turn over 翻转过来;仔细考虑6. turn in 上交7. turn to 求助;转向某人8. turn away 拒绝进入;驱散9. turn into 转变成;使变成10. turn out 结果是;证明是12单元重点九项一、 关于load1. work load 工作负担2. reduce study load 减轻学习负担3. a heavy load to bear 沉重得难以忍受的负担4. a busload of 满满一车.5. loads of 很多的.6. load sth into/onto.把.装进/上7.

7、load sb./sth. down 给.过重的负担8. be loaded down with. 被给过重的负担二、 关于“首先;第一;起初”1. to begin with2. firstly3. first4. first of all5. in the first place6. to start with7. at first8. in the beginning三、关于tend1. a tendency to/towards 一种.的倾向 2. a tendency for sb. to do sth 一种做某事的倾向3. tend to do sth 易于做某事4. tend t

8、o/towards sth 朝某方向;倾向于某事四、关于absent1. be absent from.缺席be present at.在场2. absent oneself from 自.缺席3. in ones absence 某人不在的时候 in ones presence某人在场的时候4. absent-minded 心不在焉的5. absently 心不在焉地五、关于result1. as a result of = because of 因为2. with the result that.因此3. without any result 毫无结果4. result in导致,句子的主

9、语是“因”5. result from.因而产生/发生;由造成,句子的主语是“果”六、句型:It is+P.P.过去分词+that.1. 据报道/据说/据认为/据宣布/人们希望. It is reported/said/believed/announced/hoped that.七、关于rather than1. rather than 而非; other than 除了2. rather than 连接两个主语是,谓语动词在人称和数上:与前者保持一致3. rather than连接两个动词时: A. 如果句子表示主观愿望,rather than后的动词用原型 B. 如果句子表示客观事实,ra

10、ther than 后词性与前面所接词性相同4. 宁愿做., 而不愿做 1) would rather dothan do. 2) would do.rather than do. 3) prefer to do rather than do. 4) prefer A to B 5) prefer doing to doing八、关于it 做形式宾语的特殊情况see to(照看,处理)depend on/uponinsist on, answer for(担保,对负责) + it + thatcount on(期待)appreciate九、关于it做形式主语的特殊句型1. 强调句型: It i

11、s/was.that. (一级考查:强句的陈述句) Is/Was it.that.? (二级考查:强句的一般疑问句) 特问词+is/was it that.?(三级考查:强句的特问句) .特问词+it is/was that.(四级考查:强句的特问句在从句中) 注意:往往在被强调部分插入复合句2. 那取决于.It depends on/upon 3. 是某人该做某事的时候了 Its time for sb. to do sth. Its time to do sth. Its (high/about) time that sb. should do sth. (should 不能省略) Its

12、 (high/about) time that sb. did sth.4. 某人第几次做某事 It is the first (second) time that sb. has done sth. It was the first (second) time that sb. had done sth.5. 在做某事之前(不)会用多久 It was/will be some time (long, hours, days, years) + beforeIt wasnt/wont be some time (long, hours, days, years) + before6. 自从某人做某事以来有多长时间 It is some time since sb. did sth. It has been some time since sb. did sth.9



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