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1、复习专题句型转换(一般现在时态) 一、教学目标 1、 知识目标(1)能够认知并区分系动词be、情态动词和行为动词;be(am, are, is)/ can, must, will, should/ run, play, sing, speak (2)能够熟练地将陈述句变为一般疑问句并进行简单回答、将陈述句变为否定句;(3)掌握特殊疑问句的句型结构并进行提问;(4)掌握句型转换中要注意的一些问题,如some和any的在不同句型中的转换、人称要随着情境的变化而变化等。2、 能力目标(1) 熟练进行一般现在时态的句型转换;(2) 能举一反三,在日后的学习中能够从一般现在时态的句型转换顺利过渡到其他时

2、态句式的句型转换;(3) 在进一步的写作训练中能够写出正确、完整的句子。3、 情感目标(1) 通过学习,让学生对句型转换有全面的了解,做到心中有数;(2) 通过讲解和练习,让学生把所学用于操作,知识得到巩固,进一步增加学生学习英语的信心。二、教学重难点1、重点(1)动词的简单分类;(2)陈述句、一般疑问句(包括简单回答)、否定句、特殊疑问句的转换。2、难点陈述句、一般疑问句(包括简单回答)、否定句、特殊疑问句的转换。三、教学步骤Step1 Leading-in(导入) 以下T表示老师,S表示学生。引入今年38刚刚发生的马航客机MH370失联事件,让学生猜测这是不是一起暴力恐怖事件、人们是否还活

3、着。T: It is a violent terrorist event. T: Is it a violent terrorist event?Ss: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. It is not a violent terrorist event.T: Why is it a violent terrorist event?T: People survive in the world. T: Do people survive in the world?Ss: Yes, they do. / No, they dont. They dont survive in

4、 the world.T: Ok, Lets pray for the people in the airplane MH370.(用当前最牵动人心的新闻事件引出今天的主题句型转换。)Step 2 Presentation(展示)【任务1】认知陈述句变为一般疑问句并对一般疑问句进行简单回答。It is a violent terrorist event. Is it a violent terrorist event? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.People survive in the world. Do people survive in the world? Yes,

5、 they do.No, they dont.【任务2】认知陈述句变为否定句。It is a violent terrorist event. It is not a violent terrorist event.People survive in the world. People dont survive in the world. 【任务3】结合以上所展示的例句来学习、总结一般现在时态的句型转换的方法。一、 学习将动词进行简单的分类。二、 句型转换的方法。1、 陈述句变为一般疑问句(1) 当句子的谓语动词为be动词或情态动词时,可直接将be动词或情态动词移到句首。It is a dog

6、. It can write.Is it a dog? Can it write? Yes, it is. Yes, it can. No, it isnt. No, it cant.(2) 当句子的谓语动词是行为动词时,需要借助助动词do/does放在句首(有了助动词,后面的行为动词用原形)。He plays basketball everyday. Does he play basketball everyday? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.注:对一般疑问句进行简单回答时,要坚持“用什么动词问就用什么动词回答”。2、 陈述句变为否定句。(1) 当句子的谓语动词

7、为be动词或情态动词时,可直接在be动词或情态动词后加“not”。It is a dog. It can write.It is not a dog. It can not write. (2) 当句子的谓语动词行为动词时,需要借助助动词do/does来加not(缩略形式为dont/ doesnt)并放在该行为动词前面。He plays basketball everyday. He doesnt play basketball everyday.3、 特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句语序 What is it ? What can it write? Where does he pla

8、y basketball everyday?Step 3 Practice (操练)【任务1】 做老师发下去的练习题集。Step4 Homework (作业)结合今日所学继续做相关练习。四、板书设计复习专题句型转换1、 陈述句变为一般疑问句(1) 当句子的谓语动词为be动词或情态动词时,可直接将be动词或情态动词移到句首。It is a dog. It can write.Is it a dog? Can it write? Yes, it is. Yes, it can. No, it isnt. No, it cant.(2) 当句子的谓语动词是行为动词时,需要借助助动词do/does放在

9、句首(有了助动词,后面的行为动词用原形)。He plays basketball everyday. Does he play basketball everyday? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.注:对一般疑问句进行简单回答时,要坚持“用什么动词问就用什么动词回答”。2、 陈述句变为否定句。(1) 当句子的谓语动词为be动词或情态动词时,可直接在be动词或情态动词后加“not”。It is a dog. It can write.It is not a dog. It can not write. (2) 当句子的谓语动词行为动词时,需要借助助动词do/does来加not(dont/ doesnt)并放在该行为动词前面。He plays basketball everyday. He doesnt play basketball everyday.3、 特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句语序 What is it ? What can it write? Where does he play basketball everyday?1



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