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1、涂装工艺英语注塑机:Injection喷油:Spraying丝印:Net Printing烫金:Bronzing大件喷柜:Spraying booth塑胶无尘涂装生产线:Plastic Dust-free Painting Production Line无尘生产车间:Dust-free Painting Workshop产品:Products工人正在喷涂电视机外壳:The worker is spraying the Television outer shell供风系统:Dust-free painting starts with air purification排风系统:Painting R

2、oom Gas Treatment打磨:Burnish; rubbing; sanding丝印:Net Printing喷嘴:nozzle 施工粘度Working viscosity喷涂压力:spray pressure喷枪距离:spray distance喷涂轨迹:spray track雾化:atomization挥发速度:volatilizate speed喷枪口径: spray gun caliber手动除尘:The worker is doing away with the dust无尘喷涂室:Dust-free spray booth水转印:Water Transfer Printi

3、ngUV固化线:Automatic UV Light Drying Equipment各类塑胶产品喷涂展示:The plastics rubber springs the product of the paint电视机外壳:TV set casing提供机械性能测试报告:Provide mechanical test report低温跌落测试:Cold drop test常温跌落测试:Normal drop test检验电性能:Check electrical performance涂料专业术语涂层:coating涂料:coating涂膜: film coating溶剂 Solvent稀释剂

4、Thinner丙烯酸 Acrylic树脂 Resin丙烯酸 Acrylic Resin环氧树脂 Epoxy Resin聚酯树脂 Polyester Resin氨基树脂 Amino Resin聚氨酯 polyurethane醇酸树脂 Alkyd Resin热固型和热塑性丙烯酸树脂 Thermosetting & Thermoplastic Acrylic有机和无机颜料 Orgasmic & Inorganic Pigment铝粉浆 Aluminum Paste铜金粉(浆) Bronze powder(Paste)色浆 Colorant蜡粉(浆) Wax powder(Dispersion)玻璃珠

5、 Glass Bead流平剂 Leveling Agent硅类消泡剂 Deformer附着力促进剂 Adhesion Promoter颜料分散剂 Dispersing Agent(dispersant)UV固化涂料 UV-curing Paints卷材涂料 Coil Coating粘合剂 Adhesives塑胶材料 Plastic material金属材料 Metal material配 方 formulation性 能 Performance耐磨性 Abrasion performance喷涂性 Applicability附着力 Adhesion硬度 Hardness表干 Touch Dry

6、硬干 hard Dry固体份 NON-Volatile比重 Specific Gravity粘度 Viscosity细度 Fineness厚度 Thickness漆膜外观 Appearance颜色 Color光泽 Gloss包装 Parking 批号 Batch. NO检测 Back-check底漆 Primer清漆 varnish不良缺陷专业术语脆化 embitterment 丝状腐蚀 fibril corrosion 针孔状腐蚀 corrosion pin-holes 生白锈 white-rusting 生锈 rusting 长霉 mildew-growing 粉化 chalking 剥落

7、 peeling 龟裂 crack; map cracking; tear; worming ,crocodilian :龟裂形成:crack formation龟裂增大: crack growth深裂 deep cracks 小裂 crazing 细裂 checking 微裂 hair-cracking 开裂 cracking 起泡 blistering 软化 softening 溶胀 swelling 变白 whitening 失光 loss of gloss 起霜 blooming 破坏 perishing ;failure漂白 bleaching 漆膜变色 discoloration

8、of film 刷痕 brush mark 收缩 shrinkage缩孔 cratering厚边 fat edge 漏涂区 miss coating接痕 lapping defect 咬底 lifting 渗色 bleeding 不盖底(露底) non-hiding 闪光 flashing 起霜花 frosting 爆孔 popping 沉淀 settling 有粗粒 seed 返粗 pig ski 发花 floating 浮色 flooding 起气泡 bubbling 针孔 pinholes 起皱 wrinkling 橘皮 orange skin 发白 blushing 流挂 runs;

9、sags; curtains 丝纹 ropiness 发浑 clouding 原漆变色 discoloration of paints or varnish增稠 thickening 变稠 fattening 絮凝 flocculation 胶化 gelling 结皮 skinning 相容性 compatibility助剂 adjuvant; aids组份 component;耐磨性 abrasive resistance耐冲击性 resistance to shock耐冲刷性 abrasion resistance耐醇性 alcohol resistance耐腐蚀 corrosion re

10、sistance耐热性 heat resistance耐寒性 freeze resistance耐湿性 wet fastness试验设备英语:品管仪器表 Equipment for Quality Control Dept制造厂家 Manufacturer数量 Quantity规格 Specification天平 Balance电子天平 Electric Balance数位温度计 Digital Thermometer膜厚仪 Coating Thickness Measuring Instrument落球试验(冲击试验) Falling Ball Impact Test数码相机 Digital

11、 camera塞规 Pin Gauge拉力计 Thrustor微电脑恒温恒湿试验机 Programmable temperature and humidity chamber气相色谱仪Gas Chromatograph machine拉伸试验机tension testing machine喷枪spray gun压力罐 overhead tank压缩空气管 pressure hose恒温恒湿机 constant temperature and constant humidity testing machine 高低温试验机 High-low temperature testing apparat

12、us 涂装废气处理设备 Coating waste gas processing equipment 涂装废水处理设备 Coating waste liquid processing equipment 喷涂机器人Painting robot 无尘喷房Dust-free spray booth 注塑机:Injection丝印:Net Printing烫金:Bronzing超声波:Ultrasonic wave; supersonic wave高周波设备:High-frequency equipment电脑镭射雕刻: CNC laser engraving machines电脑数控磨床:CNC

13、grinding machines 电脑数控车床:CNC lathes火花机:CNC Sparking EDM线切割机:CNC Wire CUTEDM大件喷柜:Spraying booth供风系统:Dust-free painting starts with air purification排风系统:Painting Room Gas Treatment手动除尘:The worker is doing away with the dust无尘喷涂室:Dust-free spray booth水转印:Water Transfer PrintingUV固化线:Automatic UV Light

14、Drying Equipment著 名 涂 料 企 业:AKAO NOBEL 阿克苏. 诺贝尔 荷兰ICI 帝国化学 英国PPG Industries 玻璃工业 美国Henkel 汉高 德国Du pont 杜邦 美国BASF 巴斯夫 德国Nippon paint 立邦 日本Kansai 关西 日本Total 托塔 法国3M 3M 美国Korea chemical 韩国化学 韩国Dainippon Ink Chemical 大日本油墨 日本颜色中英文对照red 红色white 白色black 黑色brown 棕色yellow 黄色 green 绿色blue 蓝色orange 橙色silver 银色pink 粉红色 salmon pink 橙红色 baby pink 浅粉红色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 brown 褐色,茶色 beige 灰



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