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1、全新版第二版综合B2U4-Part Lisning Comprenson ( 1miues) SectionAiections: Ithis secion,yuill r tentatemen ubes 1 6 re baedn Text while teret arebasdonTxt B. Eacsatemn wi be read NY ONCE. Lisn caeflan deid hether ehtatement i tue r fle.1.A)T) F Scpt: or the lattwo yers, Ihav donmuc of my ork as a tleomuter. 对

2、旳答案: B2.A)B) Scrit: hae spnt aslngas hiren wees ae at me, n ot onlytoget ail andbuy nwspprs andgrocee 对旳答案: B3.A) TB) F Scrit: I art fee as thog Ive eoeone wth machins, takng datain, sng m ackout, ju oher nk i heNet. 对旳答案: A4.) TB) F Sp: Ocyustar elacing realhma contact ih cyer-intracon,comn ack ut

3、f the cecanb uitiffcut. 对旳答案: A.A) TB) F Scrip: realed wimportantdaiy ruti i: dresi for work, spg rmal hours. 对旳答案:B6.A)B) F crit:I bega to unestand why ln-term nemloymntn be somagin, w lfe withut anxernal suptd daiy plan cnlea to igher es orug abue, rime, suiide. 对旳答案: 7.A) TB) Sript: It s te sunof

4、 th ony lasting dsagrem na household that is otherwi pefu. 对旳答案: A8.A)F Sipt: But on op ofha ha ltelystrdspndingmewo hor in ntecomnicati with a computer. 对旳答案:9.A) B)F ript: Tepartyenton as planned 对旳答案: 10) TB) cript: Argung wit a aughtr islways kethat, o anong. 对旳答案: Section B Drectns: n this ecti

5、on, you will hara paae hree ties.We hepassg is rd for he first time, yushoul lincrefullforits eeal idea Whe the pasgeis read forhe scondim, you are reuire o fn the answit the exact wors yu havejst hard. Finaly,whethasge israd fo e hir tim, you shdchec wa ouhvewrit. Thnternet n lyin an (11)_roe n the

6、 (12)_connection adcommucation. Leters, teepone cals,lxes, faxe, areno loner he only way t cmunicate. Instead,one an (3)_ ter by e-mail, net cht, BB, IRC, AVEN, U-Seeeadson with hehelp ofhe(14)_ or exl, during he rodofSARS, stuents eiing ha o b sent away fro schl.s areult, their choleucation ws focd

7、 to be (15)_. weve, new fvorhlped solve te problem. Do you know how?(16)_ eInere, a wsytm cled Edcionn-lnewas being aried ot. Withther PC a home, tudens cuid arod their scol()_ erely by (18)_ theIP adrss Here, (19)_ lctures, materils, eeises nd howo are (2)_ on-lie.Scrpt: The Intrnet s nw laying an

8、esseni roln the interpson conein ad communiaton.Lettrs, tlphncalls, telexs, fxe, ec. a o ong theonly ays to comniae. Ised,one cn ave cotact ith othrby -mail, netc, BS, IR, MAVEN, CU-Mean n withth lp of teIerne.For eape, du the priod fSARS,tudent i Beijig ht be ntaway rosh. Aa rel,their school ucaona

9、s focdto be cutof. Hweve, a new flavor elpd sov t robm.Doyou knowow? ktthe Inerne, nwsytm cald Educaon On-line was bng caied ot. itheir PCs athome, stdent cuise around tei schoolwesites merely by inutting the I addeses. Hre, uffiient lecture,mterial, eerciesahomewr are vilab ointII adngoprehn ( 25 m

10、intes ) Setion A Dirctis: n thisecto, there is aassge i sva blk. You are rquired toselectone ord r eachblankfrom listo chces gvn i aword bank folloingthe passe. d th asag tou rfl efore makigour chi. Eacchiceine bank is identifiedby a letter. oumy nt use any f the words i the bank oe tan oce. Id ever

11、relied how importntdaiy routine : ressing f w, sepig norml hors. neer touhI releso mch co-wors for copn. begant undestand ylng-trm nepoyent cn beso 21 , why lie whou an exeralsuppore dailyplan can 2 t hiherras of rg 2 ,crime, suic.o24 lnceto my lie, I oc ysefbac into he 25 wrl I allpeople, range to met ith thefewminingfren havfld ew YrkCity. Itry to 26 eto hegym, so t st part e eeendfrothe t f mywek I 7 iterviews or stois, drs appoinms nythg to geme 2 the houe n cnnctedth othrs.But somtimesbeing



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