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1、英语作文原筹划月份去云南【篇一:云南一游英语作文】 高三英语作文:my tip to yunnan lst sumr holida,i took a tripto unan.i s thoutern art of or untry .itis really a verybeautifu pacegran mouains, eaniers ad kind people reeand flw are seen eerywhere every yea tere re o nd otsof visioraybeyou ave hear about shi li (stn forts).ther are

2、 all kinds of srangeston. se of themall nes loklikegacefl irl; nd the g toneslo like handome menohstones lok lke cts, eafwl,doube-edge sords, mie, elehants ad so on. of al he tne, t stoneikeabeautiul r n a leen i te most famous .t name asha. i alo ntto i jiangte oad thtty re ust like th eght iagaman

3、yrad in th city oes to thecnt ofi jig. a rver runs throu the ole ctyf yo g aon he rier, yul ever get lost. there aremny ethnciorty eope in yunnan. th are veycori.and thy all ksingingan dncing.e dancedwithtemarun he campfire hatnih. i raly had a gootime. ikethe lepnt n fruits hee best.aelephant s evn

4、 taler ha me! eve mountedteleant,hugh iws verafraidatirst. t elphat seemed very fiedly. ioo smephotosith it te fruits ee are ey fsh nd dlious. theyevry god fo hathth tip o yunan imprssed e reatly. will neer forgt t.【篇二:我对新学期的筹划云南中考英语作文】 mplan or he ong shol yerhneterm s coming.frthe nw trm, have so

5、ne plas. irt,iwl lten to eachercarefll in cas antake god note. second, i will d m omwrkymyelf a not watch oouch tvat hom. en, i try mest tostdy llhe suect wl. s, i wilea more ruit and vegetbles. also, i wloenoug exese tok heathy.ear fens, wat do y thn ofy new lan?t abotyour?lets sare wttogethr!【篇三:英

6、语作文】(课标全国)一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”、请根据下列规定和你的想象完毕短文、1、家庭,2、工作,、业余生活。 (.陕西)假定你是中学生李华。 美国一种中学校长代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周 的一项活动。请根据写作要点和写作规定写一篇欢迎词。写作要点: 1. 表达对客人的欢迎; 2.简介此项活动(如活动的目的、内容等).体现对客人的祝愿。写作规定:1 词数不少于100;2.称呼语已经给出,请写欢迎词正文; . 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。 ear ameican uests, onbhalf of our school, woldiketo expressourarme

7、lcome toyou. weare uy o ave youeri th midle of our engish wee ctivies.as scheduld,we ve enlishtalent ow . the urse of tis progamme s to dvelop our inrest inenlish laning nd pcticlabilitie stening and eakng. the progam cosssof theollowinactivities:recton,singig, word speling,soytllg so n theshw will

8、begn ato olocktis aftnoo the student cenr dear uests, yua wecme to take par insome actviies. i op tuds willbeneit from your pesence. i increly wi you aplent time wih us.thankyou. (重庆)青少年研究专家sun becam在自己的英文网站上开辟专栏,邀请人们分享心目中的”最好礼物”。她觉得,礼物贵在心意,应为之付出时间和精力。 假设你是李华,请用英文发帖,内容应涉及:赞同susa的见解 你收到或送出的最佳的物是什么该礼物

9、的意义 期待人们答复注意:()词数不少于80; (2)符合语言规范; (3)在答题卡上作答; ()开头已给出(不计人总词数)。 i-m_high_school_tudent_rm_hna.recny-i-hae-ra-an-atclwrttn-by-snbacham,w-thin-het-a-f-sutabl-lies-n-nits-vaue-btinhe-ivershear,ad-thate-ive-huld-evtetm-and-enery-toth-gft-i-agre-wthssan,woearticleremins-mof-m-stgift,-pen,gve-bmy-fathe,wh

10、owas-a-worker.wh-i-wa-n-junior-mdle-hoo,my-ter-ougtmeanic-en-wih-is-smallsalary,wishing-e-to-sudy-hrd.-from-te-,thepen-ha-ben-my-est-copno,oragin-to-tudy-hard.i-a-lokig-o-ward-toevryonesrey. 如果你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津,得知美国学生chrs作为互换生,下学期将到你班学习。请你根据如下提示,给她写封邮件: (1)表达欢迎;(2)简介与本地生活有关的信息(如气候、饮食等); (3)简介本班状况; (

11、4)但愿chris做哪些事情,以增进中美学生间的理解和友谊。注意: (1)请勿提及与考生有关的真实信息;(2)可合适加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; (3)词数不少于1;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参照词汇:互换生hngtudnt derchis,im_li_ji,_monitor_o_class_n,gde_ve.delighedtoheathatyowillcometurschoaanexchngstudentextem.ifeeltannorforuttudwthyu.oihavsometingttellyofrsty,withheclimechanging,ousouldrepar

12、eeoughthes.theitiifenkndsoffoodsannaksthagiveyutechanctoexeiencbundantchneefooculturinaddition,eestudntcnbeihronywithoreinfriends,whihmaesiteasyforyoutogalongihhem. asbtotlet,wandowhatwcantohlpy,butouusgetprepaedtomeetllkindodifficltie.driyorstayhee,hopeoucantellsoraboutamercanlure.onlybyunsandingdleanifroeahothenwesendhesedayogehpil. yours,ljin注意;信的昂首与落款已给出(不计入词数)。 ar_r._wa, knowigtaturlraryisgongobuyboos,idliegesomesuggtins wtwneedmosarpoulrsceneboksuallyopuarscecbooksexplainascprncleonateinasipeaniterstgwy.theyhpsunderstandsciecebjtbetteraousourcrioity


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