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1、 中考英语感叹句引导词试题整理汇集(带答案)2012 Of course! _beautiful lanterns!A. What B. How C. What a【答案】A【解析】选A。考察感慨句的用法。此处感慨句的中心词是名词lanterns,引导词应当用what,并且由于lanterns是可数名词复数,因此不再用冠词a。应选A。【2022贵州铜仁】23. Tongren Daily Paper! Todays Tongren Daily Paper!“Students nutrition (养分)meal will be done research(调研)for in Tongren C

2、ity.” _ exciting news! A. what a B. what an C. what D. how【答案】C【解析】考察感慨句用法。感慨句的构造为:What a an+adj. + 名词+主语+谓语!;What +不行数名词或者可数名词的复数形式+ 主语+谓语+其他! How+adj. +主语+谓语! exciting是形容词,news是不行数名词。应选C。【2022贵州贵阳】35. “_ delicious the ice cream is! Could you give me one more?” “Sure.” A. What B. How C. What a 【答案】

3、B考察感慨句引导词的用法。what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词或副词。delicious意为“美味的,可口的”,是形容词。依据句意:冰激凌是多么好吃呀!可以再给我一个吗?固然可以了。应选B.【2022.安徽省】50. -I”m going to a party on Thursday night at Jimmy”s house.-_! Youll have two tests at school on Friday.A. It”s nice to say so B. That”s excitingC. Enjoy yourself D. You can”t be serious 2022 湖

4、北黄石】33._an exciting basketball match! Miami Heat beat New York Knicks at last. A.How B.What C.That D.So【答案】B【2022湖北随州】31._ good advice the teacher gave me!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a【答案】B【2022湖北孝感】35. Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan, because its island.A. so a beautiful B. so bea

5、utiful C. such a beautiful D. a such beautiful【答案】C【2022湖南常德】27. Woo! _ beautiful Changde is!A. How B. What C. What a【答案】A【2022江苏淮安】3. nice the ice cream looks! I cant wait to taste it.A. How a B. How C. What a D. What【答案】B【2022江苏盐城】9. children Simon and Jim are! They help Mrs. Li clean the house ev

6、ery day.A. How nice B. How brave C. What nice D. What brave【答案】C【2022江苏扬州】2.Its said that a foreign English teacher will teach us English next term.Wow! ! We can practice our oral English better.A. What an excited news B. How excited the news isC. What exciting news D. How exciting news【答案】C【2022 内蒙

7、古包头】33. Did you enjoy the party last night? Very much. wonderful the party was! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a【答案】B【2022年福建省福州市】44. - Steve, did you see the lantern show when you were in Fuzhou? - Of course ! _beautiful lanterns ! A. What B. How C. What a 【答案】A【2022湖北襄阳】37. _ fine day! Shall we g

8、o for a walk? That sounds great! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 【答案】C【2022 山东滨州】21. Listen! Someone is playing _ piano.Wow! _beautiful music! I like it very much A. a; what B. an; How C. the; What D. /; How 【答案】C 【2022山东济南】45. _ hard Tony is working! Yes. We should learn from him.A. What B. How C

9、. What a D. How a45.B【解析】考察感慨句的用法。中心词为副词hard,故填 how。句意“托尼工作多努力啊!”【2022四川凉山】( ) 32. This math problem is so difficult that only she can work it out._ clever the girl is!A. How B. What a C. What【答案】A【2022四川南充】( ) 29. _ weather! Its raining! Bad luck! We cant go climbing today. A. What bad B. How bad C

10、. What fine 【答案】A2022四川自贡】37. - A subway will be built in our hometown before 2022. - _ ! Will it pass my house? A. What an excited news B. What exciting news C. How exciting news 【答案】B【2022四川雅安市】11._ bad weather it is! The students cant go outside.A. What a B. How a C. How D. What【答案】D【2022贵州黔东南州】2

11、8. -_ nice dress it is ! - Thank you! A, What a B. What C. How D. How a 【答案】A【2022贵州铜仁】23. Tongren Daily Paper! Todays Tongren Daily Paper!“Students nutrition (养分)meal will be done research(调研)for in Tongren City.” _ exciting news! A. what a B. what an C. what D. how【答案】C【2022湖南省岳阳】 28 . How is the movie“Snow White and the Huntsman” ? _wonderful movie it is! A. How B. How a C. What a【答案】C【2022山东东营市】32. excellent basketball player Jeremy Lin (林书豪)is! I really love this talented guy. A. How B. What C. How a D. What an 【答案】D



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