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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)单项选择第一组1I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.Is that a_B_?Im sure Ill get the bike.AchanceBpromiseCtrickDtreat2Lindas father hates waiting in long lines.I think hes just not very_A_Apatient Btalented Cpopular Dpowerful3David is a good boy.He always makes_D_mis

2、takes than others.Alittle Bless Cfew Dfewer4Lets go swimming_D_going hiking,shall we?Good idea.Aas well as Bin order toCin addition to Dinstead of5How far is your cousins home from here?Its about two_C_ride.Ahours Bhours Chours Dhour6Mr.Li,I cant understand everything in class.Dont worry!Well _B_the

3、 main points at the end.Arecord BreviewCrequire Dremember7Lets open the windows to have some_C_air in here.(2015,天津)Acheap BnervousCfresh Dcareful8You bought a new car!An American car?No.A Chinese car.It_C_in Changchun.Amakes BmadeCwas made Dwill be made9_B_beautiful skirt!Thank you.AWhat BWhat a CH

4、ow DHow a10The math teacher get angry with me when I did not _C_him in class yesterday.Alook for Btake careCpay attention to Dfall asleep11Did it take you a lot of time_C_ English last weekend?No.I went to the countryside to see my grandfather.Aprcticing speaking Bpracticing spokenCto practice speak

5、ing Dpractice spoken12Excuse me.Could you please tell me_B_ my car?Sure.Park it right here.Ill help you.Ahow to stop Bwhere to parkCwhere to stop Dwhen to park13I dont remember_A_ the book yesterday.Awhere I put Bwhere did I putCwhere will I put Dwhere I will put14Do you know_A_?For a month.(2015,天津

6、)Ahow long will she be awayBhow long she will be awayChow often will she go thereDhow often she will go there15Hi,Mike!Hows it going?_A_(2015,孝感)ANot bad BGood ideaCI think so DOf course第二组1Mum,I have a bad headache.I feel terrible.Oh,dear!You must get a cold.Youd better see_A_after breakfast.(2015,

7、襄阳)Aa doctor Ba violinistCa policeman Dan engineer2If we work harder,Im sure to_B_our dreams.Acause Bachieve Cinvent Dmake3The biscuit_D_good.I want to eat some more.Aturns Bsounds Cfeels Dtastes4The price of the sweater is very_D_ and it looks nice.Ill take it.Aexpensive BcheapChigh Dlow5We are ver

8、y interested in this poem.It_A_the writers love for his hometown.Aexpresses BdiscussesCexpects Dimagines6Whos that woman?Is it Ms. Li?It_C_be her.She has gone to Britain.Amay Bmust Ccant Dmustnt7Did you catch the first subway this morning?No,I didnt.It had started moving_D_I could get on it.(2015,襄阳

9、)Asince BafterCas soon as Dbefore8At school,we are taught_C_knowledge_how to behave well.(2015,青岛)Aneither,nor Beither,orCnot only,but also Dnot,but9Which songs do you like better,Lucy?I prefer the song Little Apple_A_can attract many people.(2015,黄冈)Athat Bwho Cwhom Dwhere10These problems are too h

10、ard to_C_Will you give me some advice?There are many ways.The most important is to have a careful plan.(2015,孝感)Ahand out Blook outCwork out Dbreak out11He doesnt_B_others at all,and he thinks only of himself.Acomplain about Bcare aboutClearn about Dhear about12All the students in our class went to

11、the cinema _C_Li Ping.Why?Because he had a stomachache.Awith Bbeside Cexcept Dafter13Students are supposed_A_school uniforms on school days.Ato wear BwearingCwear Dto wearing14Hurry up,or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park._A_We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins.(2015,广

12、东)ATake it easy BGood luckCI guess so DTake care15I wonder_C_Yes,of course.(2015,德州)Awhere we can buy the pantsBhow often you hear from your sisterCif I may have a word with youDwhy he arrived late yesterday第三组1Mr. Smith is_C_old man and he usually walks his dog after_supper.(2015,河南)Aa,the Ban,a Ca

13、n,/ Dthe,/2Well meet at eight oclock.Dont keep me_B_a long time.Awaiting Bwaiting forCwait for Dwait3Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she cant keep it to_C_and wants to share it with her friends.(2015,河南)Ashe Bher Cherself Dhers4How about climbing the hill?I would rather_A_along the river th

14、an_the hill.Im a bit tired.Awalk,climb Bwalking,climbingCwalking,to climb Dwalk,to climb5Didnt you remember_B_me two years ago?Ameet Bmeeting Cto meet Dmet6In France you_B_put bread on the table.You are not supposed to put it on the plate.Ashouldnt Bare supposed toCwould like to Dwill7Is this dictionary Mings?(2015,达州)Yes.Please remember _B_it to him when you finish _ the words.Ato return, to l


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