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1、欧洲文化入门复习题I. ompet eac o ollin etenes ith thmost lkelyanse. (考题,每题1分)1. In _ theRoman cnuered reeeA. 120B. . 00 B. C. 146. D.Th5th entury2. Wch of thefollowig wors ribed thewr led bygammnon agains thcit of Try?A Oediute Kig Blad C. dsey . Atigone3. Whic of the foloin is NOT hpays wrtte y Aeschl?. Ani

2、oe B. Aamemnon C. Prsans D Pometheusoun4. Whicho te fllowingis NOT the plaswritn by Sphocles?A.Electra BAtigone C. Trojan Woman D Oedips thing5. Who was thefounder o sietific matheati?A. Hercit . Aistote C Socrates .Pythago6. Who is fly note for his dotrine ta“mn temeasur of all ting”?A. Protgora B

3、Pyhaora C. rrhon D. Epicus11. Wh woe, “I cme, Isaw, I cnered”?. orc B. Julius Csa Vig . Marc Tullius Cicro12. Th authorfthephlsophicl oe n Nar of things s _. irgil . Jus Caesar Coace . Lucreius13. hich of th olloing i not Rman aitet?A TheColoeum B.The Pntenon C. The Parheon . on duGrd14. Who wr, “ai

4、ve reece o he ud cnquerr tive”?A Sppo B. Plat C. Vrl D. Horae15. hic of thellowngis by fr the mostifluential in theet?_A. Buis B.Islamism C Crisianity Judas16. The OldTestamet onsist of3os, the oldes and mtiornt of whic are th first fveboo, clled _.A. xods B. onts C.Ao D. Petaeh19. frhe_ centrNestoi

5、nisreacd Cin.A.sxth B. fifth C. seond D.hird20. hih othe flloigero maeriinity the official religin of h empi and outlawe alother reliis? _A. Teodoiu . ugusts C. ostatn D.ro Caesar21. hich o te follwig emeror issued theEdct fMiln a madehisinty lgalin 313? _A. Auguss .Teois . Nro D. ConsntneI22. At th

6、e ge o 30, JsChist eie he baptismt th handsof _.A.St. Pte B. t. au C. Jo apts D ohnWyiff23. By 69, hewho of th ible hd ee trnsld n_lnages.A 28 B. 974 .1202 D.15424. Whn printing was invented nte150, the _ ibleashe irst ompletewk prnd.A. Englsh . Latn C. Aramic D.Hbw25. hndid the stnardAmera editionf

7、 the Revisd erson appea? _A 1885 B. 11 C. 1901 D.19927. The MidleAge i also called te _.A. “Age o risin” .“A of Lieratur”C. “e ofHolSpir” D. “Age of ath”28. Acordi to thecode ofchvalr,whic of te fwig i nt pledged to dofor akni? _ATo lal thiso B.Tofight o te curchC. To y itho question thordes fthabtD

8、. To respet womn f nobe brt29. Whn waa ne co asa knhtnthe iddle Ages in esr upe? _A. At the age of1. Wen he astauht oaysprays,leredgod manners aranerand fothe ladies.C. At a secal cremn kown as dbin.D Wehe wapledgedto fght for t crc.30. Underfedalim, what wre the thee lasses of peole ofwestern Erope

9、?_A. crgy, knigt ad serf B Pop,bishop and peaa. cry, lord ndpeasas D. knihts,obles ad ser31. B hich ya te Moslems ad take over he lat Chrian tngld n wonhe crusads andruled all th erritory inPleti tht te cradersadfought ocontrol? _A. 0 B 1254 C 196 .129137. Whih of the follwngwas cowne “Emporf theoma

10、ns” by the Po in 8?_A. St. Thomas Aqunas B. CharlemageC Constantin . Kg aes38. Who ihe auhor o theOpus Mis? _A oger B B. Dante Aigiei C.Caucer D St Thms Aqins41. hich of the follwing wos is rite by Bcacco? _.Deaeron B. Canzonrs aid oes42. Wo s th autrof the ping, etr of das? _ Gioto Bunellechi .Doatell D. Giorgioe43. Whicho fling Hgh Renasncristss th fatero te moer ode ofantn?_A. Raphe BTitin C. d ii D. ichelanelo44.


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