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1、拜昂论投射性认同节选自李孟潮,感应转化移情炼金术与投射认同一书。4.1.2 拜昂(Wilfred Bion):双元投射性认同虽然在Klein后期著作中,她已经把其理论扩展到整个人类发展的普遍规律。但是毕竟是拜昂,把投射性认同之概念进行了具有革命意义的扩大,投射性认同,在他这里,开始了正常化和双元化的旅程。Bion 在其理论框架中,一方面是紧跟弗洛伊德派的,如他和弗洛伊德等人一样,认为反移情是分析师的病态反应。( Bion, 1962a, p. 24; 1963, p. 8). 另外一方面,通过“投射性认同”这个概念,他实际上在实践中,利用反移情在工作,(Bion, 1959;Bion, 195

2、5a) 从而让他自己成为了双人心理学的先驱之一。Bion对投射性认同的思想,一般文献中都是聚焦于1959年的对链接的攻击和1962年的从体验中学习,但是本书会稍微扩充一下,涉及其他文献。1955a,团体动力:综述(Group dynamics: a review)1955年,他提出,分析师要善于区分自己的反移情是否是投射性认同导致,在投射性认同中,分析师会感到自己被控制和操纵了,不得不扮演起患者幻想中的一个角色,而且会暂时地丧失自己的领悟力。【“Now the experience of counter-transference appears to me to have quite a di

3、stinct quality which should enable the analyst to differentiate the occasion when he is the object of a projective identification from the occasion when he is not. The analyst feels he is being manipulated so as to be playing a part, no matter how difficult to recognize, in somebodys sic elses phant

4、asy or he would do if it were not for what in recollection I can only call a temporary loss of insight, a sense of experiencing strong feelings and at the same time a belief that their existence is adequately justified by the objective situation without recourse to recondite explanation of their cau

5、sation.”】(Bion, 1955a, p. 446) 同样在1955年的的语言和精神分裂这(Language and the schizophrenic)一文中, Bion (1955b) 描述了对精神病患者的治疗过程中,他使用投射性认同来进行解释的例子。1957a,人格精神病和非精神病部分的区分( Differentiation of the psychotic from the non -psychotic personalities)1957年的时候,拜昂主要强调的是精神病患者的病理性投射性认同中的攻击性成分。他认为,精神病患者对攻击性的控制能力较弱,从而这些攻击性就显得非常强大

6、,精神病患者甚至能够把爱转换成虐待。(Bion, 1957)1959a , 团体体验(Experiences in Groups) 1959b, 对链接的攻击(Attacks on linking) 1959年的论文对链接的攻击(Attack on linking)中,拜昂记叙到,在一次治疗中,他观察到患者试图把死亡的恐惧强加给他自己,这时他想,如果这些恐惧能够在分析师这里停驻一阵子,它们就会以修正的形式被重新内摄。如果分析师不能够接受这些投射的感受,患者就会把这些感受强加到自己身上,这些感受的强度和暴力性都会提高。他说“分析情景在我头脑中建立起目睹极早期情景的感受。我感到患者在婴儿期曾经有如

7、此体验,母亲对婴儿的情感展现以一种尽职地方式回应。这种尽职回应中有个不耐烦地成分就是我不知道这孩子有什么问题。我的推论是为了理解孩子需要什么,母亲应该是认为孩子的哭喊不仅仅是要求母亲在场。从婴儿的观点来看,她应该是能吸收,并且体验到孩子正在死亡的恐惧,就是这种恐惧是孩子不能容纳的。”婴儿努力把这种恐惧以及和这种恐惧相联系的人格分裂出来,并投射进入母亲之中。(The analytic situation built up in my mind a sense of witnessing an extremely early scene. I felt that the patient had e

8、xperienced in infancy a mother who dutifully responded to the infants emotional displays.The dutiful response had in it an element of impatient I dont know whats the matter with the child. My deduction was that in order to understand what the child wanted the mother should have treated the infants c

9、ry as more than a demand for her presence.From the infants point of view she should have taken into her, and thus experienced, the fear that the child was dying.It was this fear that the child could not contain. He strove to split it off together with the part of the personality in which it lay and

10、project it into the mother. An understanding mother is able to experience the feeling of dread, that this baby was striving to deal with by projective identification, and yet retain a balanced outlook. )”(Bion, 1959b)通过对这种把临床过程和母亲-婴儿关系不断对比,Bion得出结论,故而在病人和分析师之间的链接,或者在婴儿与乳房之间的链接,就是投射性认同的机制。(Thus the l

11、ink between patient and analyst, or infant and breast, is the mechanism of projective identification)。这里我们看到,投射性认同就不再是一个单纯的自我防御机制,而是具有建立起客体关系意义的架构心理结构的发展性的机制了,也就是Michael Fordham说的自性防御机制。对链接的攻击(Attack on linking)被公认是投射性认同历史早期文献中最重要的一篇,文中Bion给出了一个投射性认同的定义,“投射性认同,是她给予如此一机制的名称通过此机制,人格的各部分被分裂开,并且投射进入到外在客

12、体中(projective identification, which is the name she gives to the mechanism by which parts of the personality are split off and projected into external objects).”请注意,Bion这里的用词是“外在客体”,而在Klein派的词汇中,客体一般都是指内在客体或客体表象。如果是投射进入到外在客体,这显然是双人心理学的观点。但是紧接着的下一句,Bion又回到单人心理学的立场上,他说幻想性对乳房的攻击,是所有对客体攻击的原型,投射性认同是精神系统用

13、来处置由于自我的摧毁性而造成的自我碎片的机制。(“I shall discuss phantasied attacks on the breast as the prototype of all attacks on objects that serve as a link and projective identification as the mechanism employed by the psyche to dispose of the ego fragments produced by its destructiveness.”)Bion还提出,通过投射性认同,分析师会感到受到了操

14、纵,不得不在别人的幻想中扮演起一个角色。但是,投射性认同除了是一种幻想外,还是一种一个人对另外一个人的操纵,是一种人际交流模式。投射性认同是个别治疗和集体交流中最重要的互动形式。对某些分裂症的患者来说,投射性认同就是病人和分析师的联接方式,就像婴儿和乳房的关系一样,对联接的攻击是来自治疗师或乳房的。(Thus the link between patient and analyst, or infant and breast, is the mechanism of projective identification.The destructive attacks upon this link

15、 originate in a source external to the patient or infant, namely the analyst or breast. The result is excessive projective identification by the patient and a deterioration of his developmental processes.)而对另外一些分裂者来说,联接是分析师内摄投射性认同的能力,攻击是对母亲-分析师的这种能力(即平静心态)的攻击(Here we have another aspect of destructi

16、ve attacks upon the link, the link being the capacity of the analyst to introject the patients projective identifications. Attacks on the link, therefore, are synonymous with attacks on the analysts, and originally the mothers, peace of mind .(Bion, 1959a, 1959b)在分析一个个案的时候,他甚至提出来投射性认同是一种沟通方式这一观点(the destroyer is making an attack on projective identification which is felt by the patient to be


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