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1、The Three Goats一、教学目标语言知识目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组goat,middle,troll, mean, sleepy, cross the bridge, lots of grass。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型So what? Im not scared. Dont eat me .Eat Middle Goat. Hes big.并能初步运用该句型进行对话交流。语言能力目标1.能正确理解绘本故事,用正确的语音语调朗读对并尝试分角色表演。2.培养学生语言实际运用能力。3.培养学生交流与合作的能力。4.培养学生用英语思维的能力。情感态度目标1.通过学习,引导学

2、生学会互相帮助、与人为善。2.培养学生持续学习英语的动力和热情,培养孩子勇于尝试,不畏困难的精神。 二、重点难点1.能听懂、会说、会读句型Cross the bridge. So what? Im not scared.并能初步运用该句型进行交流对话。2.能正确理解绘本故事,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并尝试分角色表演。 三、教学过程 Step 1. Warming-up1.Free talkT: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Lets play a guessing game.I draw a picture on the blackboard. You gu

3、ess what it is. Ss: OK.T:It has small eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. It sounds like“Baa.” . What is it?S: Its a goat.T: The goat is very big and strong. And his horns are big too. So his name is Big Goat.T: What about this one? Hes very little. So his name is.S: Little Goat.T: This goat is not

4、very big or very little. Can you guess his name?S: Middle Goat.T: Great! What do they like eating?S: They like eating grass.T: But do they have any grass here? S: No, they dont. T: Yes. Lets watch.【设计思路:通过Free talk知道山羊的名字。 观看动画,让孩子们对山羊的处境有个初步了解。】Step 2. Presentation1.T:The goats are very hungry. So,

5、 what are they looking at?S:The grass on the hill.T:They want to.S:Eat the grass. 2.T: Theres a river here. The river is very long and deep. How can they eat the grass? Can they swim there? S: No, they cant. T: Why? S1: Because the goats cant swim. S2: Because the river is too long and deep. S3: Bec

6、ause there is a troll in the river.3.T: How can they cross the bridge? S1: They can cross the bridge. T: Yes. But theres a troll under the bridge 播放动画。 【设计思路:通过动画的呈现,让学生自主理解怪兽的心理。】3. T: The troll is so hungry. He wants to. S2:Eat the goats. T: So, how do they cross the bridge? Read Paragraph1-5 rapi

7、dly. 【设计思路:知道学生快速阅读文本,找出答题关键,并播放动感的音乐,让孩子身临其境,体会山羊过桥的惊险刺激感。】4. T:Little Goat is on the bridge. The troll says. Ss: Im hungry. T: Little Goat says. Ss: Dont eat me. Eat Middle Goat. Hes big. T: The troll doesnt eat Little Goat. Why? Ss: Because he wants to eat Middle Goat. Hes big.5. T: Middle Goat i

8、s on the bridge. The troll says. Ss: Im hungry. T: Middle Goat says. Ss: Dont eat me. Eat Big Goat. Hes very big. T: Does Middle Goat cross the bridge? Ss: Yes, he does. T: The troll doesnt eat Middle Goat. Why? Ss: Because he wants to eat Big Goat. Hes very big.6. T: Big Goat is on the bridge. What

9、 do the do? Read Paragraph7-9 and try to perform.【设计思路:大山羊与怪兽在桥上决斗,是故事的高潮,指导孩子们阅读并体会人物情感,在激昂的音乐中感受打斗的激烈。】7. T:Who can be the troll? And Big Goat?【设计思路:鼓励孩子们表演桥上的打斗场面,理解人物心理。】8. T:Great! Where is the troll now? Ss: Hes in the river. T: Yes. Lets watch the cartoon.9.T: Who is the one to cross the brid

10、ge? Ss: Little Goat. T: Why do they cross the bridge like this? Ss: T: Great. We can see that the troll is very greedy and foolish.10.T: If you were the goats, how will you cross the bridge?Ss: .11. T: The goats say the same words: Im not scared. They arent scared. Really? Ss:12.T: When we meet diff

11、iculty, we should be brave, clever and strong.13.T:The goats are on the hill eating grass. What about the troll? Ss: Hes in the river. T: Hes so hungry. What can he eat? Ss: T: Well done. Lets watch.14. T: Its show time now. Lets perform the story. T: Very good. Everybody, stand up. Lets chant.15.T: Which role do you like best? Why? Do you like the end? Make a new one. Step 3. Homework1.Listen, read and act story.2.Share the story with your parents.板书设计:The Three GoatsLittle Goat brave cleverMiddle Goat brave cleverBig Goat big strongTroll foolish greedy



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